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Pakistan either accomplice or incompetent: CIA


Jun 8, 2010
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Pakistan either accomplice or incompetent: CIA​

WASHINGTON: CIA Director Leon Panetta has told the US Congress that either Pakistan was an accomplice in Osama bin Laden’s presence in Abbottabad or was incompetent.

In an in-camera testimony before a House panel, Mr Panetta said that he and other administration officials were trying to get to the bottom of the matter. “Either they were involved or incompetent. Neither place is a good place to be,” CNN quoted Mr Panetta as telling a member of Congress who asked the first question of the hour-long classified briefing.

In a separate interview to CBS, he acknowledged the CIA did not have any intelligence indicating “that Pakistan was aware that Bin Laden was there or that this compound was a place where he was hiding”.

But he noted that this was a location very close to a military academy and other sensitive military sites.

“It had been there since almost five years ago. It was very unusual as a compound. I just think they need to respond to the questions about why they did not know that that kind of compound existed,” Mr Panetta added.

“The common sense would dictate that they had to have some idea,” he was asked.

“Well those are, that’s why there are questions here that I think the best people to respond to those questions are going to be the Pakistanis,” Mr Panetta said.

Asked if the Pakistanis played any role in this operation, the CIA chief said: “This has been a long process, obviously, developing a lot of streams of intelligence. And some of those streams of intelligence were kind of in the normal process of working with the Pakistanis. But they were never aware of our focus on this compound or in Bin Laden.” The US, he added, made the decision that it would not inform Pakistan and conduct this operation unilaterally.

Mr Panetta said that former president Bush and President Obama had both made very clear to the Pakistanis that “if we found a location where Osama bin Laden was located, we were going to go in and get him. And I think they understood that very clearly”.

The CIA director, however, disagreed with author Salman Rushdie that Pakistan should be declared a terrorist state.

“Obviously, it remains a very complicated and difficult relationship. But I don’t think we ought to break the relationship with the Pakistanis,” he said. “Look, we are virtually conducting a war in their country going after Al Qaeda. And at the same time, we’re trying to get their help in trying to be able to confront terrorism in that part of the world.”
Ask America's Mullen why was he in Islamabad and Rawalpindi just last week. Ask Pakistan's Pasha why was he in Washington just 3 weeks ago.

Look at the map of Asia, how far Afghanistan is from Abbottabad, Pakistan. It would take atleast 3 hours for a helicopter from Afghanistan to reach Abbottabad and Pakistan is the country with the 5th largest miltary in the world with a well-equipped and well-trained Air Force.

However its good for Pakistan to be silent at this time when extremists all over the world are mourning and are determined to take revenge.
^ Nothing more than face saving measures by the Establishment to fool the gullibles who think the mighty army is capable of anything. Keep believing.
They are just looking for reasons to move their from Afghanistan.
^ Dont think they are moving anywhere -- especially after the sucess in taking out OBL.
CIA had grudge against ISI and how could they are bear this that a country who need money from them always with a different methods of mendacity so they are only pulled the string and their henchman doing what they want to be.

The plutocrat politician when they seat on opposition benches they living MAHELS like rewind /bilawal house and they have suddenly change when they get treasure benches they turn penurious and dement money to run the country smoothly from the other countries.

ISI number one agency in 215 plus countries and if we assess our country size may be its too shorter then many countries of the world.I have sceptical for NAWAZ/ZARDARI patriotism. if we take Nawaz first its very distinctive that he had crunch of PAK army and he malign deliberately by comply of India & USA, He evade hillbilly poor people of Pakistan with their flatter attitude but didn't make fool they city heights, PAK army please do something prior its too late other wise Nawaz & Zardari sale out PAK people with their confabulate way.

Now we take second finesse Zardari who had lot of money in swiss banks accounts. Nawaz told their discourse during there election campaigning that we are fetch swiss banks to bring back PAK money why they are send the letter to the swiss banks authority and what about our media like India biggest channel which operate in Pakistan GEO News the trio for these three Geo/Nawaz & zardari annihilated Pak forces why Pak Army reciprocate to these corrupt three and why PEMARA cessation GEO transmission would they have feel less or they blindfold their perceptive do something before its too late this is matter of your country.

How many politicians sons sacrifices their life's to save there mother land??????????
After seeing whats happening in Pakistan for last 10 years, how can he say we were the accomplice, yes incompetent
It's actually BOTH. Probably coz the yanks are weak in math (& therefore set theory) that no one told them these are not mutually exclusive sets :coffee:
ISI is both accomplice and incompetent, accomplice for helping Taliban & Al Qaeda, and sheltering Laden, and incompetent for ultimately failing to keep him under cover, and for failing to prevent Americans from carrying out the operation inside Pakistan by violating the sovereignty of Pakistan. :-)
LOL, those were the days!!

Leon Panetta ne Pakistan ki achhi kaasi le li thhi.

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