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Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

I live in punjab and i never seen all of them getting free dall/roti or cheeni

I dont know where you are getting this from?

Yea they distributed cheaper atta/cheeni for poor class who had to stand in long queue to get it

Mind me asking where you hail from? Because I can gurantee you ration cards are issued by the parties ahead of elections, and transport facility and khana dena, atta cheeni sab milta hai kabhi kisi gaon ka chakar lagana...
I live in punjab and i never seen all of them getting free dall/roti or cheeni

I dont know where you are getting this from?

Yea they distributed cheaper atta/cheeni for poor class who had to stand in long queue to get it
same happens in many states in India.. congress does it and gets votes so do some other parties.... poor people get help.. why is that such a bad thing...
Its strange that ANP could not manage to win one seat when they sacrificed and suffered so much because of terrorism
I live in punjab and i never seen all of them getting free dall/roti or cheeni

I dont know where you are getting this from?

Yea they distributed cheaper atta/cheeni for poor class who had to stand in long queue to get it

Go to villages Areas it happens...it happens in Sindh and Punjab that is how people cast their vote mostly its is all give and take why do you think people voted pml-n even after 18 hours of load shedding daily and things gone sky high expensive. I don't know why idiots would vote knowing a party in power for 5 years did nothing to eliminate load shedding or reduce the prices of food and anything else atleast in Punjab and no jobs no reduction in crime and poverty...reason hame do hum vote daingey kal ka deykha jaye ga and that is what happened.
:omghaha: ok you living in US. ..said enough.....:rofl:....beta pehle ja ke sabak parh phir ana baat karne....you did not answer my questions...what did nawaZ shariff do?

more than PTI has done at this point. their efforts against Dengue were laudable, they did many road construction programs, they did lots of sasti roti for poor people program, just to name the few. I was in Lahore last year, I asked people who they'd vote for and they said Shriefs without hesitation. Why? cuz they remember the work the party has done for them. And load shedding issue can't be blamed on them cuz they were in the federal gov't, PPP was.
Polling ends at 6pm and PM announced by 7pm? Its simple, you create a false perception and ensure the nation believes it and then you ensure that half the votes get thrown away once everyone believes the opposite of the truth.

Well done Geo, you will probably sell your soul to the highest bidder in open market place and it sees like PML gave the funds this time!
I'm disappointed by the ugly results but look at the brighter side. All of Pakistan will witness the true colours of Nawaz Sharif and his gang. Due to his worthless showings as a PM, his government will probably fall in 2 years and hopefully he'll be wiped off the political scene forever and PTI will form a government.

we dont accept these elections!

So now what ? Military coup ? or re-elections ?

Btw, by when will the final results be out ?
I'm disappointed by the ugly results but look at the brighter side. All of Pakistan will witness the true colours of Nawaz Sharif and his gang. Due to his worthless showings as a PM, his government will probably fall in 2 years and hopefully he'll be wiped off the political scene forever and PTI will form a government.

Happened 2 times yet he came back and established himself with the help of akreeki and wahabis this is a vicious cycle it is never going to end until the evil is eliminated literally.
I can see history is repeating ... few days back noora gave interview to an indian host .... noora said "i will be a chief boss of the army" ... now you think army will tolerate any of such crap?
Mind me asking where you hail from? Because I can gurantee you ration cards are issued by the parties ahead of elections, and transport facility and khana dena, atta cheeni sab milta hai kabhi kisi gaon ka chakar lagana...

well i have seen the truck of atta and people in queues but they were really poor people of the society

middle class or lower middle class dont bother getting ration cards or taking the pain of standing in queues to get a few rupees cheaper atta/sugar

We should not insult others because they dont vote for PTI..its right of people to vote whoever they wish and it should be the responsibility of party leaders to convince others to vote for them

so what was missing in campaign of PTI that it could not convince people to vote for them? :)
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