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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

There’s a difference between solely an anti-armor bombing mission and CAS, and it’s in the name. CAS is close Air support, a part of combined arms warfare, to support the troops on the ground. No jet will ever attack anything by itself. In combined arms the ground forces clear the SAMs for the aircraft and the aircraft clear the armor for the ground forces. Would obviously be unwise to just throw mirages at them until one gets through. The mirages will also have air cover from other aircraft. While the enemy will have the same. And our ground based AD will also be present.

Basically both sides with have everything that the other has doing basically the same thing, it will come down to which side does it better tactically, has the geographical and logistical advantage, has better training and morale, has better technology, so on and so forth.
CAS is not the best way to throw aircraft away, rather it’s the best use of dedicated strike aircraft in a war. That’s why the strongest countries have planes dedicated to CAS. And those aren’t really any better protected against SAMs than our mirages, since those dedicated aircraft are sub-sonic and less maneuverable. They just believe in their combined arms strategies for their aircraft and ground forces to keep each other safe.
I can assure you an A-10 can run circles around a Mirage at 300knots. Please read into what was the average life expectancy in a CAS mission versus others - and what the Israelis faced in 73. Even with combined assets providing support most aircraft that were downed or hit in the Gulf war were taken out during repeated loitering in the area which is what CAS missions envision.
CAS and BAI sorties count for more aircraft hit than interdiction sorties, even though interdiction sorties are vastly more common.

The high-threat environment may, in fact, be the best argument for land based precision artillery, which flies faster, can be massed more effectively, is less subject to intercept, and is substantially cheaper than any conventional, air-delivered option.
Any expert can share how many active sqr of F16 we have, what the strength in term of aircraft of each sqr.

In my limited information we have
44 - F16 A/B block 15 MLU
13 - F16 A/B block 15 ADF
18 - F16 C/D block 52 +
Given the fact that Pakistan can't even fully pay for a few Zulus, paying in full for new Vipers is unlikely, and with the US now effectively out of Afghanistan, they're not going to want to subsidise any purchases for Pakistan, there's nothing in it for them. The most the PAF can hope for is used examples upgraded to V standard, which might be within their budget.
who said Pak cant pay for them !!
Pakistan does not want to pay for them as the u.s owes Pakistan money in billions and hence we want this payment to come out of that. if not then we don't want anything from the u.s.
who said Pak cant pay for them !!
Pakistan does not want to pay for them as the u.s owes Pakistan money in billions and hence we want this payment to come out of that. if not then we don't want anything from the u.s.

Because there's other projects on the go, aside from Block-3 JF-17 and Project Azm.

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