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Pakistan economy is on the verge of collapse: Financial Times

Plus, his helicopter took 4 trips from PM to venue for " practice landing".
Wow, helicopter for a 6 mile ride? Why can't he use a motorcade? It is a 10 minute ride.
Nothing wrong with the economy collapsing. It is collapsing against the rules created by the west where the US $ is the reserve currency and IMF and World Bank are the saviors. Let it collapse and it will contribute to the collapse of the post WW 2 Western economic domination of the world. Just keep the finger on the button if India try’s take advantage of the situation. That is why eat grass!
Wow, helicopter for a 6 mile ride? Why can't he use a motorcade? It is a 10 minute ride.
Elite mindset ..... immortal life believes ..
Now let me wait for claims that somehow elections will solve these problems. They won't. :D
Pakistani is collapsing and u r ridiculing PTI and its supporter ... Sick mentality ... Why would u care u r secure outside of Pakistan supporting the crooks brought us to this position ...
Pakistani is collapsing and u r ridiculing PTI and its supporter ... Sick mentality ... Why would u care u r secure outside of Pakistan supporting the crooks brought us to this position ...

Excuse me, but please stop lying. Where have I supported any crooks? Just because I do not share your views about PTI, since I do not buy into any personality cult of any party or the army, does not mean that I am sick, and you are not., or that you have the exclusive right to declare who can care about Pakistan and who cannot, and in what manner.

Please do not reply to me again, unless you can comprehend the above. Thank you.
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Where is dog Bajwa, the main culprit
China won't let it happen but they'll probably extract a heavy price for their help.
Now let me wait for claims that somehow elections will solve these problems. They won't. :D

There is this possibility that IK is shown more respect and is trusted compared to others internationally, he may be able to win biradar Islami mulko ki aid, which they seem to be reluctant this time with their old friends? Plus the OSPs listen to IK's plea for help and donations and remittances.

Immediate crisis may be averted, political stability and long term policies may help better things in the long term. Dynasties may die their political death.

IK got along well with Trump, who knows …. you get Trump again and we will be bai bai again.
IK got along well with Trump, who knows …. you get Trump again and we will be bai bai again.

Who knows, indeed? Who the next nominees for President be would be interesting, for sure. But Pakistan's present crisis is here and now, and those elections are in the future on the other side of the world.
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Where is Bajwa, the main culprit


Is this some sort of subcontinental tic? Everything is controlled by a superior agency? No, that is not how things work in real world. Real world is an agglomeration of chaos. If you had a vision of atomic microscope, that is what the world looks like. That is how it is.

There is this possibility that IK is shown more respect and is trusted compared to others internationally, he may be able to win biradar Islami mulko ki aid, which they seem to be reluctant this time with their old friends? Plus the OSPs listen to IK's plea for help and donations and remittances.

Immediate crisis may be averted, political stability and long term policies may help better things in the long term. Dynasties may die their political death.

IK got along well with Trump, who knows …. you get Trump again and we will be bai bai again.
Exact opposite. As this analysis makes a convincing case.

‘Imran Khan Most Unwanted Pakistani Leader. World Not Ready To Engage With Him’​

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Now let me wait for claims that somehow elections will solve these problems. They won't. :D
I have one... chickens ... raise chickens...oh wait...
I have one... chickens ... raise chickens...oh wait...

And the billion tree tsunami. And olive oil export. And much more besides. :D
That is a very important lesson. Trying to swim against market forces, makes you lose at the end and the spectators will laugh at you. Here, the fear, uncertainty and doubt caused quite a bit of capital flight and that will make recovery harder.

This is not a special weakness of Pakistan alone. Stronger countries have tried it too with same disastrous consequence.
For example, this happened 30 years back:

How Soros Broke the British Pound​

that is 30 years old saga

Your views are supported by Indians, how much evidence do you have to support your views? What are your suggestions for the future development of Pakistan?

Tell us how $50 billion in CPEC investments has not made a dent in Pakistan's economic fortunes. A fraction of that money in India by American companies has done wonders for the Indian economy
blaming things on Indians do not change things
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