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Pakistan emerges stronger!


Nov 26, 2016
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United Kingdom
CPEC has snatched all peace and calm of the forces hostile to Pakistan. They are still trying all their best to plan something which could flop this project; extra-ordinarily beneficial to Pakistan. In fact this project would, on one hand, bring a new season of prosperity in Pakistan and, on the other, would strengthen more the already very strong ties between Pakistan and China. The CPEC is a thorn in the paw of India because it will make Pakistan financially strong; it is a pain in the neck of US because it would bless Pakistan with more stability. Moreover China is also going to get a lot out of this project. Above all is the fact that through this project Pakistan would get an opportunity of coming out of the US shackles. And certainly this situation would pave way for China to become world’s only super-power. The benefits of CPEC could be easily seen in Pakistan though this project is still away from completion. Thousands of Pakistani engineers and other technical experts along with skilled-labourers are getting jobs in the CPEC projects. The connecting roads and bridges are being reshaped and new heavy-machinery is being imported. Countries like India, Israel and US are in a continuous mental state of pain and agony because of this ongoing progress.

A few weeks back, American President Donald Trump announced his new Afghan policy and threatened Pakistan that all American help and support would be withdrawn if Pakistan did not pave way for Indian hegemony in Afghanistan. He also blamed that Pakistan is patronizing terrorists though it has been enjoying the US support for crushing them. It is only because of CPEC that Pakistan reacted to this blames-based Afghan policy very strongly. Pakistan not only rejected all these blames but also decided to convey an ‘unexpected’ response to the US government by not ‘welcoming’ a US delegation, led by US Assistant Secretary of State and Acting Special Representative to the region Alice Wells. Ms. Wells was to visit Pakistan for the follow up on President Trump’s policy review of the region on 28th of August this year. Foreign Minister of Pakistan Khawaja Asif also postponed his visitto the US in the same context. He was scheduled to meet with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on August 25. Another visit of a delegation led by senior White House National Security Council official Lisa Curtis was also cancelled by the government of Pakistan. Political analysts are of the opinion that all these cancelled, deferred or rescheduled visits indicate Pakistan’s worst reaction over Donald Trump’s review on Afghanistan policy. Mr. Trump had warned Pakistan to act against alleged safe sanctuaries of the Taliban on Pakistani soil or face cuts in aid. The baseless allegations of Mr. Trump were thoroughly discussed in the meeting of National Security Committee in which civil and military leadership, outright rejected the blames and allegations of Mr. Trump against Pakistan. Some of the analysts are of opinion that Trump’s untimely act of reviewing Afghanpolicy is in fact a message to Pakistan that it would be deprived of all US financial support in case it continues strengthening its ties with China particularly in context of the CPEC project.

Keeping Pakistan away from China is a dream not only of US but also of India as these two countries have common fears and common interests regarding Pak-China relations. They join hands together whenever they get a chance of damaging Pakistan’s interests at any level. A few months back RAW and CIA arranged a meeting of some anti-Pakistan and anti-China groups in Geneva. The meeting was arranged after the closing session of 35th Human Rights Counsel Conference. For opposing Pakistan, there were representatives of BSN (Baloch Sub-Nationalists) and SSNs (Sindhi Sub Nationalists); and to oppose China there were representatives of USNs (Uyghur Sub Nationalists). The Uyghurs are ethnically and culturally a Turkic people living in the areas of Central Asia commonly known as East Turkestan. The Turkic people are a collection of ethno-linguistic groups of Central, Eastern, Northern and Western Asia as well as parts of Europe. The most notable modern Turkic ethnic groups are Turks, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmen and Kyrgyz people. The Uyghurs occupy a vast area constituting one-sixth of the total land area under the control of the People’s Republic of China. They have their own clashes and differences with the government of China, so they always oppose every action and every project initiated by the government of China. CPEC is also among one of such projects. The agenda of the said meeting was to plan against the CPEC and to target Pak-China’s interests in the region. It was decided in the meeting that all these groups shall try to co-ordinate with the terrorist groups already working in Pakistan. Planning of RAW and CIA against the interests of Pakistan is nothing new and it is also no-news that these hostile agencies have never succeeded in their vicious plans. Pakistan is getting more peaceful more prosperous and stronger day by day in spite of the hurdles created by these hostile agencies. Certainly after the completion of the CPEC project, situation would be more undesirable and more unwanted for the god-fathers of these agencies.

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