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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

LAHORE: Pakistan is paying the price for bad governance allowing the International Monetary Fund and donor agencies to impose harsh conditions as its regulatory institutions are weak and corrupt.

Economists say IMF or donor assistance would simply help Pakistan meet its immediate liabilities to its creditors. However, the yawning trade gap is a matter of greater concern for both its economic managers and donor agencies.

The News has learnt they differ on the approach to controlling increasing imports. IMF wants a cut in imports through further depreciation of the rupee which would make imports and smuggling more costly. On the other side, Pakistan’s economic wizards want to restrict imports by increasing import duty and imposing other conditions like opening of letter of credit on 100 per cent cash margin. However, these measures may not impact import of luxury cars as the rich class of the society will buy the vehicles at any price.

These steps may curb import of smaller smuggling-prone items like cosmetics, food products and milk preparation. But regulatory authorities had failed to check smuggling in the past. Donor agencies think that it would be more appropriate to discourage smuggling through rupee depreciation which would take these products out of the reach of people. Experts of World Bank and other donor agencies are discussing currency depreciation with local businessmen privately.

They point out that a big cut in rupee’s value would bring back competitiveness of local products and would boost exports. The country’s exports have risen even in the current economic downturn because of a fall of the rupee. However, the impact on imports is not significant due to the appetite of domestic consumers.

Local economic managers would have to fight on two fronts. First, they would have to raise the governance level and second they would have to check consumerism and promote savings.

In the interim period, the economists say the government would have to toe the IMF line to put an immediate halt to excessive consumption and imports till governance vastly improves. In a poor country like Pakistan, they point out, domestic demand is no substitute for the liberal global market. Pakistan has the lowest savings rate of 13.9 per cent in the region which forces it to seek investment from outside.

Its home market is small and relatively ‘inelastic’ as elite classes usually do not like what the home producers make and prefer imported stuff.They point out that all successful economies promote domestic savings by making their financial systems unwilling to extend consumer credit. By doing so, they force their citizens to save.

Senior economist Naveed Anwar Khan says in order to encourage savings prudent economic managers tackle high and unpredictable inflation, which redistributes wealth from savers to debtors and discourages people from holding financial assets. Citizens, he adds, must forgo consumption today in return for higher standards of living tomorrow.

“This bargain will be accepted only if the country’s policy-makers float a credible vision of the future and a strategy for getting there.” But unfortunately, he says, the current economic team is yet to spell out its economic strategy.

He says the IMF’s recipe of a weaker rupee would trigger inflation and to control this it has advised further increase in discount rate. The economic managers, he suggests, should not fear for a high budget deficit in the short term as long as they remain fiscally responsible.

“All they have to do is to ensure that public debt does not get out of hand, by ensuring that the economy grows faster than the stock of public liabilities.” Growth, he says, is more than economics, it requires committed, credible and capable governments.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

KARACHI: Pakistani exporters have underlined the need of promoting non-traditional products including minerals, marble & onyx, information technology, fruits and vegetables in the German market.

This suggestion was made during an interactive session between Pakistani Ambassador to Germany Shahid Kamal and 20 local exporters from different sectors at the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) here on Monday.

TDAP Director General Mir Nasir Abbas chaired the session. Germany is the fifth largest export market of Pakistan and the exports to Germany surged by 16.5 per cent to $816.6 million during 2007-08, rising $701 million in 2006-07.

Main products included readymade garments, bedwear, cotton fabrics, leather goods, sports goods and surgical instruments.

Kamal highlighted the importance of German market and briefed the exporters about activities of the mission for export promotion in this particular market. He said recently two young and dynamic honorary consul generals have been nominated in Munich and Hamburg to further strengthen Pak-German bilateral trade.

He also pointed out that Pakistan’s mission in Germany is maintaining an updated website and regularly publishing e-news letter that is widely circulated among business circles in both the countries.

A database of around 600 importers of Germany has been formed comprising small and medium enterprises which will be immensely beneficial for the exporters. The ambassador asked participants to send relevant articles for getting it printed in German press to improve Pakistan’s image. Mir Nasir Abbas informed the participants that TDAP actively participates in exhibitions held in Germany as some of them are the largest in the world. Germany being hub of European Union attracts exhibitors and visitors from the world.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

ISLAMABAD: A meeting of the Executive Committee of National Economic Council (ECNEC) would be held here on November 6 to review and approve various mega development projects worth billions of rupees. Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani will chair the meeting, official sources told APP here on Monday. Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Salman Farooqi is likely to brief the Ecnec on the projects referred by the CDWP for approval besides new mega projects. The federal ministers, the chief ministers and the finance ministers of the four provinces, the secretaries and senior officials of the Planning Commission would also attend the meeting. The development projects to be reviewed and approved by the Ecnec related to different sectors.

ISLAMABAD: Secretary Petroleum has said that gas in excess of 30 Trillion Cubic Feet may be lying trapped in the Tight Reservoirs of Pakistan.

In a statement read out at a two-day seminar organised by Pakistan Petroleum Exploration and Production Companies Association (PPEPCA) here, secretary petroleum , G. A. Sabri said that the Government is working hard to enhance the exploration activities in Pakistan through pragmatic policies to increase the discoveries and production of oil and gas.

The Secretary, who is currently visiting Saudi Arabia with the President of Pakistan, sent a statement to the seminar here.

Sabri said there is a need to develop strong local and Foreign E&P companies and service sector to further strengthen the oil and gas producing capacity of the country.

Syed Wamiq Bokhari, President of PPEPCA Technical Expert Committee explained that the tight reservoirs are requiring additional effort and expensive technologies to recover gas from them.

Modern technologies and improvements in fiscal terms will make recovery of gas from some of the tight reservoirs economical and help meet, to some extent, Pakistan's deficient energy needs.

Bokhari also stated that Tight Reservoirs are successfully being produced in several countries of the world and their experiences are being shared during the seminar.

The seminar was attended by several senior officials from the government, CEO's of several Oil and Gas Companies, CEOs and officials from service companies and foreign and local experts.
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has agreed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for enhancing the tax collection target for current fiscal year 2008-09 from Rs 1.250 trillion to Rs 1.360 trillion to limit its budget deficit within budgetary target of 4.7 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), official sources told daily Times on Monday.

During the talks on proposed bailout package for Pakistan held at Dubai last week Pakistani authorities have shown willingness with IMF authorities for putting additional tax burden of Rs 110 billion on taxpayers of the country during the current fiscal year.

This additional tax burden would be realised from the existing tax base and some new taxation measures are also expected during this month, the sources added.

The increase in federal tax collection target of Rs 100 billion will help to adjust over 30 percent depreciation of the rupee in the recent months.

“The consumers of public utilities and other products would bear the burden of increase in tax collection target, as the government has no mechanism to realise this increase exclusively from rich and elite of the society,” a tax official told Daily Times on Monday.

“This increase in tax collection target has been done without prior approval from the parliament, which is the prime authority for budget approval,” he said. “It would put additional burden of Rs 100 billion on poor consumers of the country that are already facing high inflation and impact of depreciation of the rupee,” he added.

In this regard, the FBR has started conveying enhanced revenue collection targets in all taxes to their respective field formations. By the start of the current fiscal year 2008-09, the budget deficit was estimated at Rs 661 billion and Rs 79 billion cash balance surplus of provinces would help bring consolidated budget deficit down to Rs 582.3 billion in the current fiscal year 2008-09.

By adopting prudent fiscal discipline, the federal government has been able to limit its consolidated budget deficit to Rs 144 billion or 1 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) against the projected deficit of Rs 147 billion or 1.2 percent of the GDP in first quarter July-September period of current fiscal year.

A senior official at the Ministry of Finance (MoF) told Daily Times that elimination of POL and power subsidies well before the targeted date of December 31 and other expenditure control initiatives taken by the government have helped the government to limit its budget deficit.

To keep the budget deficit within the projected level of 4.7 percent of the GDP the government has already placed a Rs 100 billion cut in Public Sector Development Programme. Current expenditures at federal ministries and divisions are being squeezed especially there is reduction in number of foreign visits by prime minister with minimum entourage as well as federal ministers and cut in fuel entitlement is also on the cards.

ISLAMABAD: The government is planning to acquire 78 acres of land adjacent to the Gwadar Port for provision of ancillary port facilities, like container parks, banks stevedore and clearing services, offices, workshops, storage yards and others, sources in the ministry of Ports and Shipping told Daily Times here on Monday.

These facilities would help in swift port operations and to meet the future requirements of the Gwadar Port users. The structures and facilities of the newly completed port have already been outsourced to Port of Singapore Authority International (PSAI) and according to ‘Concession Agreement’ already executed with them, the ‘Concession Area’, which encompasses the entire developed and non-developed area of the port was to be handed over to the PSAI. In such situation, the sources said that it would become difficult for the Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) to plan and conduct any activities of its own, which were essentially required for any Port Overseeing Authority and also to fulfill its commitments.

For addressing these issues, the GPA submitted a proposal for the acquisition of 100 acres of additional land at Mullabund Area in the second meeting of Gwadar Coordination and Implementation Committee (CIC) held last year. This scheme would cost the government Rs 490 million for which an allocation of Rs 12.732 million had been made in the MTDF for Ministry of Ports and Shipping under Transport Development Sector, the sources maintained. However, for this project the federal government has made no allocation in the Public Sector Development Programme.

The government is determined to make Gwadar an investment-friendly nucleus and a regional hub for economic activities. Efforts are already made on fast track process for providing necessary infrastructure for future development activities.

The Gwadar Port could handle ships of up to 50,000 deadweight tonnes through its three berths and after completion Gwadar Port would became the busiest port of the region, equipped with warehousing, trans-shipment and industrial facilities. Gwadar Port is located 460 km, away from Karachi, so, making itself less vulnerable for Indian blockade, which Pakistan faced in 1971 and was threatened in 1999.

Once a small fishing town along the Makran Coast would now become a mega seaport, which would fulfill the requirement of three geographically important regions, the entire subcontinent, West China, central Asia States, and Afghanistan, the sources maintained.

The operation and management of the port was handed over to the Singapore Port Authority (SPA) under a 40-year agreement between the GPA and the Concession Holding Company (CHC) - a subsidiary of the SPA that was operating 22 ports in 11 countries.

The port would not only promote trade and transport with Gulf States, but would also provide tans-shipment of containerised cargo, unlock the development potential of hinterland and would become a regional hub for major trade and commercial activities.

November 4 , 2008

KARACHI: The State Bank of Pakistan has formulated and issued Fair Debt Collection Guidelines to set minimum standards to be observed by banks and DFIs for the recovery of their debt to address the grievances of customers/borrowers.

These guidelines are applicable to various types of consumer financing facilities including credit cards, housing loans, auto and personal loans etc., says SBP statement issued here on Tuesday.

In a circular issued to Presidents/Chief Executives of all Banks/DFIs, State Bank said that if any bank/*** has already developed its debt collection code of conduct, the same shall appropriately be modified in line with these guidelines.

The State Bank has asked the Banks/DFIs to adhere to the following minimum guidelines in their debt collection efforts:

1) Before proceeding for debt collection/recovery from their customers / borrowers, the bank/*** will ensure to provide him/her all information relating to payments fallen due.

A minimum of 14 days notice will be served to the customer / borrower through letter/SMS advising him/her to make overdue payment, before a visit to his/her residence / business place is undertaken in a lawful manner to negotiate recovery of the outstanding amounts.

Advance notice will be required to be served to the customer when bank/*** staff picks up the payment and if it is done on customers request then it should be properly recorded.

2) Banks/ DFIs in their collection/recovery efforts will ensure that (a) the customers / borrowers are not contacted at an inconvenient time (b) proper disclosure of identity, name of the bank and the purpose of call is provided (c) only lawful and acceptable business language and professional attitude is adopted in establishing such contact.

3) Banks/ DFIs will also ensure that (a) collection calls are properly recorded (b) customers / borrowers are contacted at the given address/phone numbers and in case they cannot be contacted, at alternate address/phone number obtained through collection efforts (c) Visit Reports will be kept on record in the form of hard copy or on electronic collection systems for at least six months (d) collection staff shall not harass their family members.

However, necessary information could be obtained from family/friends/third party of the borrower if he/she is not in contact for 30 days after the first missed payment.

4) Banks/DFIs shall give 14 days written notice before repossessing the leased vehicle on breach of an agreement / default on repayment by the customers / borrowers, banks/DFIs and the recovery agencies employed by the bank/*** are advised to allow the customer/borrower to take possession of their valuables/goods out of the vehicle.

5) Banks / DFIs have been advised to ensure that (a) their collection/recovery staff do not transfer or misuse any personal data of customers / borrowers without their prior approval (b) any information of customer/borrower provided to the collecting staff are properly documented.

6) The banks/DFIs shall ensure that the collection/recovery agencies employed by them must be enrolled with Pakistan Banks Association (PBA) once the arrangements in this regard are in place.

In this regard, PBA is being advised to develop a criteria keeping in view the guidelines on Outsourcing Arrangements issued by State Bank of Pakistan.

In order to effectively control the functions of collection/recovery and the human resources engaged in this process, banks/DFIs would ensure the following:

1) Frame a code of lawful conduct for recovery staff.

2) Introduce a well defined mechanism for addressing complaints against the collection/recovery staff.

3) Undertake a periodical review of their recovery procedures / mechanism for improvement in line with law, market practice/development.

4) Engage suitably qualified staff in collection/recovery and provide them necessary training.

5) Regularly monitor the activities of collection/ recovery staff / agencies.

These guidelines shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of the relevant laws / regulations.

The State Bank of Pakistan during the course of inspection will check compliance of above guidelines. Strict action shall be taken against the bank/*** for non-compliance of above guidelines, the circular added.

KARACHI (November 04 2008): Cement exports exceeded 3 million tons as 3.497 million tons cement was exported in July-October of the current fiscal year depicting 73 percent growth as compared to 2.025 million tons during the same period of last fiscal year. This was due to huge export orders from Middle East, industry sources said.

They said that surged in cement export was due to high demand and its shortage in the region, especially in Dubai, Afghanistan and India, where construction activities are at peak. Following the rising demand for cement on international front, the industry is also rapidly growing and its production capacity has increased by about 50 percent to 37 million tons from 21 million tons.

Cement exports in October 2008 also broke all previous records, as over one million tons cement was exported in a single month. However, due to poor economic situation in the country, local dispatches declined by 14 percent during the period under review. Local cement dispatches declined to 6.337 million tons during this period as compared to 7.456 million tons of last fiscal year. But overall cement dispatches increased by 3.71 percent to 9.834 million tons as compared to 9.482 million tons of last fiscal year.

Industry sources expect further increase in cement export in the future. However, they expressed concerned over the declining trend in local dispatches. Ahead of regional demand, cement manufacturers have also done huge investment under their expansion plans during last three years to meet the international cement requirements, he added.

ISLAMABAD (November 04 2008): Pakistan will finalise its talks with IMF by November 10 and IMF's Board is likely to take up Pakistan's case for approval for a bail-out package, says the PM Advisor on Finance Shaukat Tarin. "We will finalise all matters with IMF after holding second round of talks by November 10th," Shaukat Tarin, Advisor to Prime Minister on Finance, told Business Recorder.

-- Pakistan will be required to pay 3.5 to 4.0 percent interest on a 20-month facility. Tarin needs to resolve with the Managing Director of IMF the percentage increase in the State Bank of Pakistan's policy rate and its timing. The Fund's technical team wants it to be an action prior to the release of funds while Pakistan is insisting that its need should be determined keeping the prevailing liquidity conditions after taking into account the level of uncertainty.

Further, the Pakistan side feels that once the government's borrowing is strictly contained there will be no need to raise the SBP policy rate. The Fund team is reportedly taking a textbook approach and wants a three percent steep hike in SBP's discount rate.

Pakistan has finalised issues at technical level and for the final round of talks, he would meet IMF officials and would sign the Letter of Intent (LoI), Tarin said. Fund has also agreed with a gradual transfer of oil repayments to the interbank market from the SBP reserves.

Signing of Letter of Intent means the government of Pakistan assures the Fund of implementing all agreed conditions. He however, did not, give more details on further issues. Pakistan is entitled to obtain three or even four times its quota of $1.5 billion. It would need to pay 3.5 to 4.0 percent interest on a 20-month facility.

In another talk with Voice of America, Tarin said that IMF Board is likely to take up the approval of Stand-By Arrangement for Pakistan on November 15. Tarin also told Business Recorder that he would be leaving Saudi Arabia late Monday to discuss issue of Deferred Oil Facility with the Saudi officials. Pakistanis likely to get 11000 barrels oil per day from Saudi Arabia on deferred payment of six months to a year which can save over $2 billion on $65 per barrel. However, any such announcement can be made during President Zardari's upcoming visit starting on November 4 (today).

Last week, Finance Ministry officials during over 10-day-long talks with the IMF in Dubai, which concluded last Thursday, obtained consent from the Fund for $9.6 billion for two years as a Stand-By Arrangement (SBA). IMF's first tranche of Stand-By Arrangement would come after Pakistan files a formal request followed by Fund's approval of the aid, which is likely to be $3 billion to $4 billion. Pakistan is urgently seeking funds to help it weather a fast-deteriorating balance of payments situation.

KARACHI (November 04 2008): Cement exports exceeded 3 million tons as 3.497 million tons cement was exported in July-October of the current fiscal year depicting 73 percent growth as compared to 2.025 million tons during the same period of last fiscal year. This was due to huge export orders from Middle East, industry sources said.

They said that surged in cement export was due to high demand and its shortage in the region, especially in Dubai, Afghanistan and India, where construction activities are at peak. Following the rising demand for cement on international front, the industry is also rapidly growing and its production capacity has increased by about 50 percent to 37 million tons from 21 million tons.

Cement exports in October 2008 also broke all previous records, as over one million tons cement was exported in a single month. However, due to poor economic situation in the country, local dispatches declined by 14 percent during the period under review. Local cement dispatches declined to 6.337 million tons during this period as compared to 7.456 million tons of last fiscal year. But overall cement dispatches increased by 3.71 percent to 9.834 million tons as compared to 9.482 million tons of last fiscal year.

Industry sources expect further increase in cement export in the future. However, they expressed concerned over the declining trend in local dispatches. Ahead of regional demand, cement manufacturers have also done huge investment under their expansion plans during last three years to meet the international cement requirements, he added.

ISLAMABAD (November 04 2008): The government may revise upward the revenue collection target of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) from Rs 1250 billion to Rs 1,350 billion for 2008-09. Sources told Business Recorder on Monday that the board is likely to enhance the revenue collection targets for Large Taxpayer Units (LTUs), keeping in view the possible increase in tax projections, from Rs 1250 billion to Rs 1350 billion, during 2008-09.

A meeting of LTUs Directors-General was held here to chalk out a comprehensive strategy for achieving revenue collection target. The main agenda of the meeting was to devise an effective plan for achieving the revenue budgets assigned to each LTU. As LTUs are dealing with all leading multinational companies, corporate entities and business establishments, there is need to primarily focus on LTUs for improving revenue collection.

In case the revenue target is enhanced to Rs 1350 billion, the major role in achieving the upward revised target would be the large taxpayer units. The meeting discussed ways and means to improve revenue collection during the remaining months of the current financial year. The meeting was also informed that FBR would convey the parameters for selection of cases for audit in the next one or two days to LTUs DGs for effective audit under section 177 of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001.

Sources said that the major chunk of revenue would be coming from large taxpaying units, for which effective enforcement measures are needed to be implemented. The Directors-General of LTUs also submitted information about large taxpaying companies to Member, DT, with particular focus on sectoral analysis. The data from major revenue spinners was also discussed in the meeting.

Meanwhile, customs officials told this scribe that duty collection was ahead of the target during the current year. However, the customs department has not yet conveyed any upward revised targets to the Model Customs Collectorates (MCCs).

In view of satisfactory performance of customs collectorates, the FBR may upward revise the target in the remaining months of current fiscal year.

On sales tax side, collectors of sales tax have not yet received any upward revised sales tax projections. The increased revenue collection on sales tax side has enabled the board to meet the monthly targets.

ISLAMABAD (November 04 2008): Prime Minister's Adviser on Finance Shaukat Tareen on Monday said that all sectors of economy should be brought into the tax net for fair play and promotion of tax culture in the country. In an interview to VOA, he admitted that the government has to make difficult political decisions for improving taxation system in the country.

Replying to a query, he said all issues have been resolved with the IMF technical team and the next phase of the talks will focus the payment. He said first time in the history of the country agriculture sector would be brought under tax net.

Tareen said he has full support from President Zardari for improving the tax system adding that the tax rate will be enhanced to bring it to 15 percent of the gross national income. He said borrowing loans from the IMF is one of our last options to cope with the current economic crisis. Pakistan has presented the plan to the IMF, which sent a team to Dubai to analyse the plan.

Now negotiations with it have concluded successfully, he remarked. The IMF will take our plan to its board by November 15, he added. "We are going to Saudi Arabia on November 4 and 5 so we will not require the IMF support in case we succeed in getting money from Saudi Arabia. But I think that the IMF has accepted our conditions so we will try to take it from Friends of Pakistan," he said.

"We want to present a comprehensive solution to the current economics issue. The IMF has not given its own plan or co-ordination and we are carrying on talks on our own terms." He alleged that the previous government did not raise prices with the fear that it would make the then ruling party unpopular during the election year."

If there is any proposal from the stock exchanges relating to the reduction in capital value tax (CVT), then this could be reviewed in the next budget, he added. He said if the proposal for slashing the CVT was sent, then it could be seriously considered but only in the next budget.

LAHORE (November 04 2008): The Senior Minister, Raja Riaz Ahmad has said that the government was spending Rs 6,760 million on sustained urban development and improvement of people's lifestyle in the province. He was talking to an assembly of public representatives, Councillors of Local Bodies and MPAs at his office on Sunday.

Appraising of the meeting about the government's reform agenda and policies to make urban masses engineer the economic growth, he said that the government has check-marked the provision of useful services in five city districts through financial support to specialised the institutions like development authorities, Wasa and City District Governments.

The provincial government also gave Rs 30 million for identification, master planning and development of intermediate cities in Punjab, he disclosed. This intervention will discourage migration and reduce pressure on civic amenities of large cities, he maintained. Further, the Government is also prioritising basic services like water supply, sewerage and roads in Katchi Abbadis with an amount of Rs 2000 million, the Minister said.

Karachi-Pakistan (Souh-Asia) October 31,2008: A Pakistani youth expert with Media, Lobbying and Socio-Economic experience has offered his services to avert fiscal and economic default of Pakistan through his invented Saeed Abbasi Socio-Economic Management Formula(SEMFO) Plan. Saeed Khan Abbasi, 39 years old from Karachi claimed that through his said SEMFO Plan he would enable Pakistan to draft Deficit Free Budget for the next fiscal year despite stern domestic and international economic conditions.

According to Saeed Abbasi, his SEMFO Plan will enable country to get rid of trade, fiscal and social sector deficit. He will enable Pakistan with immediate USD: 4 to 5 billion's liquidity to cope with default threat. He said that with SEMFO Plan, there would be no need to get IMF or World Bank reliance for our own fiscal and economic budget making, while these donors and agencies like the IMF, WB, ADB and Friends of Pakistan should be engaged as Pakistan's Economic Development Friendly Advisors instead of the Loan Providing Sources. He expressed hope that his formula would enable the country to avert a default in international market due in February 2009 because of a due payment against USD: 500 billion's Euro Bonds.

Mr.Saeed said he could enable Pakistan to generate funds of about USD: 40 to 50 billion for three and five years' fiscal period. SEMFO Plan would slash inflation from current 17% to 2% (Over all 25% to 4%), Poverty rate of current 40% to 15% and gradually at very low level, and will make more than 50% increases in currency value. He said that SEMFO would increase the GDP growth rate from 3-4% to 25% and 50% onward in short period.

He claimed that his plan would enable the ongoing current account deficit of 15% to around 5%, Pakistani reserves will be more than USD: 10 billion constant for five years, foreign remittances of Pakistani abroad will be turned into attractive investment plan which will enable Pakistan to have about USD: 15-20 billion reserves in account. According to his SEMFO Plan we would not need to slash a huge amount of 60 to 100 billion rupees instead of this our budget would provide more than 100 billion rupees for development projects. He said that the stable and positive purchasing power for all Pakistanis with an investment heaven image of Pakistan is his focus with this plan.

Saeed Khan Abbasi also announced to prepare a "Credible Recovery Plan" of Pakistan for international donor agencies, countries and monetary organisations like the IMF, WB etc as well as domestic agencies to get Pakistan out of 700 billion rupees outstanding amount, which Pakistan has to pay. He assured that by implementing his plan Pakistan would not only become more economic power in the region but would be a leading Food and Energy Planning country of the world. He offered his formula to help the other countries of the world confronting the worst global recession.

He requested the President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Syed Yousif Raza Gilani, members of the Pakistan Senate and the National Assembly and media to extend their favour to serve the country. He ruled out any demand of official portfolio and a single penny expense for his personal benefit from the government's treasure in this regard.

(M.Saeed Khan Abbasi).
Socio-Economic, Media, Lobbying & Image Building Expert
Karachi-Pakistan (South Asia).
saeedabasi at hotmail dot com saeedabasi at yahoo dot com
Cell: 0092-333-2124418 (Local: 0333-2124418)
saeedabasi dot blogspot dot com
November 04, 2008

ISLAMABAD: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed Tuesday on the supply of oil from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan on late payment.

In this regard, the IMF and Saudi Arabia have reached an agreement under which Saudi Arabia will supply 100,000 barrels per day to Pakistan against the payment to be made late by one-year.

These talks were held at the highest level but Pakistan will have to make an additional payment of two billion dollars despite a decline in price of oil in world market.

However, an important decision regarding the supply of oil is expected to be announced on the eve of President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to Saudi Arabia.

The IMF will provide to Pakistan a loan of $1.3 billion for improving the financial condition of the government and $3.5 billion for alleviation of poverty from the country.

Pakistan has assured the IMF that it will completely free the exchange rate after signing a $4.8 billion loan agreement.
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