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Pakistan court grants bail to 26/11 accused Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi: Reports

Hypocrisy of indians in this thread in mind boggling.

‘India’s Executed The Evidence, Not Kasab’
The lawyer of LeT operative Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi says his case just got stronger

Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) operative Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, one of the masterminds of the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai, was informed of Kasab’s hanging by his legal team. Though his reaction is not known, Toral Varia-Deshpande spoke to his lawyer Shahbaz Rajput. Excerpts:

How did you view the news of the execution?

India has followed all the legal procedures, which are almost similar to ours. So in that sense, India is well within its rights to execute any convict, including Kasab. But the way I see it, this is not the execution of Kasab, it is the execution of an importance piece of evidence.

How will Kasab’s hanging have an impact on the ongoing trial in Pakistan?

As a defence lawyer, my case just got stronger. Kasab was a piece of evidence. Ever since the case first came to the court, we have been asking for Kasab’s statement—either by way of his appearance in court in Pakistan or by way of access which India could have given to us. Our primary demand has been that Kasab be personally produced in court so that he can be examined and cross-examined according to Pakistani law. Now that possibility has just been eliminated.

How good is the legal grounding of the case as presented by the prosecution in court?

As a lawyer, and moreso as a defence lawyer, I feel that the case is very weak because the prosecution has not been able to bring strong material evidence on the table. Kasab’s statement was their best bet. The evidence that has been shared by India is also not very strong. If you talk about the commission that had earlier visited India, even that has not been a useful exercise since we were not even allowed to cross-question or examine the witnesses. In Commonwealth countries, any evidence gathered is subject to a judicial scrutiny. Pakistan had accepted that Kasab was a Pakistani citizen. They should have brought him to the court here in Pakistan if they were serious about the case. Simply put, this is a case of no material evidence.

With Kasab gone, will you seek the closure of the case against your client?

We haven’t decided that yet. We have a battery of senior and juniors lawyers; there will be consultation and we will then decide the further course of action.

Oh right, the lawyer of the accused said that his client is innocent. Wow, that has never happened before in the history of law. Of course, the most unbiased and objective person we should listen to is the lawyer of the defendant. Why didn't we think of that before? Such hypocrites we are, for not taking Lakhvi's lawyer's accusations as gospel truth. I am ashamed to admit it, but we also did not believe Kasab's lawyer when he argued that Kasab came to India to work in Bollywood, and on that night was watching a cinema, simply because Kasab was captured on camera shooting people. Damn, Indians don't know the due process of law - we must learn it from Pakistanis.
Pakistani Judiciary comes to rescue again. They have been releasing terrorists for long. I hope this verdict is challenged in higher courts.
Hypocrisy of indians in this thread in mind boggling.

The first paragraph of the interview undermines your assertion of Indians' hypocrisy entirely:

How did you view the news of the execution?

India has followed all the legal procedures, which are almost similar to ours. So in that sense, India is well within its rights to execute any convict, including Kasab. But the way I see it, this is not the execution of Kasab, it is the execution of an importance piece of evidence.

Why the heck should India stall its own due process just because Pakistan can't get its act together on this case? Your claim of Indian "hypocrisy" is nonsense to say the least. Kesab was executed as per Indian law and justifiably, no doubt as much information as possible was got out of the scumbag prior to his date with the noose.

To start pointing fingers at India for your own judiciary's failings is beyond absurd.
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Pakistani Judiciary comes to rescue again. They have been releasing terrorists for long. I hope this verdict is challenged in higher courts.
you can't expect much from the judiciary in Pakistan, which in itself is infested by terrorist sympathizers!
you can't expect much from the judiciary in Pakistan, which in itself is infested by terrorist sympathizers!
disgraceful and sad day for us all who are the victims of terrorism

this judiciary is completely on a different path. it loves to bully Army, ISIS and FC personnel and is more keen on "missing persons" cases than deciding on the terrorists.

it is Iftikhar Choudhary's legacy who became a darling of the world. who freed all those Lal masjid terrorists who had video footage of them brandishing guns and shooting at journalists and the army.

it is sickening to see that terrorist being given bail.

Pakistani Judiciary comes to rescue again. They have been releasing terrorists for long. I hope this verdict is challenged in higher courts.
high courts are infested by judges who call failed suicide bombers as innocent unless they succeed in exploding their bombs
they find it obligatory to free these terrorists for the fear of themselves or just pure radicalization

recall the pictures of these bastards offering prayers for Osama.
one or two judges and lawyers who did stand up to fanatics and terrorists were killed in their chambers. 99.9% judiciary is morbidly against army and same is the case with police

watch video clips they showering flowers on terrorists and kissing their hands and kissing them. when Gen Musharaf put his hands on these scumbags you all together with America cried foul.

so we suffer now
Meanwhile in India :D

What disappointing me is the fact the the civil society of Pakistan has not stepped up , letting this terrorist go free 48 hrs after this horrific incident is mind boggling. had this happened anywhere else it would have been condemned by society in general , but i do not see any one raising their voice.
while many Pakistani members here have expressed their displeasure about this creature being freed , there seem to be no broad consensus.

Meanwhile in India :D

this thread is not about politics , especially AAp tards.
disgraceful and sad day for us all who are the victims of terrorism

this judiciary is completely on a different path. it loves to bully Army, ISIS and FC personnel and is more keen on "missing persons" cases than deciding on the terrorists.

it is Iftikhar Choudhary's legacy who became a darling of the world. who freed all those Lal masjid terrorists who had video footage of them brandishing guns and shooting at journalists and the army.

it is sickening to see that terrorist being given bail.

high courts are infested by judges who call failed suicide bombers as innocent unless they succeed in exploding their bombs
they find it obligatory to free these terrorists for the fear of themselves or just pure radicalization

recall the pictures of these bastards offering prayers for Osama.
one or two judges and lawyers who did stand up to fanatics and terrorists were killed in their chambers. 99.9% judiciary is morbidly against army and same is the case with police

watch video clips they showering flowers on terrorists and kissing their hands and kissing them. when Gen Musharaf put his hands on these scumbags you all together with America cried foul.

so we suffer now
well.. this image alone says a lot about the churning taking place within the justice system of Pakistan! Not good at all..

What disappointing me is the fact the the civil society of Pakistan has not stepped up , letting this terrorist go free 48 hrs after this horrific incident is mind boggling. had this happened anywhere else it would have been condemned by society in general , but i do not see any one raising their voice.
while many Pakistani members here have expressed their displeasure about this creature being freed , there seem to be no broad consensus.

this thread is not about politics , especially AAp tards.
this decision is a slap on the victims of Peshawar massacre.

I give you the reason. Jamat Islami
over decades well before Zia .. it has seeped into the Pakistani establishment, education and judiciary. it miticulasouly worked on recruiting people of power in our country. the people who have a say.

at one time they were at their prime during Zia but that took a reverse during Musharraf time but the damage was done.

this is why despite having a laughable political mandate, this cult commands so much power in Pakistan and its leaders openly praise cannibals, rapists and refuse to express any grief for the victims (reference to Munawar Hassan who declared Osama as greatest Martyr)
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