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Pakistan develops smallest nuclear weapon the size of a tennis ball

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@Hyperion the best the American have is the W-88, officially termed as the most advanced warhead they have. The physics package on that warhead is 1.75 m long, with a maximum diameter of 0.55 m, and weighing around 360 Kg. * That's pretty much the gold standard although the French TN-75 is adequate too- less than half the yield of the W-88 though.

* The W88 Warhead

And they accused us of stealing the blueprints for the W-88 warhead as well. :D

Though they were unable to prosecute the scientist who transferred the designs.
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Yara, it all depends on objectives. As far as I know we don't have any "dial a yield" option on any of our devices yet. That's exactly the reason why we have to go into "assorted" weapons.

With the same yield in question yaara.
And lol @ 14 members and 84 guests viewing this thread!...

Enjoying the entertainment........... we need some place to release our tension created by our fighting in other threads :)
Yara, it all depends on objectives. As far as I know we don't have any "dial a yield" option on any of our devices yet. That's exactly the reason why we have to go into "assorted" weapons.

I am starting a new service ''dial a Naswar'' You dial we deliver next day by 10am. :rofl:
And they accused us of stealing the blueprints for the W-88 warhead as well. :D

Though they were unable to prosecute the scientist who transferred the designs.

They blame everyone once in a while- back in 2000 they got some of their top fellows including the infamous report by David Albright which stated that we could very well use our 4200 kg of unsafeguarded (from our indigenous reactors not under IAEA safeguards) plutonium (800 kg of this already separated) to build a 1000 warheads*. They obviously never understood that just because we had that much in our unsafeguarded fissile material reserves doesn't mean that we would retrench all of it into nukes- relative energy independence from fossil fuels is so much more important. They do this all the time- in fact the current estimates of the Indian, Chinese, Pakistani warheads are based on Albright's estimates. :laughcry: @Hyperion can attest that the minute your fissile material generation capacity even increases by the smallest quantum they throw a fit and get one of these fellows to write up an article of how hundreds of warheads are being built and how that is a great threat to the civilized world. BUT if you are in the good books of the "civilized world" then they will turn a blind eye and focus on the rest.

* India's Nuclear Weapons Program - Present Capabilities, India's and Pakistan's Fissile Material and Nuclear Weapons Inventories, end of 1999.
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Silence you fool....... you may not know that we are also working on a "golfball" device, which will put your *yindu* turban on fire..... :D

Congratulation pakistanis on this achievement .......... :lol:

The reason that it's the *best available* device is that they have a moratorium on testing "newer" designs. W88 was designed way back, much better penetrating variable yield, lighter weapons with completely newer jackets are available. The thing is they aren't testing them, just yet!

@Hyperion the best the American have is the W-88, officially termed as the most advanced warhead they have. The physics package on that warhead is 1.75 m long, with a maximum diameter of 0.55 m, and weighing around 360 Kg. * That's pretty much the gold standard although the French TN-75 is adequate too- less than half the yield of the W-88 though.

* The W88 Warhead
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@Dillinger, btw, **** the French, the best they could come up with was Citroen.... yakk ... yakk.... :bad:
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Silence you fool....... you may not know that we are also working on a "golfball" device, which will put your *yindu* turban on fire..... :D

Off course , with a highly road mobile 'golf cart' and a new innovative launching mechanism called 'golf stick' ....... :cheesy:
Size of a tennis ball? :woot: What's next? Actually, according to women, size doesn't matter!! :girl_wacko: :lol:

But seriously, 'suitcase' nukes have been in vogue since the cold war. Nothing new here. Nuclear artillery shells too had been built like the US W82-1 with yield under 2 kilotons for a 95 pounds (43 kg) artillery shell, 6.1 inches (15 cm) in diameter and 34 inches (86 cm) long.

But who says Pakistan has developed these weapons? TERMINAL X !!! :rofl: A blog site of a dunderhead who doesn't know his a$$ from his nuclear tennis balls! :cheesy:
Abbay tu chupp nahin hoga? :devil:

Then let it be....... snake-charming-turban-seeking golf ball awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :girl_wacko:

Kabooooooom? :partay:

Off course , with a highly road mobile 'golf cart' and a new innovative launching mechanism called 'golf stick' ....... :cheesy:
Abbay tu chupp nahin hoga? :devil:

Then let it be....... snake-charming-turban-seeking golf ball awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :girl_wacko:

Kabooooooom? :partay:

We South Indians don't wear a turban .......:bunny:
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