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World Bank to give $238 million for power sector

FAISALABAD (October 17 2007): World Bank will provide 238 million dollars for "Electricity Distribution and Transmission Improvement Project" to help increase the efficiency, reliability, and quality of electricity supply by supporting reductions in overall technical and commercial losses, increased availability of electricity, and improved voltage profile in Pakistan.

According to official sources, the project also aims to support power sector reform and investment planning and financing through technical assistance.

The update Environmental Assessment (EA) document evaluated impacts and suggests mitigation measures in the following areas, respectively: soil erosion and degradation, caused by grid stations and transmission lines construction activities; surface and ground water contamination; loss or damage to wildlife; damage to natural vegetation; inappropriate liquid or solid waste disposal; leakage from oils and chemicals; crop compensation; construction crews will be provided with LPG for cooking; use of firewood will not be allowed; post-construction monitoring of tower foundations will be carried out to detect early signs of soil erosion or land sliding; and finally, applicability of Pakistan's legal and environmental policy legislation and the bank's operational safeguard policy on environmental and social matters, such as forestry, natural habitats; indigenous peoples; cultural property; projects in disputed areas. Negotiations scheduled for mid-November 2007, sources added.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Gwadar Oil City: Pakistan, China to sign agreements in early 2008

ISLAMABAD: During the forthcoming visit of Chinese president in early 2008, Pakistan and China are set to sign agreements on Chinese investments in Gwadar Oil City, incentives for setting-up of Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Gwadar seaport development programme for expansion of bilateral trade and strengthening of investment relations.

All these initiatives are considered to be essential for the success of Trade Energy, Transport and Industrial Corridor between Pakistan and China, a senior government official told Daily Times on Tuesday.

A steering committee headed by deputy chairman Planning Commission and comprising minister of State for investment, secretary general revenue division, prime minister’s advisor on energy and members from all four provinces, and concerned federal ministries have been directed to prepare well before the visit of Chinese president and within 90 days incentive packages for realising the targets of the corridor.

Energy advisor has been directed to recommend within 60 days the oil concessions for Chinese companies with the objective of attracting Chinese companies to bring in at least 200 rigs to Pakistan. This policy will be open to other interested exploration companies as well.

President of Pakistan has approved establishment of Trade Energy, Transport and Industrial Corridor between Pakistan and China.

To implement the initiatives for realising the objectives of the corridor, president has also approved constitution of a 16-member policy, supervisory board and constitution of over 10 members steering committee.

The corridor would require a set of 14 important measures to make this initiative a success. It has been decided that Pak-China bilateral working group would be constituted to prepare and finalise the action plan for building the Multi-Model Corridor. General attractive concessions would be given for the development of SEZs.

Site for China-Saudi Oil refinery in proposed Oil City at Gwadar would be identified and terms and conditions for investment would be decided on priority basis. Government of Balochistan has been asked to identify state land for development of projects at Gwadar out of which 50 square kilometres land will be allocated to Chinese developers at nominal rates for establishment of SEZs.

The Gwadar Sea Port development programme (Arthur D Little and Chinese Plans), which has been approved would be negotiated with Chinese investors to attract investment in this area. Financial incentives equal or better than Chinese SEZs would be provided to the investors in the said area.

Under the corridor plan, a high speed and capacity link of Gwadar with international optical fibre cables would be established. As an essential first step, coal mining would be commenced by setting up a joint venture company comprising of Pakistani stakeholders and foreign companies.

Federal government has already showed its willingness to resolve the issue of land for economic zones in different parts of the country, in addition to special lease of land at Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar for international entrepreneurs including Chinese companies to build 15-20 story offices and business support centres residency blocks for the perspective investors.

The policy and supervisory board would be constituted for providing strategic vision by laying down policy guidelines, ensuring timely decisions and regular monitoring of the progress. It has been decided that the President of Pakistan will head the board and other members would be prime minister, federal ministers of Ports and Shipping, Communication, Railways, Petroleum and Natural Resources, Industries and Production, Commerce, Water and Power, governor and chief minister Balochistan, minister of State for investment, deputy chairman Planning Commission, secretary general finance, secretary general revenue division and secretary Foreign Affairs.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Total assets of banking sector up by Rs 499 billion

KARACHI: Total assets of the banking system grew exceptionally by Rs 499 billion or 11 percent to Rs 4.952 trillion during the April-June quarter, equal to almost 80 percent of the full-year increase of CY06, reveals the Banking System Review released by the State Bank of Pakistan.

The assets of banking system witnessed this exceptional growth, which was mainly supported by the huge increase in deposits and healthy addition in capital. Overall, performance of the banking system remained healthy, on the back of strong profits and strengthening capital position, the review says.

Though the aggressive loan growth in the past few years has resulted in marginal rise in the level of infected portfolio, the healthy profits lent hand to keep the key asset quality indicators in check.

The recent trend of the slowdown in the growth of loan portfolio continued in June quarter too, as loans took only one-fourth or Rs 132 billion of the increased asset base.

Profits of the banking system continued to grow – signifying an extension to the previous year’s trend. Before tax profit of the banking system reached Rs 68.5 billion, which constitutes around 55 percent of the full-year profit of CY06. After tax profit increased to Rs 45.4 billion, which accounts for about 54 percent of the full-year after tax profit of CY06.

As a result, key profitability indicators remained strong. Both the before and after tax returns on assets (ROA) of the banking system maintained the last quarter’s level of 3.0 percent and 2.0 percent in June 2007. Despite a significant increase in the equity base, the banking system was able to maintain return on equity (ROE) at previous quarter’s level of 20.6 percent.

Investments increased by a handsome amount of Rs 202 billion, as compared to full year’s increase of Rs 47 billion in CY06. Resultantly, the share of investments in total assets has increased to 23.8 percent from 19.3 percent in CY06. As a result, the share of loans in total assets fell to 50.5 percent from 55.8 percent in CY06.

On the back of extraordinary deposits’ inflows and slowdown in advances, liquidity indicators suggested further softening during the quarter under review.

Analysis of income and expenses shows that increase in interest expense was on higher side as compared to the increase in the interest income. This may be referred to relatively higher increase in deposits’ rates as well as some compositional shift of the assets away from loans to the investments, which offer comparatively lower returns.

Liquidity of the banking system further eased during the quarter. A shift of the assets away from loans to investments added to the liquidity of the banking system.

Loans to deposits ratio of the banking system softened to 63.9 percent from 66.0 percent in March 2007. Liquid assets to total asset ratio also increased to 35.8 percent from 34.0 percent in March 2007.

Noticeable shift has been seen in the composition of banking system’s assets, away from loans toward investments, says the review.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Loans of banking system reach Rs 2.496 trillion

KARACHI: Loans of the banking system increased by Rs 132 billion to Rs 2.496 trillion during April-June 2007, says Banking System Review for the quarter released by the State Bank of Pakistan.

It is substantial when compared with the previous year’s trend - almost equal to the one third of the total increase in CY06, it says.

Segment wise increase in loans’ portfolio reveals that it was corporate sector, commodity finance and the consumer finance activities, which attracted significant portion of the increased loans. Loans of corporate sector increased by Rs 38 billion to Rs 1.343 trillion. Commodity finance, with almost an equal increase stayed at Rs169 billion. Growth in consumer finance, which has been attracting much attention of the stakeholders, remained at 6 percent during the quarter and it reached Rs 354 billion. Resultantly, its share in total loans increased slightly to 14.3 percent from 14.1 percent in March 2007.

Following the aggressive credit growth during the past few years, the credit quality of the banking system has started showing some concerns. However, the key asset quality ratios experienced improvement during June 2007 quarter as compared to March 2007 quarter. In absolute terms NPLs of banking system, which had been decreasing till CY06, experienced an increase of Rs 3 billion to Rs 187.6 billion during the June 2007 quarter.

Net NPLs of the banking system improved to Rs 45 billion from Rs 47 billion in June 2007. Group wise, it were only LPBs, which experienced an increase in NPLs, and net NPLs by Rs 9 billion and Rs 6 billion respectively, whereas PSCBs and FBs were able to keep their levels in check.

Specialised banks have significantly improved their levels of NPLs and net NPLs, which dropped by Rs 6 billion and Rs 7 billion respectively during the quarter.

Significant increase in the loans of the banking system lent a hand in keeping the key asset quality ratios in check. Both the NPLs to loans ratio and net NPLs to net loans ratio of the banking system improved to 7.1 percent and 1.8 percent from 7.4 percent and 2.0 percent in March 2007.

Segment wise, the NPLs to loans’ ratios of corporate, SME and consumer segments have increased by 0.2 percent, 0.6 percent and 0.4 percent to 6.9 percent, 9.7 percent and 3.6 percent respectively in June 2007 quarter. On the other hand, infection ratio of agriculture sector witnessed a decline of 4.4 percent to 19.3 percent during the quarter.

Increase in warrants of NPLs drew attention of the risk managers of the banks since it can affect the future profitability of the banking system, the review says and adds that future trends in NPLs would largely shape the profitability of the banking system.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Could you tell me about any Renewable Energy prospects or industry in Pakistan as it would be helpful to my studies at University.

I am currently studying for a BSc Renewable Energy and I hope to find work in Pakistan once I complete my studies.

Regards JK!

Could you tell me about any Renewable Energy prospects or industry in Pakistan as it would be helpful to my studies at University.

I am currently studying for a BSc Renewable Energy and I hope to find work in Pakistan once I complete my studies.

Regards JK!

Sure, I'lll check whatever news I have and pss it to you.

ADB stresses economic, social benefits for all

Thursday, October 18, 2007

ISLAMABAD: Asian Development Bank vice-president Ursula Schaefer-Preuss has stressed the need for ensuring access to economic and social benefits in Asia to many people and not just to the few.

“Asia is the fastest growing region in the world, and yet if specific actions are not taken, there will be many people falling behind, not being able to benefit from growth,” said the vice-president in a speech at the opening session of the “Taking Action for the World’s Poor and Hungry People” conference in Beijing.

According to an ADB press release received here on Wednesday, she said income poverty in Asia, as measured by the $1 per day benchmark, is declining, much due to the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s) rapid growth.

However, the region still has more than 600 million living on less than $1 per day; and about 1.8 billion people living on less than $2 per day, she added.

Young girls in the region still lack access to primary education. Infant mortality in Asia is around 60 per thousand live births and maternal mortality is about 30 per cent higher than that of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Schaefer-Preuss said Asia faces the twin challenge of ensuring energy security and preventing environmental degradation.

“Protecting the environment is a critical challenge on poverty alleviation since it will lead to increased distress on agriculture and food security, foods and other natural disasters, while significant concerns on human habitat and safety remain.”

“The poorest people in the region suffer the first and most,” she said.

The Vice President also emphasised that society’s most vulnerable groups; children, women, and those living in rural areas are suffering the most, and that the rural-urban disparity is rising.

“Alleviating poverty and hunger means we have to address the needs in various economic and social policies; ranging from health, environment, labour, rural and urban, social protection, infrastructure at regional, national and local levels,” she said.

Schaefer-Preuss added that in many parts of Asia, governments are becoming much more proactive in understanding the complexities of poverty. To support governments, ADB will target its efforts on enhancing people’s access to infrastructure, education and employment, health and basic social services, clean environment and energy, as well as gender and other reforms.

ADB stresses economic, social benefits for all
Food inflation at 7-year high

KARACHI, Oct 17: Rampant price escalation placed the food inflation at seven-year high in September 2007.

The unchecked food price escalation which is mostly an outcome of hoarding and black-marketing, increased prices of almost all essential goods needed by a common person.

The latest report of price trend shows that in September 2007, the food inflation reached 13 per cent on year-on-year basis which is the highest figure since 2001.

It has been argued by the government that one of the major reasons for food inflation was distribution problem which creates supply and demand gap, resulting in a price-hike.

However, no action has been taken against the organised wheat price hike, 100 per cent increase in rice prices and sugar hoarding. These are the essential items used on a daily basis.

Earlier, the food inflation reached second high as 12.7 per cent in December 2006 and this was the highest in last 12 months.

At the same time, the CPI of annual average showed that the food inflation never reached 13 per cent since 2001. Food inflation was 12.5 per cent in 2005.

The 13 per cent inflation in September 2007 carried the Ramazan factor which is usually known for sudden price jump. However, the wheat factor with its massive weight in the price index had started much earlier to influence the market and food inflation.

Analysts identified three reasons for the recent food price hike; the international food price increase, high oil prices and low production of food items in the country.

“The wheat prices have come down for last couple of weeks and this will impact the food inflation in the October,” said an analyst, adding that the October food inflation could be around 12 per cent.

However, he feared that the food inflation could jump again if the government passes on the oil price impact to the local market. The oil prices have gone up to $88 per barrel on Monday and the oil experts have been predicting for further increase as the winter season is approaching closer to Europe and America.

The food inflation which reached seven year high in September, was untouched by the oil price hike as the government has kept the oil prices frozen for at least one year. The real impact of recent oil prices would come in next three months. Analysts believe if the oil prices are increased, the food inflation could hit all time high.

“In the name of free market economy the government has allowed black-marketing, hoarding and forced price increase by eliminating the public factor from this entire price affair,” said Ehtesham Arif, a retired bureaucrat.

He said the government did not have any policy to stop these forces behaving against the market practices making the life more painful for a common person.

The recent wave of price increase touched a wide range of food items, ranging from essential items like wheat, sugar, rice to vegetables, meat, edible oil, etc.

Food inflation at 7-year high -DAWN - Business; October 18, 2007
Pakistan to raise Rs15bn in bond auction

KARACHI, Oct 17: Pakistan’s central bank said on Wednesday it planned to raise Rs15 billion ($247.44 million) through an auction of long-term government bonds this month.

The State Bank of Pakistan said in a statement it planned to reopen the Aug 22, 2007, issues of the 3-, 5- and 10-year Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs) on Oct 30.

It would also re-open Oct 31, 2006, issues of 15- and 20-year PIBs, in addition to reopening the Dec 22, 2006, issue of the 30-year bond, it said.

Settlement will be on Oct. 31.

The 3-, 5-, 10-, 15- and 20-year PIBs carry annual coupons of 9.1, 9.3, 9.6, 10 and 10.5 per cent, respectively, while the 30-year paper carries a coupon of 11 per cent.

This will be the third PIB auction to be conducted by the government in the 2007-08 fiscal year, which began on July 1, and the second this month.

The last PIB auction was on Oct 9, when the central bank sold Rs15.29 billion worth of long-term bonds.

The central bank then set a cut-off yield of 10.1897 per cent on the benchmark 10-year paper, 9.8024 on the five-year and 9.6211 per cent on the three-year PIBs.

It also set a cut-off yield of 11.1494 per cent for the 15-year PIB, 11.4103 per cent for the 20-year and 11.6142 per cent for the 30-year securities.

Pakistan launched its first long-term PIBs in December 2000 to tap institutional investment and set a benchmark for corporate bond yields. It issued a 30-year bond for the first time in December last year.—Reuters

Pakistan to raise Rs15bn in bond auction -DAWN - Business; October 18, 2007
Pharmaceutical exports to Gulf begin this month

KARACHI: Pakistan will start its pharmaceutical export to Gulf countries thorough Jordan soon in the ongoing month.

The first export consignment has worth around $50, 000 based on single product “water for injection”. The product will export to Jordan’s ministry of health department direct, which is also the main supplier of Gulf countries.

Initially, only one national pharmaceutical manufacturer company Indus Pharma was granted export license by Jordan’s ministry in Pakistan subsequently after completion of prolongs inspection processes during the last three-year period. However, a Pakistan based multinational company was also registered for inspection but it failed to fulfill all the required compliances asked by the buyer country. It is prudent to mention here that Jordan’s ministry registered these two national and multinational companies in 2004 and it took one year extra for monitoring of quality standards drugs of Pakistani companies.

Managing Director, Indus Pharam, Zahid Saeed said that the designated medical watchdogs conducted the inspection of drugs’ processing very strictly. On the other hand, he added the cost of input has been surged by 25 percent in order to acquire all the demanded standards of buyer country. “Particularly, Jordan’s ministry of health was cautious for high quality packaging and safe transportation of medicine,” he added.

Mr Saeed added that the company was also imported highly modern machineries of drugs’ production for meeting this export target during last two years.

Indus Pharma is ranked in top five exporter of the Pakistan out of total 25 pharmaceutical exporter companies. Its contribution of country’s export crossed $2 million per annum. Indus Pharma also exports its pharmaceutical product to Bahrain, which is small but lucrative market in terms of prices.

Pharmaceutical exporters told the Gulf market is very lucrative for Pakistan export as it offers high prices of the pharmaceutical products. Some believe that the export values are seven to eight times higher than offered by African and Central Asian countries. They are optimistic that country’s pharmaceutical brands will reach in the Gulf countries particularly in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait.

Pakistan has achieved its pharmaceutical export target of $100 million in the last fiscal year and it has set worth $125 million export target for the current fiscal year 2007-08.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
1,765 CNG stations set up, 1,000 more in pipeline

KARACHI: More than 1,765 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) stations have been established in the country and 1,000 more would be set up in three years due to government’s liberal policies and participation of private sector.

This was stated by Director General of Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan (HDIP) Hilal A Raza on Wednesday.

According to him an investment of Rs 70 billion has been made in the CNG industry, which is providing employment to 30,000 people in the country.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
KSE index reaches new high

KARACHI (October 18 2007): Karachi share market on Wednesday continued its upward trend with making new records as the KSE-100 index crossed 14,600 historic level to hit 14,614.34 points intra-day high level on the back of increasing oil prices in the international market.

Finally, the KSE-100 index closed at its highest ever level of 14,590.17 points with a net gain of 126.39 points. While the KSE-30 index gained 87.84 points and also closed at its new record level of 17,863.78 points.

The market started on a positive note, but a major decline in Indian market affected the momentum, while selling in the banking sector stocks, forced the index to enter the negative zone to reach 14,255.37 points intra-day low level.

Later, the market witnessed buying mainly in oil sector stocks due to increasing oil prices in the international market and the index once again entered the positive zone. The index hit its historic 14,614.34 points intra-day highest ever level, but the selling in banking sector stocks pushed the index to close slightly lower at its closing level.

The market witnessed healthy trading activity as the ready market volume increased to 438.542 million shares as compared to 302.696 million shares traded on Thursday. The futures market turnover surged to 95.453 million shares against 54.297 million shares previously.

The overall market capitalisation increased by Rs 28 billion to settle at its record level of Rs 4.455 trillion. Trading took place in 379 scrips, out of which 207 scrips closed in positive and 128 in negative, while the value of 44 scrips remained unchanged.

The E&P giant, Oil and Gas Development Company (OGDC) was the star performer of the day with 66.430 million shares and the scrip surged by rupees three to close at Rs 132.80 followed by TRG Pakistan, which increased by Rs 0.50 to close at Rs 15.80 with a total volume of 46.864 million shares.

Fauji Fertiliser Bin Qasim also remained active and gained Rs 0.70 to close at Rs 47.55 with a total turnover of 35.637 million shares. Fresh buying was seen in Arif Habib Sec and the scrip surged by Rs 3.95 to close at Rs 165.25.

In the banking sector, Bank of Punjab (BoP) and NIB Bank gained Rs 0.35 and Rs 0.60 to close at Rs 105.15 and Rs 22.50 respectively, while National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) declined by Rs 4.70 to close at Rs 266.55.

Buying was witnessed in cement sector stocks as DG Khan Cement and Zeal Pak Cement gained Rs 2.75 and Rs 0.65 to close at Rs 114.25 and Rs 5.45 respectively, while Lucky Cement closed at the same level of Rs 137 without any change.

Unilever and Siemens were the highest gainers, with Rs 90 and Rs 29 gains to close at Rs 2,590 and Rs 1,786 respectively, while Pak Reinsurance and Pak Engineering were the highest losers. They lost Rs 13.70 and Rs 12.25 to close at Rs 381.05 and Rs 232.75 respectively.

Ahsan Mehanti at Shehzad Chamdia Securities said that major decline in Indian market affected the momentum at the local share market in initial hours, forcing the index to enter the negative zone, but rising oil prices in the international market supported the index to recover its intra-day losses and to close at its new record level of 14,590.17 points.

Major buying was witnessed in oil sector stocks and most of the relevant stocks closed in positive with gains. Selling was witnessed in some banking sector stocks, which closed in negative. Buying was witnessed in MCB Bank and BoP, which closed in positive.

The investors took positive the recent developments on the political front and took fresh positions on the back of their good expectations. Increasing special convertible rupee accounts (SCRAs) balances and good volume indicate the investors' interest to invest at the share market.

Hasnain Asghar Ali at Aziz Fidahusein Securities said that the impact of changes in treatment of non-performing loans (NPL) by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) was certainly exaggerated, nevertheless the suspense linked to the Supreme Court's decision regarding presidential elections added to the banking sector and the positive opening invited fresh inflow mainly in the banking stocks.

Index did witness an extended onslaught and the index made an intra-day low of 14,253.29, down by 210 points. Surge in oil prices in the international market and temptation linked to futuristic growth invited accumulation in almost all sectors, leading the way were certainly oil and gas exploration stocks.

Aggressive buying accompanied by short covering in low priced banking, fertiliser and cement sectors certainly allowed the index to continue the record-breaking spree both on intra-day and closing basis. Technically, the index still faces major resistance around 14,800-14,810, while intra-day resistance stayed at 14,670-14,677 and intra-day support stayed at 14,327-14,333.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Developing Thar coal blocks

EDITORIAL (October 18 2007): The Sindh government has decided in principle to develop another seven coal-mining blocks in Thar to expand coal exploration operations in the province, says a Recorder Report. Various local and international mining firms have already carried out exploration work in four coal blocks.

According to sources in Sindh Mines and Mineral Development Department, the expansion in exploration work is meant to meet the growing demand for coal being used in thermal power generation.

At present coal production in Sindh stands at about five million tonnes per annum, and the department envisages increasing it to over 20 million tonnes by 2015. Sources in the department maintain that international tenders have been floated for securing expressions of interest (EoI) from national and international firms for developing two blocks in Thar.

Five coal-mining blocks will be developed in Sanghar, Khairpur and Tando Jam districts. Thar coal-field, spread over an area of 9,100 square kilometers, is the largest coal-field in the country. It is estimated to have coal reserves of about 175.506 billion tonnes.

Further, Thar coal is said to be the best for power generation. Although preference will be given to local firms, according to official sources, most of these firms lack the specialised equipment and technical know-how required for undertaking exploration and mining of coal on such a vast scale.

Tenders will, therefore, he awarded purely on merit. Meanwhile, the Sindh Mines and Mineral Development Department is planning to develop more coal-mining blocks in Lakhra coal-field near Dadu and Sonda-Jheruk coal-field near Thatta after carrying out feasibility studies.

According to a study conducted by a German firm, RWE Power Engineering at Thar coal-field, 1,000-megawatt coal-based power plants can be economically operated in this area. (A Chinese company, Shenhua Corporation, has in fact been working on the construction of two 350-megawatt power plants based on Thar coal).

The Sindh government, under a policy decision, has lately started encouraging projects that will use coal as the main input for industrial activities because this will relieve pressure on the more expensive fuels, such as oil and gas. Experts believe that after hydropower, coal has a substantial edge over other non-renewable sources as a relatively cheaper mode of electric power generation.

In view of the apprehended shortfall of electricity and other energy resources over the next 10 years, the demand for indigenous coal for power generation is expected to grow considerably.

Meanwhile, Pakistan has emerged as the seventh among the top 20 coal producing countries of the world after the discovery of huge lignite coal deposits in Sindh. Experts have estimated that Pakistan's energy requirements over the next five years are likely to grow at the rate of 7.4 percent per annum, because of the ambitious GDP targets set by the government.

This is a big challenge for the country's energy sector. According to available data, as many as nine companies including Sumitomo of Japan, Siemens and Reinhaul of Germany, AES Corporation of the US, Al-Jumaih Group of Saudi Arabia and Malakoff of Malaysia have so far submitted statements of qualification for setting up a 1000-1200 megawatt power project in Sindh. Realisation of the project is, however, nowhere in sight.

Their mindset has been mainly responsible for our failure to benefit from our huge coal reserves, which could have allowed us to get out of the tightening energy squeeze. Pakistan's current total mine-able coal reserves are estimated at two billion tons, which is 6 percent of the measured coal reserves.

Despite the presence of this huge unutilised coal treasure, the share of coal in Pakistan's total energy mix stands at only 5.5 percent. However, under a plan, coal's share in the country's energy mix will be gradually increased to 18 percent by the year 2018, which will still be far below that of India's 54.5 percent.

Further, our energy requirements will have been quadrupled by then. It is said that Thar coal reserves, estimated at approximately 185 billion tonnes, can produce energy equivalent to 400 billion barrels of oil or 850 trillion cubic feet of gas. In real terms this is greater than the combined oil reserves of any of the two major oil-producing countries of the world.

Experts believe that with the end of the oil era being not far off, coal-fired thermal power plants, with improved design, will find favour in the next 30 to 40 years.

In Pakistan, the Jamshoro thermal station, with 469 million coal reserves from Lakhra coal-field, best illustrates this point. The Sindh government's decision to develop seven new coal-mining blocks in Thar is indeed a move in the right direction, provided this otherwise commendable initiative does not fall a prey to dithering and self-serving expediency, yet again.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
NetSol revenue crosses Rs 1 billion mark

LAHORE (October 17 2007): NetSol Technologies Limited Chairman Salim Ghauri told Business Recorder that information on the growth of Pakistan's IT sector was now travelling rapidly that not only made customers realise our potential but also international companies started watching Pakistan as a serious destination for their mission critical projects.

He said the year of 2007, like the preceding one, again registered a robust growth in the IT sector in Pakistan gaining momentum gradually to compete internationally. He said Pakistan's IT sector was highly competitive but problems could emerge if we failed to manage our resources efficiently. "We need constant supply of good quality resources and a gradual growth in it, as if we failed to do so Pakistan's IT sector would lose its edge over competitors that would be counterproductive both for the industry and Pakistan', he added. The sector's exponential growth has turned Pakistan into a decisive destination for many mission critical projects.

Majority of the local IT companies have reached to the requisite maturity level and the buyers' confidence is strengthening fast with every passing day," he said.

He also said, "Pakistan, today, is one of the few countries in the world where good number of IT companies are certified as Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level companies. There are five levels of CMMI maturity. A "5" rating is the highest. The rating is the key because higher maturity levels signify lower risks to successful programme execution.

He said that NetSol Technologies Limited has become first IT company that achieved CMMI level 5 in August 2006. Since then, NetSol has grown by leaps and bound and it is taken as a serious contender for mission critical projects worldwide. Its revenue has crossed Rs 1 billion mark in financial year 2007."

Ghauri said the Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) was investing wisely to assist IT companies in certifications, including CMM and CMMI levels. "It has allocated sufficient budgets for this purpose and its efforts would start showing results in next three years. The IT sector has also responded positively to the Ministry of Information Technology and PSEB's efforts. A substantial number of small and medium level IT companies have emerged on the IT scene of Pakistan during the last few years," he added. With the improvement of entrepreneurial skills and entry of fresh workforce was being translated in software exports of Pakistan exponentially every fiscal year.

He said recent "bearing point study" places Pakistan's global IT export revenue in the Financial Year 2004-2005 at $400 million. The basis of the figure was the State Bank of Pakistan's IT export revenue figures of just under $50 million. Bearing point multiplied this figure by two to account for the IT export revenue brought into the country, but not registered as such with the State Bank.

The global IT revenue of Pakistani IT companies therefore added up last year to $400 million. Therefore, for official IT export figures of just under $75 million reported by the SBP for FY 2005, the actual global receipts of Pakistani IT firms should be around US $600 million, he said.

About the size of IT industry in Pakistan, he said it had increased manifold and besides Karachi, the commercial and IT hub of Pakistan, a good number of IT companies are operating now in Lahore, Islamabad and a few in other major cities of the country. Out of 1056 IT companies, over 100 companies are ISO-certified and the industry's total size, in terms of volume, has crossed the mark of US $2 billion and its exports are near to touch US $100 million.

The workforce involved in this sector has crossed the 100,000 mark and an impressive number of foreign qualified youngsters are aggressively returning Pakistan to tap the potential of the sector, he added.

Appreciating government cooperation, he said it was a source of great satisfaction that Pakistan government has become very aggressive on technology front and many of the public sector departments have strongly realised the benefits of automation of their procedures. Thus, the IT companies have become very busy on a number of local projects besides catering for the demands of their foreign customers.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Drive to step up IT exports to Gulf nations launched

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has launched a major drive to step up IT exports to the Gulf countries. The six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries is the huge potential market for Pakistan IT industry, official of Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) told Business Recorder.

Pakistan's IT exports to the Gulf had been increasing over the years but there is still considerable potential to expand IT exports to GCC countries and several IT companies of Pakistan were making inroads in the fast growing IT market of the Middle East, official said.

Markets estimates show that the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) IT market is set to grow from $6.9 billion in 2003 to $13.4 billion in 2008, official said. Between the GCC countries, UAE and Saudi Arabia alone account for 77 percent of the Gulf regions' current annual IT spending of $4.94 billion, which is projected to increase to $5 billion this year, he said.

Official stated that several Pakistani IT companies have developed successful business relations and have established their offices in Middle East amongst those Pakistani IT companies which have made inroads in the Saudi Arabian IT market.

The ZRG International is the prime example due to its selection by Smart Link Inc (Saudi Arabia) to deliver flexible open standards based Intel CTI technology and it is a rapidly growing contact centre outsourcing service provider.

By winning the first phase of this multimillion dollar contact centre expansion project, ZRG has clearly demonstrated its capacity to successfully deliver the quality expected by the international IT customers, he said.

Another credible name in the global IT market, TPS is serving 25 countries across the Middle East, Asia and Europe. The TPS technology solutions are helping banks in Bahrain, Qatar and Oman to develop EMV-compliant ATMs, he said.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
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