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Pakistan Deploys Anti-Aircraft Missiles System in FATA to Prevent NATO Attacks Pakis

LOL you think our economy is functioning cause of billion/yr the generals and politician get as a bribe if thats what you think boy do i have a deal for you on Brooklyn bridge.:rofl:

You are only taking direct US aid into account in which is around $1.5 Billion under CSF , $1.5 Billion under kerry Luger and another $300 Million in flood aid.

But you forget another $5 billion/yr which come through IMF , WB , ADB in form of loans ..don't forget US has maximum number of votes in both IMF and WB..if they vote against you..you will never get these loans approved...or the present loans rescheduled.
In fact Pakistan's economy is floating, because of this inflow of money..otherwise it would have collapsed 3 yrs ago.
Exactly such news definitely makes one feel, wow now NATO will not dare to enter however if there is any untowards incident things will go real messy....I believe all this measures are for domestic consumption....You just don't shoot down Nato helicopters without having the desire to be bombed all over the place....

US will be very punitive if they loose a war they seem to be loosing because of hostilities in Pak even though such actions(read violations of pak air-space) of theirs are the starting point....

As far as amusement for India is concerned then those who have myopic thinking will definitely be amused but those who are not will be worried....Any mess in Pakistan is not good for the entire region and with so many nuts in Pakistan having anti-india feeling to their core is certainly not going to be good news for GOI....

dont give too much pressure to your brain its already half cracked
When NATO leaves Afghanistan and suspends all Aid to Pakistan, Pakistan will have too many wars to fight and not enough resources to afford them. Meanwhile the economy will collapse like a deck of cards. America only needs Pakistan for NATO's interests in Afghanistan, but Pakistan needs NATO for the sake of Pakistan.

huh huh huh????

r u really serious with your comment, because a slight history lesson will be enough for you to change your view!!
It's about time we got some, but guys they won't be able to shoot them down. PAF said that if given permission they can and will all intruders from the Afghan side.
Von Hölle;1187582 said:
You are only taking direct US aid into account in which is around $1.5 Billion under CSF , $1.5 Billion under kerry Luger and another $300 Million in flood aid.

But you forget another $5 billion/yr which come through IMF , WB , ADB in form of loans ..don't forget US has maximum number of votes in both IMF and WB..if they vote against you..you will never get these loans approved...or the present loans rescheduled.
In fact Pakistan's economy is floating, because of this inflow of money..otherwise it would have collapsed 3 yrs ago.

It will be good for pakistan, if they stop all aids and loans, coz we know that in pakistan, people contest for govt, so they corrupt all money, we know that all this money is not spend on pakistan, but politicians eat it.
It will be good for pakistan, if they stop all aids and loans, coz we know that in pakistan, people contest for govt, so they corrupt all money, we know that all this money is not spend on pakistan, but politicians eat it.

That is gross generalization..offcourse there is some amount of pilferage, which happens everywhere, though its percentage differs from region to region.

Most corruption takes place when a new project is launched eg a bridge has to be built..now every contractor, bureaucrat, politician..from top to bottom will take his cut..it does not matter if the money funding the bridge is foreign or local ..he will take his cut either way..so only sure short way to end this is to stop all the projects(both locally or foreign funded)..so that no more money changes hands..and economy comes to a standstill.
proof of the pudding is in the eating. it's all good to move all the aams you have to the border. But when it comes to the crunch, will they really go for it? US has been creating mayhem by killing more civilians than the militants by their drone attacks inside pakistan for quite a while.. did PAF bring even one drone down?? mate.. it's all for the public consumption. i know when i say this, it's not going go down too well with my friends in pakistan. but guys... it's all a 'storm' before the 'calm'!!
Von Hölle;1187582 said:
You are only taking direct US aid into account in which is around $1.5 Billion under CSF , $1.5 Billion under kerry Luger and another $300 Million in flood aid.

But you forget another $5 billion/yr which come through IMF , WB , ADB in form of loans ..don't forget US has maximum number of votes in both IMF and WB..if they vote against you..you will never get these loans approved...or the present loans rescheduled.
In fact Pakistan's economy is floating, because of this inflow of money..otherwise it would have collapsed 3 yrs ago.

What has Pakistan's economy got to do with Anti-Aircraft missiles in FATA?

Grow up kid.
So its ok for the American predator to fly and shoot inside our territory but it's not ok for the Americans to follow and kill same people with helis what am i missing here this so called Sam is nothing more then show.

There is a difference,

Drones we let them fly.

Helis we don't.

That's what the fuss is about.
Von Hölle;1187651 said:
That is gross generalization..offcourse there is some amount of pilferage, which happens everywhere, though its percentage differs from region to region.

Most corruption takes place when a new project is launched eg a bridge has to be built..now every contractor, bureaucrat, politician..from top to bottom will take his cut..it does not matter if the money funding the bridge is foreign or local ..he will take his cut either way..so only sure short way to end this is to stop all the projects(both locally or foreign funded)..so that no more money changes hands..and economy comes to a standstill.

Well we paid $45 billion dollars and lost the lives of civilians and soldiers in the war that was never ours, that aid doesn't even begin to cover the damage caused to Pakistan in the US's war.
What has Pakistan's economy got to do with Anti-Aircraft missiles in FATA?

Grow up kid.

basically he is trying to say if PAF brings one NATO plane down, all these aids pakistan gets would be in jeopardy & thereby pakistan's economy will suffer badly. i think it's not him who needs to grow up. it's you who needs to grow up for not grasping his valid point.
Von Hölle;1187687 said:
Ohh ..it will, if those missiles are fired at US aircrafts..besides economy was being discussed, before joined in!!

Sure granppa!!..would also like me bring your walking stick??

As i said before, no one firing at any one.

Pakistan can tell them if they breach borders again, they will be shot down. We can cripple them in a matter of days in Afghanistan. With 100,000 American troops, it can be turned into Obama's Vietnam times 2 in less than a few weeks.

So yea, go figure.
When NATO leaves Afghanistan and suspends all Aid to Pakistan, Pakistan will have too many wars to fight and not enough resources to afford them. Meanwhile the economy will collapse like a deck of cards. America only needs Pakistan for NATO's interests in Afghanistan, but Pakistan needs NATO for the sake of Pakistan.

What ever aid we get is less then the amount we have to spend on the WOT in Pakistan. Indian friends will not agree but a major part of the WOT in Pakistan is a gift from our ally the US since they arrived in Afghanistan. IF NATO leaves then the wars will subside because the root cause of all the fights weather in Pakistan or Afghanistan is the US presence in this area. We will get a period of peace and stability to rebuild. Economy collapsing like a deck of cards... we have heard it all before and even gone through it, things are not as simple and straight forward as you put it. Didnt you guys say that Pakistan can never block the supplies ? The routes will reopen as soon as some money flows in or we get arm twisted ? US will never apologize ? Your assumptions are wrong.
Most importantly the US will not pack up and leave tomorow , the Obama administration has an election to fight.
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dont give too much pressure to your brain its already half cracked

It is fools like you who cause threads to derail....If you can talk with logic rather then reply though passing such stupid comments clearly shows whose brain is half/full cracked....

I hope you will keep one simple thing in mind next time you hit the reply button i.e. Humans across the world will have different opinions on different matters....In case your super duper brain can comprehend then i am sure you would have seen that many people from Pakistan also believe that deploying SAMS is one thing and shooting down a NATO helicopter is another....
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