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Pakistan Elections 2018: News and Discussions

Again, Imran Khan should learn from your experience as against his struggle since 1996?

I say what is only common sense, let the man try his hand as he pleases, he has never let this nation down in whatever field he has chosen to serve. You have the right to say whatever but its only befitting your own "fools paradise" and not much else.
Problem is fools never learn ?
I dont belive that getting into power by the support of 40 to 60 lootas which were pushed by the establishment , will let imran khan any success in changing anything in pakistan ?
Yes he was in politics since 1996 , bt he came to power only in 2011 when then ISI chief supported him ?
Evn thn i still , supported him because sure , he couldnt hve stand against a elites mafia created by the old establishment ?
It was a right decesion by JT to let imran get that support , bt now its differnt he could hve said NO to all lootas who being sent by todays establishment ?
Cause he hve all the ppls to win this time ?
Or may be he could be more wiser just taking a few of them 20s maybe to keep his control later in power problem is not imran is just only wants to be the PM , but his fan boys still floating in fools paradise ?lol
In.politics IK is very slow learner , now if he is thinking to become a prime minster with these 40 lotas frm noora league & zardari league he is bound to fail, again evn in power ! For him he thinks in power he will dictate those lootas , i think he is livin in fools paradise .
Problem is corrupt and more importantly incompetant cabinet.... that's it ....
good luck electing those loony heads instead of the deserving ones into the parliament, you people deserve this.
No we deserve Nawaz and Zardaris on top with the same and not Imran Khan if we go by your logic.

Looking at our history, Even QuaideAzam had the same majority bunch of lunatic politicians under him and very few devoted honest ones from middle class like we see the scenario now. This is the reality of this region. I have no problems with what you are saying except IK and PTI tried that in 2013 and still failed to win against the electable strong PMLN leadership. So this time he has learned his political reality of this region and chosen to field the same tools of war against his corrupt enemies sitting at the top.

Its enough for people like me that a better person who has never looted this nation but served it should get the chance to lead us out of the rot due to the loot and plunder and patronage of corruption from the top since the 80s. Pakistan needs to move forward from the stagnant water and stench of rotting Bhuttos and equally corrupt Sharifs.
Yes, this nation deserves to be lead by Imran Khan as he deserves a chance to take Pakistan forward on merit, nothing else.
No we deserve Nawaz and Zardaris on top with the same and not Imran Khan if we go by your logic.

Looking at our history, Even QuaideAzam had the same majority bunch of lunatic politicians under him and very few devoted honest ones from middle class like we see the scenario now. This is the reality of this region. I have no problems with what you are saying except IK and PTI tried that in 2013 and still failed to win against the electable strong PMLN leadership. So this time he has learned his political reality of this region and chosen to field the same tools of war against his corrupt enemies sitting at the top.

Its enough for people like me that a better person who has never looted this nation but served it should get the chance to lead us out of the rot due to the loot and plunder and patronage of corruption from the top since the 80s. Pakistan needs to move forward from the stagnant water and stench of rotting Bhuttos and equally corrupt Sharifs.
Yes, this nation deserves to be lead by Imran Khan as he deserves a chance to take Pakistan forward on merit, nothing else.
Actully u got too carried away , we only deserve a cold hearted real dictator like HITLER thats it , this damocrazy is just an eye wash , which is only made to fool the genral public , imran or no imran , these elites will keep rulling us in any form ?

Aik Nawaz Sharif aur us ka tabbar hai jis ki rooz koi na koi haraam ki property nikal ati hai media main aut poray Pakistan ki badnami hoti hai

Aur aik tasveer yea hai key baki mulkon ko kaha ja raha hai kay Pakistan kay BTT project ko follow kero

then who made ZARDARI LEAGUE ?
same power is just using imrans name & personality thats all ?
Problems of common ppls of pakiatan will remain same cause that wht is the fact since 70 dam years ????lol
Yes sure !
With dat you mean , the croupt noora / ghadari lootas joining PTI?
Again, its the same zaat-bradri-influence-electable politics thats our electoral politics and Imran Khan is doing what is required to win the elections allowed by the electoral laws. This is what PMLN and PPP do to win election after election, this is what Imran Khan has chosen to do to win the elections playing by the rules of Pakistani politics.

The difference is that Imran Khan is not corrupt like Shairfs or Zardaris and he is the best bet to topple the entrenched system of corruption and taking turns to loot Pakistan.

Imran Khan has the right to play politics the way he chooses to win the elections because he is not corrupt. Those who cannot see this major difference are either Anti-Ik-Fanbabies of opponent parties or just lacking common sense.
Again, its the same zaat-bradri-influence-electable politics thats our electoral politics and Imran Khan is doing what is required to win the elections allowed by the electoral laws. This is what PMLN and PPP do to win election after election, this is what Imran Khan has chosen to do to win the elections playing by the rules of Pakistani politics.

The difference is that Imran Khan is not corrupt like Shairfs or Zardaris and he is the best bet to topple the entrenched system of corruption and taking turns to loot Pakistan.

Imran Khan has the right to play politics the way he chooses to win the elections because he is not corrupt. Those who cannot see this major difference are either Anti-Ik-Fanbabies of opponent parties or just lacking common sense.
Is Bringing in lootas from zardari & noora was the needed by PTI ????lol
Nooooooooo wayyyyyyyy
U can fool urself thats ok , bt not the whole pakistan btw , its was the same slogan durring 90s against ppp by noora league which was supported by thn establishment , whole asghar khan case is a fact not a joke ?
same power is just using imrans name & personality thats all ?
Problems of common ppls of pakiatan will remain same cause that wht is the fact since 70 dam years ????lol
Ok dear, here comes the truth that I have also stated in the past but you probably are not familiar with my views.
I'm so comfortable with the oversight of core commanders as a second line of defense that you can't even imagine.

Political parties should be allowed to do whatever politics, foreign relations or economics they want but not over personal business interest like Nawaz tried his hand with Indian Businessmen in Afghan Iron and mineral mines and started taking so much foreign Debt for corruption that it put the integrity of the state at stake...same case is with Zardari with slightly different scenario... thats the red line that politicians must not be allowed to cross... BE IT IMRAN OR ANYONE ELSE. Period.
Is Bringing in lootas from zardari & noora was the needed by PTI ????lol
Nooooooooo wayyyyyyyy
U can fool urself thats ok , bt not the whole pakistan btw , its was the same slogan durring 90s against ppp by noora league which was supported by thn establishment , whole asghar khan case is a fact not a joke ?

You can say what you want but the bottom line is clear as daylight: its either Sharifs, Zardaris or Imran Khan.
The minions dont count just like the minions never counted in the case of the leadership of QuaideAzam...the same Daultana family that is now with PMLN was with QuaideAzam too etc etc...

Imran Khan would have won the elections in 2013 if wasnt for the help to PMLN by Keyani to look the other way while PMLN stuffed ballot boxes and changed ECP sealed Vote Bags.

PMLN never won the elections on its own. PTI would have won in 2013 if it wasn't for ROs and Keyani looking the other way deliberately.

Unlike PMLN, PTI is not a creation of Establishment.

Imran Khan is and was never corrupt unlike Nawaz Sharif of 85 who used his first term as CM Punjab scrapping away and devouring railway tacks, remember?

you are welcome to fool yourself and reelect the same Sharifs and Zardaris that have ruled Pakistan for 40 years.
اسلام آباد : اہم ترین عمارت سے سرکاری ریکارڈ چوری ، ملزموں نے یہ واردات کب اور کیسے ڈالی ؟

اسلام آباد (ویب ڈیسک) نادرا کے دو سابق افسران حساس ریکارڈ چوری کرکے لے گئے،ان کے خلاف مقدمہ درج کر لیا۔ نادرا کا حساس ریکارڈ چوری ہو نے کا انکشاف ہوا ہے،
دو سابق افسران ملازمت سے فارغ ہونے پر ڈیٹا بھی اپنے ساتھ لے گئے، ریکارڈ کے غلط استعمال کے خدشہ کے باعث مقدمہ درج کرادیا گیا۔تفصیلات کے مطابق الیکشن2018بہت قریب ہیں اور اسی دوران نادرا کا حساس ریکارڈ چوری ہوگیا، اس حوالے سے ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ واردات میں دو سابق افسران ملوث ہیں، جن کیخلاف ایف آئی آر درج کروادی گئی ہے ۔

ڈیٹا غائب ہونے سے ادارے کو ریکارڈ کے غلط استعمال کا خدشہ ہے، نادرا حکام نے ریٹائر ہونے والے سابق ڈپٹی چیئرمین نادرا سید مظفرعلی شاہ اور ڈپٹی ڈائریکٹر شہزاد کمال کے خلاف مقامی تھا نے میں مقدمہ درج کروا دیا ہے۔ایف آئی آر میں بتایا گیا ہے کہ مظفر شاہ نادرا کی ملازمت سے فارغ کیے جانے پر حساس ریکارڈ اپنے ساتھ لے گئے ہیں، ڈپٹی ڈائریکٹر بھی ادارے کا لیپ ٹاپ ،فلیش ڈرائیو اور ورک اسٹیشن چوری کرکے لے گئے ہیں، ایف آئی آر میں افسروں سے حساس ریکارڈ برآمد کرانے کیلئے کہا گیا ہے۔

واضح رہے کہ کچھ روز قبل ہی تحریک انصاف کی جانب سے خط لکھ کر چیئرمین نادرا کی برطرفی کا مطالبہ کیا گیاتھا، پی ٹی آئی کا کہنا تھا کہ ڈیٹا چوری کر کے نون لیگ کو دیا گیا ہے جو انتخابات میں استعمال ہوسکتا ہے۔جس سے انتحابات میں دھاندلی کی جا سکتی ۔ جس سے الیکشن کی شفافیت کو دھچکا لگ سکتا ہے۔
PTI has to be proactive and extremely vigilant. Yeh na hoo kay is dafa phir ham elections kay baad daikh rahay hon...Manzil unhain mili jo shareek-e-safr na thay!

Lookout PTI, the ever cunning Zardari may not be too far off the mark if Shahbaz manages to secure a deal with establishment...they will then have to use counter weight of Zardari to keep their balance.

I hope IK wakes up to the extremely rueful situation of farmers and laborers across Pakistan and take their cause under his wings and spreads his message of support to the poor vehemently...That alone shall be enough to leave no doubt about single handidly securing up to 125 seats of National Assembly.
You can say what you want but the bottom line is clear as daylight: its either Sharifs, Zardaris or Imran Khan.
The minions dont count just like the minions never counted in the case of the leadership of QuaideAzam...the same Daultana family that is now with PMLN was with QuaideAzam too etc etc...

Imran Khan would have won the elections in 2013 if wasnt for the help to PMLN by Keyani to look the other way while PMLN stuffed ballot boxes and changed ECP sealed Vote Bags.

PMLN never won the elections on its own. PTI would have won in 2013 if it wasn't for ROs and Keyani looking the other way deliberately.

Unlike PMLN, PTI is not a creation of Establishment.

Imran Khan is and was never corrupt unlike Nawaz Sharif of 85 who used his first term as CM Punjab scrapping away and devouring railway tacks, remember?

you are welcome to fool yourself and reelect the same Sharifs and Zardaris that have ruled Pakistan for 40 years.
All i can say is there is no QAID e AZAM In pakistan any more , & imran has comptomised himself to the level of nawaz & zardari at thier times
So in case even if IMRAN gets into power he ill be played by the same mindset , which made nawaz & zardari ?
Thn whts the point of getin that power ?
& then that damocrazy ?
Which will again will benefits only the same croupted elites ?
So why to waste nations wealth on that , stupid process ?
At a time in which our national reserves are at lowest of its levels ?
In 1988 Benazir bhutto also , thought the same thing whts now in imrans mind to get power frist then he ill reconstruct all the power map ?
& i dont think , IK is a bigger politician thn of BB ?
This whole system has to go , & the croupted constitution has to be changed with a new & real one which shold hve the reals solution of the problems of pakisran like that kalabagh dam ?

PTI has to be proactive and extremely vigilant. Yeh na hoo kay is dafa phir ham elections kay baad daikh rahay hon...Manzil unhain mili jo shareek-e-safr na thay!

Lookout PTI, the ever cunning Zardari may not be too far off the mark if Shahbaz manages to secure a deal with establishment...they will then have to use counter weight of Zardari to keep their balance.

I hope IK wakes up to the extremely rueful situation of farmers and laborers across Pakistan and take their cause under his wings and spreads his message of support to the poor vehemently...That alone shall be enough to leave no doubt about single handidly securing up to 125 seats of National Assembly.
If noora & zardari league r hving thier deals done then you still think PTI can secure 125 seats ?lol
Its the same story just dates , years are changed , shabaz league may secure punjab aseembly with newly made JEEP league ?
Then sindh would be gievn to zaradari league with very weak position , & kpk MMA with few independents while , PTI with a strong opposition ?
Mark it ! Lol
This whole system has to go , & the croupted constitution has to be changed with a new & real one which shold hve the reals solution of the problems of pakisran ?
Thats what Shahbaz Sharif is saying too dear... nice try by the way if that is what you mean.

If you are not packaging Sharifs solution in the name of changing the system then what else dear???
Let me explain a bit taking your word that you really meant change, Lets take it that you really want change...

I have thought this through and am not shooting random posts out of my proverbial...Do you realize that With the slow revival of a strong and independent Judiciary guarding the constitution, Its the sledge hammer that you propose dear, a formula for anarchy, chaos and blood shed that might lead to implimentation of another martial law... its all playing into the hands of the corrupt, back to Musharraf days, NROs and same old same old...back to square one.

What this country needs is accountability and rule of law, change and implementation of economic revival policies instead of personal business interests and we need financial integrity and end of patronage of corruption from the top down.

Deep state exists in every democracy let alone tyranny, Politician must not cross the red line in their blind hunger and lust for more and more loot and plunder, sadly for us, thats what we had in Musharrafs ever legitimacy seeking rules as well as sham democracies of Sharifs and Zardaris.
If noora & zardari league r hving thier deals done then you still think PTI can secure 125 seats ?lol
Its the same story just dates , years are changed , shabaz league may secure punjab aseembly with newly made JEEP league ?
Then sindh would be gievn to zaradari league with very weak position , & kpk MMA with few independents while , PTI with a strong opposition ?
Mark it ! Lol
It is always a struggle dear, that's what politics is. And to think that you proposed Martial Law as a solution:rofl:...very mature indeed.
You can say what you want but the bottom line is clear as daylight: its either Sharifs, Zardaris or Imran Khan.


we only deserve a cold hearted real dictator like HITLER thats it , this damocrazy is just an eye wash , which is only made to fool the genral public , imran or no imran , these elites will keep rulling us in any form
Anti Constitution - Democracy nahee dictatorship chaheye...who will be that Hitler like dictator? @batmannow is acting pro Martial Law i.e Pro establishment. :rofl: (score 1:0)
then who made ZARDARI LEAGUE ?
same power is just using imrans name & personality thats all
Now @batmannow is acting anti establishment.:rofl: (score 1:1)
its was the same slogan durring 90s against ppp by noora league which was supported by thn establishment
Again going anti establishment.:rofl: (score 1:2)
This whole system has to go , & the croupted constitution has to be changed with a new & real one which shold hve the reals solution of the problems of pakisran
Now anti constitution, anti state institutions as in anti system or status quo...:rofl: (score : playing field obliterated)
No wonder you are a fan of none other than Hitler...by the way, have you read Mein Kampf?
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