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Pakistan Deploys Anti-Aircraft Missiles System in FATA to Prevent NATO Attacks Pakis

a lot has changed; as have the stakes

hindustan is an enemy MUCH larger than us, yet they have failed to subdue. You can bring up 1971, but as hindustan did not gain territory it isnt a victory for them. It was a victory for our Bengali brothers with whom our ties our un-shakeable.

of course U.S. can destroy any country if they wanted to. They have the military machine, they have all requisite resources. But when it comes to ground campaigns and occupation, we have seen how far they can get (no army in the world has a real ''occupational force'' that can really subdue people --- look at the indians in occupied Kashmir for example; or soviets in Afghanistan)

the U.S. is not stupid. They will not engage against Pakistan because it would be suicide; especially now as their public has no taste for more wars or bloodshed. They are a tired people at this juncture, due to some poor decisions made.

the indians of all people are WELL aware that Pakistan Nation has all the tools, resources and patriotism to defend every nook and cranny of our land, air and sea. No need for me to remind you that we are a nuclear armed country with the means to deliver.

much indeed has changed......dont delve into issues that are merely hypothetical.

Will you ever accept anything from history, which India had with Pakistan ??

As long as Resources, tools and partotism are concerned, both countries have, so what you wana prove here by putting these lines.

And abt putting Anti Aircraft missiles in FATA, lets see if even a single aircraft is shoot down there. Be realistic here, donot be so over confidennt by seeing current situation there.
In the Past i dont Know why Pakistan do not react like this????.......... in
Gora Prai in Mohmand Agency airstrike which 10 Pakistani Para Military Soldiers and 1 Regular Army Major killed on 10 June 2008 in same Kind of Air Strike.
In the Past i dont Know why Pakistan do not react like this????.......... in
Gora Prai in Mohmand Agency airstrike which 10 Pakistani Para Military Soldiers and 1 Regular Army Major killed on 10 June 2008 in same Kind of Air Strike.

I agree repetition of cold blood murder of Pakistani soldiers is unacceptable and is against UN charter.
I hope to see UN taking action for war crimes against responsible.
2 long borders; a hostile environment; a region AWASH in weapons; and easily brain-washed/manipulated people (one too many for comfort that is)

great!!! :S

Sir, the problem is cable TV.
The owners and responsible's of cable TV in Pakistan shall be court Marshalled.
i heard some time back that an american drone had been downed in pakistani air space......anyone know anything about it or if it ever happened?
i heard some time back that an american drone had been downed in pakistani air space......anyone know anything about it or if it ever happened?

this have hapened more then once.
U.S. Drone Goes Down Over Pakistan. Again.
January 25, 2010 | 11:02 am
A U.S. drone reportedly crashed in Pakistan on Sunday. The Associated Press calls it “a rare mishap for a program Washington has increasingly relied on to kill Taliban and al-Qaida militants.” But that’s not quite right; American unmanned aircraft go down all the time. They’ve even gone down before in Pakistan.

According to U.S. Air Force statistics, Predator and Reapers drones have suffered at least 85 “class A mishaps” — accidents which caused a million dollars’ worth of damage or more. Typically, 14 of these accidents takes place for every 100,000 hours a Predator flies.

Drones are more glitch-prone than traditional planes. Communications with their remote pilots regularly cut out, forcing the robotic aircraft into automatic holding patterns. The unmanned planes don’t handle rain, snow, heavy clouds, or high winds particularly well; the Air Force typically grounds as many drone flights as it can if there’s bad weather. Landing the aircraft (especially under inclement conditions) is awfully tricky. That’s when almost all of the Reaper accidents have taken place.


With the drone war over Pakistan escalating dramatically in 2010 — 10 strikes in just the first three weeks of January, compared to four reported attacks in January 2009 — more accidents are bound to happen.

It wouldn’t be the first time a remotely-piloted plane has fallen out of the skies above Pakistan. Last March, the Taliban claimed to have shot down a drone there. In September of 2008, an American-made drone crashed in Pakistan; its parts were displayed on local television. America’s top military officer, Admiral Mike Mullen, asserted that the unmanned aircraft didn’t belong to the United States. But he offered no other explanation for how the drone — manufactured by Predator-maker General Atomics — had wound up on Pakistani soil.

earlier in another incedient
Taliban: We Shot Down a U.S. Drone Over Pakistan
March 9, 2009 | 7:45 am
Read More Taliban: We Shot Down a U.S. Drone Over Pakistan | Danger Room | Wired.com
In the last year, U.S. drones have struck militant compounds in Pakistan more than 40 times, killing hundreds. Over the weekend, the local Taliban shot down one of the unmanned aircraft that have been so deadly to the jihadists.

That is, if you believe the militants. So far, though, no wreckage has been found. And officials on all sides are denying any shoot-down took place.

The jihadists say they took down the unmanned aircraft in the Angoor Adda area of South Waziristan — the home base of notorious Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud. U.S. forces have attacked the region at least five times in recent months.

"Locals said they had seen a small plane flying over the area at low altitude… militants resorted to heavy firing when they saw it. But they were unaware whether the plane was struck or not," Pakistan’s Dawn newspaper reports.

Residents and a local police official said two drones were flying low over a village in South Waziristan when one of them was hit by militant fire. "We heard the firing by the Taliban and then a drone fell down," police official Israr Khan said.

So far, however, Pakistan army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas says they "haven’t found any wreckage" from the alleged crash. Even if they do, it doesn’t necessarily mean the drone was shot down. Two Air Force unmanned aircraft have crashed, just in the last month. Sometimes, bad weather is to blame; sometimes, it’s an electrical short.
Other times, there are problems when a drone’s remote pilot in Nevada hands off control to the local guys, responsible for landing the robotic planes.

But the unmanned aircraft do fly low and slow enough that a very, very lucky rifle shot could take a drone out. And the robotic planes are pretty much sitting ducks, against more sophisticated air defense systems. Some Pakistani Army units have been practicing their drone shoot-down drills.

In September, an American-made drone crashed in Pakistan; its parts were displayed for local television. America’s top military officer, Admiral Mike Mullen, claimed that the unmanned aircraft didn’t belong to the United States. Perhaps he meant the U.S. military — the drones over Pakistan are operated by the C.I.A., and flown from bases in Pakistan.

On Monday afternoon, local time, The News of Pakistan reported that "four U.S. drones are [said] to be hovering over tribal areas of North Waziristan. According to sources, the tribesmen are firing at the drones."

Sir, the problem is cable TV.
The owners and responsible's of cable TV in Pakistan shall be court Marshalled.

hanged till death :hang2:

or if possible, even after that...:flame:
Does this prove that US has an agreement with the army/govt regarding the drone attacks and only militants are targeted in the drone strikes?

NAT0 targeted our soldiers and civilians (without any agreement i guess) and the reaction seems to be huge from both government and military alike?
this have hapened more then once.

earlier in another incedient


thank you for the awesome info but i was referring to some rumors i heard about a US drone being shot down by the Pak military and then claiming that it was a mistake or something? do you know anything about that?

much appreciated :)
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