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Pakistan either accomplice or incompetent: CIA

CIA had grudge against ISI and how could they are bear this that a country who need money from them always with a different methods of mendacity so they are only pulled the string and their henchman doing what they want to be.

The plutocrat politician when they seat on opposition benches they living MAHELS like rewind /bilawal house and they have suddenly change when they get treasure benches they turn penurious and dement money to run the country smoothly from the other countries.

ISI number one agency in 215 plus countries and if we assess our country size may be its too shorter then many countries of the world.I have sceptical for NAWAZ/ZARDARI patriotism. if we take Nawaz first its very distinctive that he had crunch of PAK army and he malign deliberately by comply of India & USA, He evade hillbilly poor people of Pakistan with their flatter attitude but didn't make fool they city heights, PAK army please do something prior its too late other wise Nawaz & Zardari sale out PAK people with their confabulate way.

Now we take second finesse Zardari who had lot of money in swiss banks accounts. Nawaz told their discourse during there election campaigning that we are fetch swiss banks to bring back PAK money why they are send the letter to the swiss banks authority and what about our media like India biggest channel which operate in Pakistan GEO News the trio for these three Geo/Nawaz & zardari annihilated Pak forces why Pak Army reciprocate to these corrupt three and why PEMARA cessation GEO transmission would they have feel less or they blindfold their perceptive do something before its too late this is matter of your country.

How many politicians sons sacrifices their life's to save there mother land??????????
so is it accomplice or incometent ?
Oh man! This article is as old as the Himalayas!!

And this topic has been done to death!! :sick:

I wonder why it's been resurrected? I'm outta here.....
Octopus faced guy... why you no talk sense ?
If thats the case then I can say the same for CIA either they were incompetent or Accomplice.
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