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Pakistan dumped nuclear waste in Afghanistan

MastanKhan first of all, if Russia, China, Japan and even GoP knows about nukes or suspect they were used what is the guarantee they will speak about them openly? Knowing about something is one matter but allowing your government spokespeople to campaign is quite another. In the world of diplomacy it is not that unusual to conduct backroom deals which create agreements between countries that each one will shut their mouth and keep their mouth shut about certain issues in return for something else that they need.

Secondly you don't seem to be denying that Depleted Uranium tipped bunker busters were used so I assume you do agree DU munitions have been used and are still being used possibly in Afghanistan

Now I think we can all agree that DU shells at the very least will cause a rise in radiation levels. I do not know much about Uranium ore so perhaps it is possible that one of the bombs blew up some Ore in the Afghan mountains but on the other hand this is still a guess. You are guessing as much as I am guessing because we both know that the US military is not very open when it comes to facts and figures about war crimes in areas they have conducted war. Nobody is.

Anyway my point is that Pakistan is being openly and brazenly blamed for something that the US military most likely caused. And not only is Pakistan being blamed for this but this can be used as part of the propaganda to demonize and destabalize the state of pakistan. This story helps Afhanistan because it makes their population hate Pakistanis more. The story also helps the pentagon a little because in case they want to attack pakistan one day to steal the nukes they may be able to make some use out of this story to make pakistanis look like evil, uncaring monsters who should not be allowed to handle any nuclear material.
Hi Maqsad,

Please read my post again---depleted uranium shell is an anti tank shell---not a bunker buster.

Bunker buster---is a totally different bomb---please check it out. Thanks.
MastanKhan my point is simply that a Depleted Uranium enhanced bomb exists that can penetrate into caves and bunkers. What it is called or nicknamed is irrelevent, what is relevent is that such a bomb exists and most likely has been used heavily in Afghanistan in the cave areas of Torah Borah and most likely other areas too.

I don't understand your point, are you saying no DU-enhanced bomb exists which can be used for bunkers and caves? Did you even read the article that quotes Le Monde newspaper?

They also began dropping two-and-a-half-ton GBU-28 "dense metal" penetrators from B-52s and B-1 Stealth bombers. Exploding deep underground, the bomb's explosive energy “coupled” with bedrock under immense pressure from the weight bearing down on it. The resulting seismic shock wave could crush an underground bunker - or the internal organs of anyone caught in the “overpressure” from a blast wave 20-times stronger than the bomb blast itself. [ucsusa.org May/05]

In order to penetrate rock and concrete, each “Great Big Uranium” bomb is shaped like a spear tipped with tons of radioactive Uranium-238 nearly twice as dense as lead. Using nuclear waste left over from making atomic bombs and reactor fuel, the amount of radioactive Depleted Uranium (DU) particles spread by each GBU “dirty bomb” eclipsed any terrorist's fantasy - one-and-a-half metric tons of aerosolized particles capable of causing genetic mutations and death for the next four billion years! [Le Monde March 2002]

DU - enabled bunker busting bombs do exist. They even have a model number GBU-28 according to Le Monde. So I don't understand why you keep redifining terms like "bunker buster" in accordance with their regular definition?

The B61-11 is yet another type of "bunker buster" which is not just DU-tipped but also has a nuke inside of it. But both types of bombs exist and both are designed to bust bunkers with much more effectiveness obviously than the bunker busters with just conventional explosives.
woah, n-weapons are being used? over here, the media shows nothing about these realities. why doesn't anyone voice themselves?

the fallout can easily spread to and affect the pakistan population. everyone should work to spread this. this is a very serious matter.
There are no Nuclear weapons being used. period.
i really dont think that pakistan would have stood still and allowed nukes to be dropped on its border they might have used the MOAB but not nukes lets not kid ourselves here.
i really dont think that pakistan would have stood still and allowed nukes to be dropped on its border they might have used the MOAB but not nukes lets not kid ourselves here.

Really.... Hmmmm.....

Where getting bombed by US drone planes every now and then, a reporter saw a US F22 or F18 hornet fly off a Pakistani Air Base he showed the footage to his news agency, ISI immediately picked him and disappeared him, he is in the missing persons cases.
Really.... Hmmmm.....

Where getting bombed by US drone planes every now and then, a reporter saw a US F22 or F18 hornet fly off a Pakistani Air Base he showed the footage to his news agency, ISI immediately picked him and disappeared him, he is in the missing persons cases.

Why would US have F-22 in Afghanistan? when they can use cheaper F-16's and B-52 bombers, F-22 maintenance cost is very high.

Only thing that F-22 can shoot down in Afghanistan are the Suicide vultures trained by Taliban :lol:
i really dont think that pakistan would have stood still and allowed nukes to be dropped on its border they might have used the MOAB but not nukes lets not kid ourselves here.

Firstly, pakistan is standing still and allowing depleted uranium to be used on its border areas right now since 2001. Secondly the radiation level escaping from these underreported and unreported activities of the USA are a little high in Afghanistan but are tiny in Pakistan so the risk is very minimal for mutations, this makes it easier to keep outraged military officials quiet. Thirdly, the radiation pollution released from tactical nukes is supposed to also be very small in comparison to a standard nuke so once again it will not result in such massive fallout.
this is a b.s claim by afghanistan, i didn't even know they could stoop so low. they blame pakistan for america nuking their people.

on top of that, they want to annex some of our land, when their country is occupied! :cheesy::crazy::cheesy:
They have been trying to annex pakistan since 1947, this is nothing new. When the USSR occupied them they wanted to do the same to give the Soviets access to gawador. Now I would bet they are trying hard as possible to convince the USA to annex balochistan and other areas. This is no laughing matter, these people are dangerous and treacherous. Some of the more honest ones will even admit it to your face.
Afghans to probe if US used depleted uranium -DAWN - International; April 20, 2008

Afghans to probe if US used depleted uranium​

KABUL, April 19: The Afghan government plans to investigate whether the United States used depleted uranium during its invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and if it might be linked to malformed babies born afterwards.

Parts of Afghanistan, particularly the mountainous region of Tora Bora in the east the suspected hideout of Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden came under heavy US bombing in late 2001 when the Taliban regime was ousted.

Depleted uranium is a heavy metal used in some weapons that can pierce armour. It has small levels of radioactivity associated with it.

Cases of malformed babies delivered in the heavily bombed Afghan areas have come to light, Faizullah Kakar, Afghan deputy public health minister for technical affairs said on Saturday, citing an unnamed US expert.

Kakar said the Afghan government planned to investigate the matter.

“We have decided to do a study to see what is going on. We will take samples of soil, rocks, water in different areas where the war had taken place in the past and look in the same area to see if there is an excess of malformed babies,” Kakar said.

“It’s then that we can tell you what is going on. But until then it is still speculation,” he said.

“In Afghanistan, we have so many problems with nutritional deficiency, like folic acid. So it’s difficult to tell if it’s due to depleted uranium or due to some nutritional problems or some other genetic issues,” he said. Asked if the United States had told Afghanistan if depleted uranium was used during the war, Kakar said: “They have not told us that they have used it, but my source said it was used.”

Kakar said he would like to see the study done as soon as possible, but the Afghan government, which largely relies on Western aid and troops, needed to find ways of funding it.—Reuters
DU is only used in A-10 gun shells as far as I know, which I am pretty sure are not being used in Afghanistan let alone in Pakistani territory.

Where getting bombed by US drone planes every now and then, a reporter saw a US F22 or F18 hornet fly off a Pakistani Air Base he showed the footage to his news agency, ISI immediately picked him and disappeared him, he is in the missing persons cases.
Hahahaha, I swear...some of the stuff people believe these days....
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