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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Yeah the engines are not changed with the MLU upgrade. structural upgrade and avionics upgrade (To CCIP standard) are done.

Seems like paf is happy with the engine---it is doing a good job for them---why fix if it is not broken. A new engine will mean new headaches---new tools and a new batch of staff to train---what would a new engine bring to the table---not much I guess---stay with the old and reliable.

Seems like paf is happy with the engine---it is doing a good job for them---why fix if it is not broken. A new engine will mean new headaches---new tools and a new batch of staff to train---what would a new engine bring to the table---not much I guess---stay with the old and reliable.

Yep no point to go GE if your fleet is PW based. Plus current engines of both companies a very similar in performance with the GE just a little ahead from what maintenance crews and pilots are posting on F-16.net.
Pakistani's don't worry about Indian defence budget, as its their business, but yeah when Indian members come here and come up with the lines which you just said, then in a counter attack the Indian defence budget and other Indian issues come to life, but as said they are as a counter. India is growing, so will their budget, good luck to them.

And as said, we have the resource and budget when it comes to that, meaning if something dire is needed.

Pakistan armed forces modernization plans are going fine, delays are always there, Pakistan facing it is not the first to see them. The unforeseen events of last 2 years, the military operations scale was not expected, but as thing are now coming to normal and major operations have wined down, the modernization would be on the track, plus major weapon systems have been paid for and the modernization plan if till 2019-20, still a decade to go.

Hope the oligarchs start thinking about the country, then hopefully, all the worries would be gone, but whatever the issues we are facing is due to the Oligarchs in power, once they get themselves straight or are thrown out, economy will be on track, so will be the modernization.

well pointed..
moreover do consider that they have a border almost five time bigger then our to protect and have also to keep-up with China!!

we cannot spend billions on defense just because India does so...

100-400 UAV would be great to petrol the border area and smugglers

F16 C/D + Thunder + J10B

Should be ample force for any air based intrusion
100-400 UAV would be great to petrol the border area and smugglers

F16 C/D + Thunder + J10B

Should be ample force for any air based intrusion

Comon 100 to 400 uav ? are you serious..:what:

LOL AZAD sir has a very long wish list for PAF!:P

Yes i know lolz if he wins the worlds lottey one day .. i would vote for him to be the next PAF ACM. :cheesy::lol:

he is azzadpakistan

and he really want to see pakistan as supreme nation

like your ambitions:smitten:

Pakistan Air Force has started work on turning Jacobabad Air Base, which was used by allied forces in the past, from forward base to complete operational base.The Jacobabad base would be used as squadron base for F-16s that Pakistan would be getting from the US.

Defense sources told Online that Jacobabad airbase that has so far been used as forward airbase to be used in an event of war or emergency would be turned to complete operational base.The 14 F-16 52D planes to be given by US would be brought here and their set up would be created here which would include maintenance and refurbishing of the.

Defense sources told that making this base into an operational one would not only enhance the strength of PAF but would also enhance the strategic importance.According to Air force sources, the base would be completed by 20th June this year.

Lockheed to supply F-16, C-130, P 3 Orion to Pakistan

KARACHI, Nov 26 (APP) - Lockheed Martin, USA will supply upgraded F-16 jets, C-130 transport planes and P 3 Orion surveillance aircraft to Pakistan armed forces. This was stated by President Lockheed Martin, Middle East and Africa, Gen (rtd) James Jamerson in an interview here Wednesday.

To a question, he said that he had meetings with top officials of Ministry of Defence, Chief of Naval Staff and Air Chief of Pakistan Air Force.

“I have discussed with the Naval Chief the Orion aircraft up-gradation project,” he said mentioning that Orion aircraft were being upgraded for Pakistan Navy in the United States and they will soon come to Pakistan.

Regarding the supply of F-16 jets, he said that these fighters were upgraded and overhauled in Pakistan as well as in USA.

“We are also supplying equipment and parts to Pakistan for F-16s overhauled in Pakistan. Similarly, we are also upgrading F-16s in USA for supply to Pakistan,” said the Lockheed Martin President.

James said that his company was also upgrading a number of C-130 for Pakistan Air Force in USA.

He did not mention the exact number of these jets and aircraft saying the number was significant.

well i feel the money pakistan is spending on china spa,a-100 should be spent on south african denel....and also pakistan should come out of f-16 era and invest in saab gripen....i feel thats the only plane it will be offered if mrca competion rejects it.....rafale has some imp. bussiness with indian navy....also typhoon cant be offered as eads is in final talking with hal.....for aesa radar for amca,lca as well as the bae is a major contender for jaguar upgrade as well as bofors maintainance.........seriously no hard feelings just telling ma feelings:victory:
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