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Pakistan Elections 2018: News and Discussions

Thats what Shahbaz Sharif is saying too dear... nice try by the way if that is what you mean.

If you are not packaging Sharifs solution in the name of changing the system then what else dear???
Let me explain a bit taking your word that you really meant change, Lets take it that you really want change...

I have thought this through and am not shooting random posts out of my proverbial...Do you realize that With the slow revival of a strong and independent Judiciary guarding the constitution, Its the sledge hammer that you propose dear, a formula for anarchy, chaos and blood shed that might lead to implimentation of another martial law... its all playing into the hands of the corrupt, back to Musharraf days, NROs and same old same old...back to square one.

What this country needs is accountability and rule of law, change and implementation of economic revival policies instead of personal business interests and we need financial integrity and end of patronage of corruption from the top down.

Deep state exists in every democracy let alone tyranny, Politician must not cross the red line in their blind hunger and lust for more and more loot and plunder, sadly for us, thats what we had in Musharrafs ever legitimacy seeking rules as well as sham democracies of Sharifs and Zardaris.

It is always a struggle dear, that's what politics is. And to think that you proposed Martial Law as a solution:rofl:...very mature indeed.


Anti Constitution - Democracy nahee dictatorship chaheye...who will be that Hitler like dictator? @batmannow is acting pro Martial Law i.e Pro establishment. :rofl: (score 1:0)

Now @batmannow is acting anti establishment.:rofl: (score 1:1)

Again going anti establishment.:rofl: (score 1:2)

Now anti constitution, anti state institutions as in anti system or status quo...:rofl: (score : playing field obliterated)
No wonder you are a fan of none other than Hitler...by the way, have you read Mein Kampf?
Constitution is not a holy book which cant be rewritten ?
Do you know mother of damocazy the great britain , UK , england is ran by a unwrutten constitution ?
Oh u dont know dat ?lol?
Pakistan was & is manipulated on the name of damocrazy which never evr brought nothing good for a common man in pakistan ?
Damocrazy is which gave us a bangladesh ?
Then we keep dividing us on the name of province , cities , casts then different ills ?
Still there is no political party which can win any dam election in all 4 provinces of pakiatan ?
Why not ?
Problem is that so called secular kids like you cant see anything else then stupid damocarzy ?
Yes i support a system like china , where govt is at least bringing common necessities to its ppls , like jobs , hospitals , power , water & education .
Which we been fooled since the creation of our country ?
Pakistani establishment is good at defending our mother land , bt still they are not good at managing social structure & thats why we always gets a new nawaz shrif or bhuttos in different times ?
Is IMRAN is next in making , seriously ask this question , im sure 90% ppls will answer you in yes ?lol
Why to waste so much money time & life while we as a nation are living in the worst conditions ?
HITLER at his peak made germany power which challenged the only rulling power of its time , it was hitler who fighted tht only super power at that time , & which resulted in our independence as a nation ?????lolzzz
Dream on , i was here in 2007 , 2013 , i will be here once this election ill be over & trust me result will be a dictatorship even after 5 more years of this damocarzy ?
اسلام آباد : اہم ترین عمارت سے سرکاری ریکارڈ چوری ، ملزموں نے یہ واردات کب اور کیسے ڈالی ؟

اسلام آباد (ویب ڈیسک) نادرا کے دو سابق افسران حساس ریکارڈ چوری کرکے لے گئے،ان کے خلاف مقدمہ درج کر لیا۔ نادرا کا حساس ریکارڈ چوری ہو نے کا انکشاف ہوا ہے،
دو سابق افسران ملازمت سے فارغ ہونے پر ڈیٹا بھی اپنے ساتھ لے گئے، ریکارڈ کے غلط استعمال کے خدشہ کے باعث مقدمہ درج کرادیا گیا۔تفصیلات کے مطابق الیکشن2018بہت قریب ہیں اور اسی دوران نادرا کا حساس ریکارڈ چوری ہوگیا، اس حوالے سے ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ واردات میں دو سابق افسران ملوث ہیں، جن کیخلاف ایف آئی آر درج کروادی گئی ہے ۔

ڈیٹا غائب ہونے سے ادارے کو ریکارڈ کے غلط استعمال کا خدشہ ہے، نادرا حکام نے ریٹائر ہونے والے سابق ڈپٹی چیئرمین نادرا سید مظفرعلی شاہ اور ڈپٹی ڈائریکٹر شہزاد کمال کے خلاف مقامی تھا نے میں مقدمہ درج کروا دیا ہے۔ایف آئی آر میں بتایا گیا ہے کہ مظفر شاہ نادرا کی ملازمت سے فارغ کیے جانے پر حساس ریکارڈ اپنے ساتھ لے گئے ہیں، ڈپٹی ڈائریکٹر بھی ادارے کا لیپ ٹاپ ،فلیش ڈرائیو اور ورک اسٹیشن چوری کرکے لے گئے ہیں، ایف آئی آر میں افسروں سے حساس ریکارڈ برآمد کرانے کیلئے کہا گیا ہے۔

واضح رہے کہ کچھ روز قبل ہی تحریک انصاف کی جانب سے خط لکھ کر چیئرمین نادرا کی برطرفی کا مطالبہ کیا گیاتھا، پی ٹی آئی کا کہنا تھا کہ ڈیٹا چوری کر کے نون لیگ کو دیا گیا ہے جو انتخابات میں استعمال ہوسکتا ہے۔جس سے انتحابات میں دھاندلی کی جا سکتی ۔ جس سے الیکشن کی شفافیت کو دھچکا لگ سکتا ہے۔

Even NADRA is a joke now... kabhi news ati thi k NADRA is working with Sri lanka for their ID card system.
Koi institute kisi kam ka nahi choura inho na. Allah e Maalik hai bai.

Sai kah gya tha Musharaf Pakistan ka Allah/khuda Hafiz.
Why are you all agitated dear, be calm and take a deep breath before posting. You have made so many mistakes in just this post alone that it has become and even bigger joke than the previous ones I completely dismantled.

But l'll be gentle with you despite your asking for the real juice.

Constitution is not a holy book which cant be rewritten ?
Do you know mother of damocazy the great britain , UK , england is ran by a unwrutten constitution ?
Oh u dont know dat ?lol?
Pakistan was & is manipulated on the name of damocrazy which never evr brought nothing good for a common man in pakistan ?
Damocrazy is which gave us a bangladesh ?
Who said it was a holy book? I specifically mentioned a slowly becoming stronger and more and more independent judiciary guarding the letter and spirit of the constitution. How can any radical change or extra constitutional adventurism to change its outlook get passed this Judiciary without a dirty, chaotic and bloody agitation? So i stated your opinion to ask for it as like taking up a sledgehammer.

Ironically, I know about UK but you don't even know that Bangladesh is a gift of dictatorships and not democracy.

You say Pakistan is being manipulated in the name of democracy and yet you want Martial Law as a solution where the same manipulators assume power themselves? how obnoxious is that! and then you go on an add insult to your own injury by stating the following:

Yes i support a system like china , where govt is at least bringing common necessities to its ppls , like jobs , hospitals , power , water & education .
Which we been fooled since the creation of our country ?
Pakistani establishment is good at defending our mother land , bt still they are not good at managing social structure & thats why we always gets a new nawaz shrif or bhuttos in different times ?

In the very same sentence, You are maligning the same establishment for the ills and yet you want a system like China where Army is essentially the only force that binds and holds the nation subservient to a single Communist Party - or Socialist if you so choose. Ironic isn't it?

HITLER at his peak made germany power which challenged the only rulling power of its time ,

I asked you if you read Mine Kempf but you chose to ignore that. Its Hitler's biography, you should download and read a legitimate copy of it before going on and posting about the German Leader, read a few books by David Irving on how Hitler's war came to be and panned out. Not very well read are you dear? to state the following too: (as if the rest of the post was not enought)
it was hitler who fighted tht only super power at that time , & which resulted in our independence as a nation ?????lolzzz
It was QuaideAzam who politically wrestled and carved out Pakistan from India and won our independence as a nation or else we would still be part of India since after the independence from the war worn British.

I left this as the last part of my reply to your most honorable and exalted post:
Problem is that so called secular kids like you cant see anything else then stupid damocarzy ?
Have you ever met a 42 year old secular with a dashingly Masculine, Masnoon Beard Dear?

I'm all for changing the constitution and even the parliamentary system to Presidential one but by leadership not corrupted with embezzling and looting the nation and in due course of change. Imran Khan is just a stepping stone in the right direction away from the path of the ever looting and corruption riddled leadership of Sharifs and Zardaris.

May be one after him we can have a system that can one day elect people like Asad Umar or even a well educated Muslim Scholar.

Why is this so hard to comprehend that this Nation needs to move on from the same old corrupt leaders and try to find new ones according to some semblance of rule of law. The changes in system can only be brought about by a leader who doesn't have personal business interests in mind over that of the country.
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Can somebody explain to me how do electibles do corruption...they don't have much funds to manage apart from few lacs they get for their constituents

While corruption works from the top. The political leadership does it...

The whole problem of Pakistan is incompetance of the cabinet rather than corruption in my opinion
Can somebody explain to me how do electibles do corruption...they don't have much funds to manage apart from few lacs they get for their constituents

While corruption works from the top. The political leadership does it...

The whole problem of Pakistan is incompetance of the cabinet rather than corruption in my opinion
So you mean if Nawaz sharif or shabaz sharif or Bhutto removed from top position then you will be fine with PML(N) and PPP because then there will be no difference between PTI and PML(N), PPP as according to you only top leadership matter But how one man can run entire country? Political party is not one man show unlike dictatorship. Electable have their influences in decision making of parties if you bother to look at how disqualified tareen distributed party ticket and is still part of decision making team..Electable join party to get some ministries and political power where they can make money . You think tareen, Haleem, mahood Qureshi invetsing in PTI for love of Pakistan without looking for personal interest lol

let me remind you what your nazriyati kaptaan said about same electable

So you mean if Nawaz sharif or shabaz sharif or Bhutto removed from top position then you will be fine with PML(N) and PPP because then there will be no difference between PTI and PML(N), PPP as according to you only top leadership matter But how one man can run entire country? Political party is not one man show unlike dictatorship. Electable have their influences in decision making of parties if you bother to look at how disqualified tareen distributed party ticket and is still part of decision making team..Electable join party to get some ministries and political power where they can make money . You think tareen, Haleem, mahood Qureshi invetsing in PTI for love of Pakistan without looking for personal interest lol

let me remind you what your nazriyati kaptaan said about same electable

Question is whether leader allows electibles to do whatever they choose or not

The misery of current Pakistan is due to idoitic decision making by incompetant people more...last 5 years blunders are due to one man Mr Dar

I have said before I don't care about PPPP PML N PTI..I just judge them by their economical performance and so far PPPP and PML N performance has been mostly the same apart from slightly higher GDP growth from 4% to 5% which is going to drop back to 4% in setting of low oil prices during PML N era and tremendous increase in debt
So let's agree upon this PML N and PPPP ruled for 5 years and this ended up in IMF bailout and economical collapse for both
Question is whether leader allows electibles to do whatever they choose or not

The misery of current Pakistan is due to idoitic decision making by incompetant people more...last 5 years blunders are due to one man Mr Dar

I have said before I don't care about PPPP PML N PTI..I just judge them by their economical performance and so far PPPP and PML N performance has been mostly the same apart from slightly higher GDP growth from 4% to 5% which is going to drop back to 4% in setting of low oil prices during PML N era and tremendous increase in debt
So let's agree upon this PML N and PPPP ruled for 5 years and this ended up in IMF bailout and economical collapse for both
Leader if get in power because of help of electable/opportunists then he cannot dictate them because he is in power because of them not other way round that's when you have to compromise to stay in power ..let see what ALLAHDIN lamp Imran bring with him to fix all these problems which Pakistan is facing right now.. what you will do if economic position stay same or get worse?
Leader if get in power because of help of electable/opportunists then he cannot dictate them because he is in power because of them not other way round that's when you have to compromise to stay in power ..let see what ALLAHDIN lamp Imran bring with him to fix all these problems which Pakistan is facing right now.. what you will do if economic position stay same or get worse?
He did wonders with same electibles in KPK
I belong to KPK and have seen it first hand

The reason why urban KPK for the first time in 20years is going to relect the same party

Secondly almost 100 of 240 candidates are new faces
He did wonders with same electibles in KPK
I belong to KPK and have seen it first hand

The reason why urban KPK for the first time in 20years is going to relect the same party

Secondly almost 100 of 240 candidates are new faces
What are some of these wonders? I am thinking to move to KPK from Rawalpindi to witness these wonders
What are some of these wonders? I am thinking to move to KPK from Rawalpindi to witness these wonders
Health sector...this comes from someone who is involved in health sector..there was immence pressure from Beaucrats, doctors... not from poltical electibles ...to me the problem is more incompetance and resistance from Beaucrats and ordinary man power

My point is no system is 100% full proof but unless people make their leaders accountable by rotating power nothing going to change...polcies comes from core leadership..nothing was stopping PML N to do basic reforms in economics it was only incomptence
Health sector...this comes from someone who is involved in health sector..there was immence pressure from Beaucrats, doctors... not from poltical electibles ...to me the problem is more incompetance and resistance from Beaucrats and ordinary man power

My point is no system is 100% full proof but unless people make their leaders accountable by rotating power nothing going to change...polcies comes from core leadership..nothing was stopping PML N to do basic reforms in economics it was only incomptence
I said it before as well that I don't mind if Imran khan get chance to be in power because people vote for him. I am still going to respect the choice of majority even if I personally don't buy his slogans and rhetoric which appear fake to me at present. If it motivate you and give you some hope then go ahead and try him as well ..Voters voting for PML(N) in Punjab again and against cannot convince me that they are getting these votes because of performance
No we deserve Nawaz and Zardaris on top with the same and not Imran Khan if we go by your logic.

Looking at our history, Even QuaideAzam had the same majority bunch of lunatic politicians under him and very few devoted honest ones from middle class like we see the scenario now. This is the reality of this region. I have no problems with what you are saying except IK and PTI tried that in 2013 and still failed to win against the electable strong PMLN leadership. So this time he has learned his political reality of this region and chosen to field the same tools of war against his corrupt enemies sitting at the top.

Its enough for people like me that a better person who has never looted this nation but served it should get the chance to lead us out of the rot due to the loot and plunder and patronage of corruption from the top since the 80s. Pakistan needs to move forward from the stagnant water and stench of rotting Bhuttos and equally corrupt Sharifs.
Yes, this nation deserves to be lead by Imran Khan as he deserves a chance to take Pakistan forward on merit, nothing else.
I would have believed you if IK had no other option but he specifically choose "chukkar" types to award party tickets.
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