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Pakistan doesn't want to join arms race but will ensure balance in the region: PM


May 17, 2015
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Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif issued a statement on the occasion of Defence Day.
ISLAMABAD (web Desk) - In his message on the occasion of Pakistan Defence Day, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said on September 6 in 1965 our brave armed forces had given a clear message to the enemy about the independence of country.

Nawaz Sharif said we have attained self-reliance in production of advanced weapons and our nuclear capability is the hallmark of our strong defence.

He said we do not want to join the arms race in the region, however, will continue to ensure balance in the region.

Prime Minister said we have a clear stance on Kashmir and believe that the solution of this issue only lies in implementation of the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and in accordance with the aspirations of Kashmiri people.


In his message, President Mamnoon Hussain said that 6th September is a milestone in the history of our nation when 51 years ago, the jawans and officers, sailors and pilots courageously defended the Homeland against the enemy aggression, with the whole nation at their back. This day highlights the Pakistani people’s resolve to defend the Motherland at all costs.

This resolve is the pivot that guarantees the country’s security, progress and prosperity, he added.

"On this day, every year, we pay homage to the Shuhada and our Ghazis. The acknowledgement of their sacrifices demands national unity and collective thinking, which is a pre-requisite to face challenges, deter nefarious designs and thwart conspiracies against Pakistan. No doubt, this national spirit and unity humbled the enemy despite its numerical superiority," the President said.

He assured the nation that Pakistan’s defence is in safe and strong hands of our formidable armed forces. Our army, navy and air force are equipped with professional proficiency that matches the modern-day combat requirements.

"The successful Zarb-e-Azb operation has improved the security situation in the country for which the nation eulogizes and pays tribute to the brave and valiant armed forces," he said.

Mamnoon Hussain reiterated that Pakistan desires peaceful and friendly relations with its neighbours and is sincere in pursuing the policy of regional cooperation.

"But, at the same time I must emphasize that our desire for peace must not be construed as our weakness. We are very much aware of our defence needs and are fully capable of giving a befitting response to any kind of aggression," he said.

The President said that Pakistan‘s stand on Kashmir is clear. Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of the UN.

"We stand shoulder to shoulder with the Kashmiri people to extend moral and diplomatic support, for their just and inalienable right of self-determination. The United Nations and the world community must immediately play their due role in resolving the issue of Kashmir without which the dream of peace in South Asia cannot be realized," he said.
Source: http://dunyanews.tv/en/Pakistan/352276-Pakistan-doesnt-want-to-join-arms-race-but-will-e
Move on people, this is not 70's anymore, we are no longer engaged in arms race with Pak........our weapon acquisition is solely dedicated to maintain a strong deterrence against China. Pakistan better equip herself to deal with a more realistic threat...Afghanistan
Good from PM,Rare good and wise words in Paaaaaaaaaaaakistan
As long as nations have nuke nothing's gonna happen!
Better try to maintain economic balance first, military balance will automatically established. Or keep issuing such statements knowing that you are already off-balance
Better try to maintain economic balance first, military balance will automatically established. Or keep issuing such statements knowing that you are already off-balance
Brother do u think economic stability is possible with these politicians?
And war doesnot wait for economic stability.these weapons are far better than metro bus and other projects. We will not give a ride to ur enemies in metro bus but we shall defend ur PAKISTAN at any cost
Move on people, this is not 70's anymore, we are no longer engaged in arms race with Pak........our weapon acquisition is solely dedicated to maintain a strong deterrence against China. Pakistan better equip herself to deal with a more realistic threat...Afghanistan
And Nawaz says 'we do not want to join the arms race in the region, however, will continue to ensure balance in the region'.

Huh? Doesn't he know that one attains military balance only by an arms race!! If there's no race or catch-up, there's no question of a 'balance' as the adversary would have gone far ahead.

And Pakistan must know that it has no hope in hell to achieve military parity with India which has China as the focus and not Pakistan! It's economically impossible for Pakistan to join in an arms race with India. Nawaz's naiveté is mind blowing! And hilarious and ludicrous too!
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Good for Pakistan,arms race is what India wants with Pakistan because thats will be having a crippling affect on its economy.only time will tell if Pakistan will let the gap widen or will it try to spend money to have some parity
Brother do u think economic stability is possible with these politicians?
And war doesnot wait for economic stability.these weapons are far better than metro bus and other projects. We will not give a ride to ur enemies in metro bus but we shall defend ur PAKISTAN at any cost
war is not won by military hardware alone. you need money to sustain a war before it can reach a conclusion. Heck, you need money for everything nowadays. Besides, money is as good a deterrent to war as nukes are.
Move on people, this is not 70's anymore, we are no longer engaged in arms race with Pak........our weapon acquisition is solely dedicated to maintain a strong deterrence against China. Pakistan better equip herself to deal with a more realistic threat...Afghanistan
Really? You should look at your media and it's military and political obsession with Pakistan.

First equip you're men with basic helmets and vests before you try to compare yourself with China.
war is not won by military hardware alone. you need money to sustain a war before it can reach a conclusion. Heck, you need money for everything nowadays. Besides, money is as good a deterrent to war as nukes are.
Yes u r right but for better econonmy CPEC is a golden chance for Pakistan and better defence is necessary for future.
A weak defence (military) is always at the mercy of agressor
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