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Pakistan Debt to Rise to $74 billion by 2014

A bit off topic but i was just wondering. We have 180 million people, say for example a human kidney was worth 1000$ US, if 180 million people donated 1 kidney for their country that would give us an astounding: $180,000,000,000.

Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country. :P

bad way to improve economy
any ways not 180 million ppl can sell their kidney not all are healthy considering old ppl above 50 and children below 20 populatuin comes down to 90 million ppl who can sell their kidney but agian you need huge hospital industry can support this type of industry i have a better solution allow IPI pipeline get millions as rent for free without any investment and good point is you can kepp ur kidneys too
Can't cut the military budget now because of the security threats, internal and external.

In any case, arguments about the military budget being the primary massive drain on Pakistan's resources are somewhat disingenuous given that the top three loss making State corporations (PIA, PS etc.) alone cost Pakistan (in annual losses) about the same amount as the entire defence budget.

There is no strategic or security necessity to maintain the status quo with these loss making entities, as there is with the defence budget, so that would ideally be the place to start.

Let's add something more here about Pakistan Army. Pakistan army is independent entity. It has its own project and bank to fulfill the basic needs, plus provide financial assistance to other forces.
May be found enough inside information in the book named " Military inc" by Ashia Siddiqi. That's one of reason no govt can control the army because its partially financially independence.
ENFORCED tax collection rate of at least 20% would make a huge difference

too bad theres no financial accountability at all; this administration is beyond corrupt and is bankrupting a country that could easily be much more economically prosperous

I disagree a little bit. Tax rate doesn't have to be raised. There already is enough burden on the public. All what's needed is the current tax collected money to go where it should be. The government is corrupt from head to toe. As you said, there is no accountability. Our tax collection revenue is enough to payback all the loans gradually if it is put in the right place, instead of Swiss accounts of our leaders.
Let's add something more here about Pakistan Army. Pakistan army is independent entity. It has its own project and bank to fulfill the basic needs, plus provide financial assistance to other forces.
May be found enough inside information in the book named " Military inc" by Ashia Siddiqi. That's one of reason no govt can control the army because its partially financially independence.

The financial independence of the Army also comes at great cost to the Pakistani Exchequer. The companies run by the Army enjoy major subsidies from the government & hardly pay any taxes. Such subsidies and tax free income enjoyed give them a major cost advantage over other private industries, encouraging monopoly & stifling growth in turn.
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