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Pakistan court grants bail to 26/11 accused Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi: Reports

Nawaz sharif spoke only about Taliban ,
Don't know about LeT status..,
If some Pakistan official can come out with what they view LeT as, it will do good.
Thank you. your drama just exposed at least that of your govt and media. when a nation is mourning rather world is mourning death of innocent over 140 kids your Indian disgusting media started cashing this tragedy seems your govt is perturbed by Gen raheel's visit
Relax! No one cares two hoots what your Raheel does or does not do. The very next day it was your poster boy General Hafiz Saeed who huffed and puffed all over the Pakistani media, which went to town that it was the Indians who were responsible for the massacre. And you guys lapped up this crap so fast as if there was no tomorrow. Your media was full of this sh!t with no consideration of the tragedy which was not the priority at all, but India!!

So please stop giving us sermons about us and our media.
Because he is being brought out to avenge killing of our children in Peshawer from your forces
delusion at its best, is there any other pakistani brother here who is supporting this guy's post?
Can some one (from Pakistan) give me an idea the reason behind this bail???? Or the timing of this bail?

@Oscar @Horus @Hyperion

Pakistan will never learn. For them who ever is doing terrorism in India is their brother. But they forget to realize HUJI which once fought in Kashmir carried series of terror strikes in India , is also involved in Peshawar. But they will never learn, I bet Today!! :hitwall::mad:
Pakistan will never learn. For them who ever is doing terrorism in India is their brother. But they forget to realize HUJI which once fought in Kashmir carried series of terror strikes in India , is also involved in Peshawar. But they will never learn, I bet Today!! :hitwall::mad:
I couldn't agree more.. that's what we call double standard
Because he is being brought out to avenge killing of our children in Peshawer from your forces

O mr innocent Lakhvi was in Jail ISI told him to stay in Jail and he is out to take revenge from India of Peshawer

So he is brought back from jail to carry out attacks in India .

So what is lacking in rest of million Pakistani men ?? b@lls or brain .

1. That the deaths of the children in Peshawar are justified or linked to any other issue
2. Brining up the good/bad terrorists Ideals w.r.t to the Peshawar issue

Will lead only to that person facing my wrath. On the other hand, LeT being declared a terrorist organization now by the US and if anyone forgets.. it is BANNED in Pakistan. So support for it will be construed as support for terrorism along the same lines as the terrorists who took part in Peshawar..and the treatment by me will be the same.
Because he is being brought out to avenge killing of our children in Peshawer from your forces
lakhvi is out for revenge to kill innocents in India! Lets see what he can do so that all of Pakistan will be in covert hell created by doval.
lakhvi is out for revenge to kill innocents in India! Lets see what he can do so that all of Pakistan will be in covert hell created by doval.

I advocate peace more than anything else, my efforts are only to end the terrorism in this subcontinent,.
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