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Pakistan Doubling Rate of Making Nuclear Weapons | ISIS

Doubling of funds for development would have been better for people.. 100 of nuke warheads... which nobody will ever use is a waste of resources... but sadly indulging in a RACE to pile it up.....

As I say, nukes are made for prevention of war not to fight one. But when the limits are crossed, no body may live to post how it feels to be nuked. As the threat is increased, from the enemies, so is the number of nukes, to shut it.

Simplest example. If you have got 2 LEDs, both of 3V.
One is attached to heavy resistance. You pump them both with 2 different 3V batteries.
What results do you see? The one with resistance glow dim than the other one.

Now take it this way, the 'clean shining' LED is the Nuclear program, with hardly any resistance (Corruption) giving maximum output.
The other LED, which is quite dim (low output) is the rest of Pakistan, with resistance (Corruption). You cannot expect the dim LED to get brighter if you attach both the batteries to it, resulting, the bright LED to shut down and dim wont have a difference. Which would result in losing something you had today.

Hence Pakistan just needs to get rid of the resistance, and then look how heavy Pakistan was investing. They may even have to cut the funds, with the level of output! Get my point?
the article is an exaggeration of facts..

its claims we have a capacity of 12 since 1998 ..that means we would have 200 plotonium nukes?

i think we should completly shift to plotonium but should not go beyond 200-300 nukes..
we should keep the number to minimum 100-150 are enoughto wipe india ..as ametter of fact 65 tatctical nukes can wipe out india according to some estimates..

so why make so many..

we should equip our subs for nuclear deterrence, as they are much safer

As I say, nukes are made for prevention of war not to fight one. But when the limits are crossed, no body may live to post how it feels to be nuked. As the threat is increased, from the enemies, so is the number of nukes, to shut it.

Simplest example. If you have got 2 LEDs, both of 3V.
One is attached to heavy resistance. You pump them both with 2 different 3V batteries.
What results do you see? The one with resistance glow dim than the other one.

Now take it this way, the 'clean shining' LED is the Nuclear program, with hardly any resistance (Corruption) giving maximum output.
The other LED, which is quite dim (low output) is the rest of Pakistan, with resistance (Corruption). You cannot expect the dim LED to get brighter if you attach both the batteries to it, resulting, the bright LED to shut down and dim wont have a difference. Which would result in losing something you had today.

Hence Pakistan just needs to get rid of the resistance, and then look how heavy Pakistan was investing. They may even have to cut the funds, with the level of output! Get my point?

Nobody with a sane mind would ever use more than 2 nukes. (as evident from history).

Anyway its ur nukes, your money feel free on how to use it..

I would rather see civilian nuclear programmes rather than nuke warheads.

Also whats with these strange bold bigger font replies??????:what:
Many people are saying Pakistan need 100-150 to wipe out India.........To Wipe out India, Pakistan needs 1,000's of Nuke....Indeed, to wipe out Pakistan - India needs only 100-150 only. (Pakistan 75% population concentration based in small areas). Even, I am not sure anyone will use more than 1-2 (that also in worst case scenario). How it will launched by Jets, Ballistic Missiles ?? There are multiple effective ways to counter such offence, if one aware latest happening. Russia had 10's of megaton and 1,000 of Missiles to attack US, But it failed to do a single one for 50 years. Rest is History.

On Topic, How people can tell how many Nuke Pakistan has? It's Just Speculation and in reality no one knows. No one in India know, How many Nuke India has except very few people. One can't talk until there is proper evidence which is itself not possible.
Rule one : when india increase his nukes then SOP for Pakistan is ""zip the lips""
Rule Two : when pakistan increase his nukes all indian media and diplomates job strat to "" barke all over the Globe with tears"""
Moral : science (Bolti Band):sniper::cry: indian members in pdf
Many people are saying Pakistan need 100-150 to wipe out India.........To Wipe out India, Pakistan needs 1,000's of Nuke....Indeed, to wipe out Pakistan - India needs only 100-150 only. (Pakistan 75% population concentration based in small areas). Even, I am not sure anyone will use more than 1-2 (that also in worst case scenario). How it will launched by Jets, Ballistic Missiles ?? There are multiple effective ways to counter such offence, if one aware latest happening. Russia had 10's of megaton and 1,000 of Missiles to attack US, But it failed to do a single one for 50 years. Rest is History.

On Topic, How people can tell how many Nuke Pakistan has? It's Just Speculation and in reality no one knows. No one in India know, How many Nuke India has except very few people. One can't talk until there is proper evidence which is itself not possible.

Really now??
a 1000 nukes??
I dont think anybody wants to irradiate India's complete geography.
Nukes dont just effect the area they go off in. the effect spreads over hundreds of miles.
The only thing needed to collapse a nation is to hit its major population center's.. the cornerstones of economy and industry.
And to hit its water supplies.
that is enough to cause mass famine, radiation poisoning.. and genocide all over.
Really now??
a 1000 nukes??
I dont think anybody wants to irradiate India's complete geography.
Nukes dont just effect the area they go off in. the effect spreads over hundreds of miles.
The only thing needed to collapse a nation is to hit its major population center's.. the cornerstones of economy and industry.
And to hit its water supplies.
that is enough to cause mass famine, radiation poisoning.. and genocide all over.
And with country like Pakistan and India just drop few nukes on dams and destroy major cities rest of the villagers will finish due to famine and other problem.We already know how bad infrastructure is in Subcontinent and a nuclear strike will finish all that infrastructure in a matter of minutes.There will be chaos every where.Now Indians have a this crazy wet fantasy that they can win nuclear war.
where in "minimum deterrence" does it imply that any nation should double triple its nukes? Pakistan is wasting money on doubling its arsenal!! once we have a nuke end of story you maintain them don't increase more!! you increase conventional weapons so that you can buy yourself time incase of war to prepare your nuke!!!

spend money on governance rather than doubling nukes!!
The more the merrier I suppose.
I agree with what WebMaster has said before.
We only need an amount of nukes to deter or possibly wipe out India if they commit any misadventure.

Increasing our nukes is just a waste of money. The U.S. and Russia have thousands and thousands of warheads, and they too have realized that it's not in anyone's interests to posess so many nuclear weapons to wipe out the planet multiple times. :coffee:
So they dismantled and destroyed alot of these bombs. I guess Pakistan and India will do the same in the future, hopefully.

On the other hand...having a few hundred nukes is a scary thought, and it will deter any aggressor.
The more the merrier I suppose.
I agree with what WebMaster has said before.
We only need an amount of nukes to deter or possibly wipe out India if they commit any misadventure.

Increasing our nukes is just a waste of money. The U.S. and Russia have thousands and thousands of warheads, and they too have realized that it's not in anyone's interests to posess so many nuclear weapons to wipe out the planet multiple times. :coffee:
So they dismantled and destroyed alot of these bombs. I guess Pakistan and India will do the same in the future, hopefully.

On the other hand...having a few hundred nukes is a scary thought, and it will deter any aggressor.
I guess we shold doubleup our H2Bombz stockpile + ICBMz + target directing sattelites+ 2nd and 3rd Nuklear strike capability through stealthy subs, deep burried seilos and aircrafts etc etc....+ get ready to use them against any kinda threat to our country......Insha-Allah......:woot:
I guess we shold doubleup our H2Bombz stockpile + ICBMz + target directing sattelites+ 2nd and 3rd Nuklear strike capability through stealthy subs, deep burried seilos and aircrafts etc etc....+ get ready to use them against any kinda threat to our country......Insha-Allah......:woot:

And die with hunger during the process...
i think anyone having slightest idea of dirty nuclear bombs will now that around 50-70 will have enough fall out to destroy whole india...
while a 10-20 will do the same to Pakistan..
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