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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

will you plzz tell me it here..
its nt written in the first page

detection range

its written in the wiki that it has upto 300km range i dnt knw it is detection range or what
Pakistan should be working on to get J10Bs or J11 from china, i dont trust american's, they will stop spare parts in case of war, and i heard that they have , this KILL button on F16's which rendom them useless, if they wish to, correct me if wroung.

Keep upgrading JF-17, go for J10B;s and J11 from china.

Dont relay on F-16's only. :pakistan::china::pakistan::china:
Pakistan should be working on to get J10Bs or J11 from china, i dont trust american's, they will stop spare parts in case of war, and i heard that they have , this KILL button on F16's which rendom them useless, if they wish to, correct me if wroung.

Keep upgrading JF-17, go for J10B;s and J11 from china.

Dont relay on F-16's only. :pakistan::china::pakistan::china:

Nope, You are wrong. There are no kill switch on the F16's we are getting couz there were none which we already have. In fact there was a thread opened by a member here and it was proven that f16s dont have no kill switch or else we wouldnt be buying it.
will you plzz tell me it here..
its nt written in the first page

detection range

its written in the wiki that it has upto 300km range i dnt knw it is detection range or what

F-16.net - Thread Title : F-16 vs SU-30 - Page #4 of thread

Please read the post by "toan" ....

Where he gives the detection ranges of the APG-68v9, which will equip our blk-52s, against fighters of different sizes & RCS ....

The maximal detection range for F-16I (AN/APG-68V9) to other fighters in head to head engagement:
1. Su-30MK: 115 ~ 130 km+
2. Su-35 with LO enhancement: 85 ~ 100 km
3. MIG-29S: 95 ~ 110 km
4. F-16 and MIG-29SMT with LO enhancement: 65 ~ 80 km

hope this helps (this is from a thread on F-16.net back in 2004).
Pakistan should be working on to get J10Bs or J11 from china, i dont trust american's, they will stop spare parts in case of war, and i heard that they have , this KILL button on F16's which rendom them useless, if they wish to, correct me if wroung.

Keep upgrading JF-17, go for J10B;s and J11 from china.

Dont relay on F-16's only. :pakistan::china::pakistan::china:

So what do you suggest we do with the 40 odd F-16 A/B's that we already have considering we reject one's that'll be arriving starting june.
So what do you suggest we do with the 40 odd F-16 A/B's that we already have considering we reject one's that'll be arriving starting june.

Those F16s are getting the MLU upgrade that will make your F16s somewhere between block 40 and block 52.

Newer F16s you're getting are F16 block 52. So nothing to worry here. :pakistan:
Those F16s are getting the MLU upgrade that will make your F16s somewhere between block 40 and block 52.

Newer F16s you're getting are F16 block 52. So nothing to worry here. :pakistan:

Avionics package is same as Newer blk52+ for F-16A/B MLU only difference is in payload and endurance.
11 May 1979
Delivery of F-16A #78-0007, the first F-16 built on the assembly line. All previous F-16s (16 in total) were built by hand.
Those F16s are getting the MLU upgrade that will make your F16s somewhere between block 40 and block 52.

Newer F16s you're getting are F16 block 52. So nothing to worry here. :pakistan:

the term 'somewhere between' doesnt exist in this context... lol more like up to the block 52 standards. which includes structural upgrades aswell which means the payload will also be at par with that carried by the new block 52.. only difference is the corformal fuel tanks.. which can also be added but are optional. :pakistan:
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Assembly line doesnot mean that they are not built by hand----previously---the plane being built was possibly in a static position from start to finish.

Now on an assembly line----one party completes one project---then the plane moves ahead another plane takes its place---the next party completes the next job---and the plane is pushed forward to the next party---.

What that means is that one station is manned by a crew with all the tools and and accessories to do that one job---then the next station has techs with tool and accessories for the second job and so on till the last man tightens the final screw and kicks the tires.

Majority of work is still done by hand----this assembly line is not like the automobile assembly line where the robots are doing their thing.
engines too....everything else will be block 52 standard.

TAI won tender through LM to uprgade Jordanian F-16s. You can see how those turned out ;)
What really matters is that these MLU-ed F-16s will be armed with the AIM-120v5 which Pakistan is getting. So basically we'll have 82 F-16s.

Leaving us with the remaining 10 F-16s from peace gate to worry about. I heard someone saying here that PAF is negotiating for block 30s from the USAF instead of these old blk 15s.
Someone please shed some light on the remaining 10.
Avionics package is same as Newer blk52+ for F-16A/B MLU only difference is in payload and endurance.

yup because engines will remain same and untouch...
they wont be getting any upgrades or newer engines
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