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Pakistan Doubling Rate of Making Nuclear Weapons | ISIS

One of the best things about our nukes is the introduction of thermo-nuclear warheads with large megaton payloads - if God forbid a nuke war is started we have used computer simulations to ensure that the entity to the east ceases to be on the map of the world, terrible thing to say - that is why atomic weapons need to be used as a last resort.

Can you provide any links regarding the introduction of thermonukes in pak arsenal?And also about pakistan having super computers needed to simulate h-bombs..
One of the best things about our nukes is the introduction of thermo-nuclear warheads with large megaton payloads - if God forbid a nuke war is started we have used computer simulations to ensure that the entity to the east ceases to be on the map of the world, terrible thing to say - that is why atomic weapons need to be used as a last resort.

Misinformation.....We do not possess a thermo-nuclear weapon (referred to as Hydrogen Bomb) as of now...
One of the best things about our nukes is the introduction of thermo-nuclear warheads with large megaton payloads - if God forbid a nuke war is started we have used computer simulations to ensure that the entity to the east ceases to be on the map of the world, terrible thing to say - that is why atomic weapons need to be used as a last resort.

It is worthless to mention here that........In case of a nuclear war 1-2 nukes would be used as maximum until either of the warring nations surrender/declare ceasefire/are intervened by the world community.......In that case keeping a stockpile of 200-300 nuclear fissile warheads is useless.......Pakistan is not a super power with vast natural resources that it could continue to use nukes after nukes even when the world community steps in.......since India has no first use policy.......It would stand as sympathetic in case of possible nuclear adventurer-ism by Pakistan.....and would have a strong reason to dismantle its regime and nukes in that case.......not to forget that it has and is deploying technologies like modern SAMs, PAD, AAD, PDV......in huge numbers with extensive integrated long range high resolution radar coverage......which even track ballistic missiles as far has 1500 km.............It has been a respected member of nuclear group of nations.......ever since the 1st nuclear test done way back in 1974.......when it was threatened by aggressive U.S. policy.....not to mention its vast long term nuclear program which has enable to developed large scale tritium producing facility recently......which would enable the production of Thermonuclear warheads/bombs at even faster rate.......riding on the successful hydrogen bomb tests of 1998........adding teeth to such lethal arsenal of high yield nuclear weapons are potent delivery systems such as........MIRV ballistic missile(to be tested this september), SLBMs, SSBNs, long range strike aircrafts, hypersonic cruise missiles, subsonic cruise missile(to be tested this year) and possible space based delivery system(owing to the fact that ISRO enjoys decades of credible research in space technology).......henceforth any use of nuclear weapon could turnout to be the last nail in the coffin of corrupt political regime of Pakistan.
Why on earth would Pakistan need as many nukes as the US ? Does anyone remember how many nukes the Soviets had, and where in the graveyard of history they are now? Our people don't learn piss from history. Number of nukes never meant anything for Pakistan as long as India was covered. Our doctrine does not call for destruction of Israel and USA, get off your naswaar and bacha bazee syndrome.
umm...We realli need excellent and uninterruptable Nuke delivery system at any point across the globe., to ensure our freedom, security and sovereignty.....Insha-Allah......:coffee:
just wondering if you EMP a territory with nuclear weapons will the missiles or delivery systems work to deliver the warheads?
just wondering if you EMP a territory with nuclear weapons will the missiles or delivery systems work to deliver the warheads?

Yes they probably will continue to work...As per my information,PAF's gravity bombs are EMP-proof...i.e. they cannot be jammed...
Pakistan has almost as many nuclear weapons as its neighbour and rival India, and fears are increasing that some of its arms may fall into the hands of terrorists.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute says in a report issued last month that the two nations are locked in a weapons arms race and that each has 110 warheads.

But it says Islamabad is in danger of "losing control of part of its nuclear arsenal" to terrorists.

Describing Pakistan's nuclear programme as the fastest in the world, the report says Islamabad and New Delhi continue to develop new ballistic and cruise missile systems able to carry nuclear weapons.

"They are also expanding their capacities to produce fissile material for military purposes," it says, claiming that Pakistan is now turning to producing lighter precision warheads or tactical nuclear weapons for limited battlefield use.

Peace research institute director Daniel Nord cautioned that Pakistan was in danger of "losing control of part of its nuclear arsenal" to non-state parties.

And he said that South Asia, where relations between India and Pakistan were perpetually tense, was the only place in the world where there was an ongoing nuclear arms race.

The two nations conducted tit-for-tat underground nuclear tests in May 1998, Pakistan carrying out six explosions in response to India's five.

India conducted its first atomic test in 1974, calling it a "peaceful nuclear explosion".

This challenged the hegemony of the five nuclear weapon states of Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States, and triggered Pakistan's nuclear programme.

Since independence 64 years ago, India and Pakistan have fought three wars and an 11-week border skirmish in 1999 that threatened to escalate into a nuclear exchange.

The nuclear threat grew again two years later after the attack on India's Parliament by Pakistan-based Islamic terror groups.

Both countries stationed battle-ready armies along their common frontier for more than 10 months.

Then in January this year, Pakistan announced its intent to expand its nuclear deterrence against India. This was in response to the United States facilitating New Delhi's entry into the 45-member Nuclear Suppliers Group.

Pakistan's permanent representative to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva declared that the decision to increase the size of its nuclear arsenal was made last December by the National Command Authority, which controls the country's atomic weapons.

Zamir Akram said India's admission to the Nuclear Suppliers Group would "destabilise the security environment in South Asia, which would retard progress on non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament measures".

It would enable India to expand its nuclear co-operation agreements and enhance its nuclear weapon and delivery capability.

In response, Pakistan would be "forced " to "ensure the credibility of its strategic deterrence", he stated.

"The National Command Authority categorically reiterated that Pakistan will never accept discriminatory treatment and that it rejects any effort to undermine its strategic deterrence," Akram said.

India has claimed its nuclear deterrence is directed against China, but Pakistan's is focused on India, a substitute for existing conventional military disparity between the constantly squabbling neighbours.

The arsenals' location remains a closely guarded secret, and the warheads and delivery systems are separated.

Pakistan has acquired missile technology from North Korea, and has smaller yield strategic weapons deliverable by modified F16 combat aircraft.

Terrorism warning as Pakistan's nuclear weapons store grows - Politics - NZ Herald News
Not just N- weapons but also tripling the rate of human production like us.
Congrats to Pakistan... I love to See When All Pakistani Money going into Nuclear Bomb and other activity.
Congrats to Pakistan... I love to See When All Pakistani Money going into Nuclear Bomb and other activity.

Not all my friend, most of the expense is in starting up the infrastructure - and we have had that since the mid-eighties, we have been a nuclear power for nearly 3 decades.
Pakistan is increasing its Nuclear Weapon… It is just a joint (China and Pakistan) effort that India should shift its focus from Country development to Nuclear weapon development…Because China is very much afraid to see that India is growing fast…So We have to be very careful about it… In today’s world Bunch of Nuclear weapon is not going to make any country either super power or developed country.
Pakistan has almost as many nuclear weapons as its neighbour and rival India, and fears are increasing that some of its arms may fall into the hands of terrorists.
Terrorism warning as Pakistan's nuclear weapons store grows - Politics - NZ Herald News

For God's sake. Ever heard of a Nuke getting stolen? Your talking about Pakistan, with 'attempts' to take over nukes and stop the project... We offered reistance. And on the other hand, where top IAF files are on the road.. what about their nukes? What if they are in the hands of terrorists?
Doubling of funds for development would have been better for people.. 100 of nuke warheads... which nobody will ever use is a waste of resources... but sadly indulging in a RACE to pile it up.....
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