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Pakistan coast-defence missile systems

Mr. Mishra---we understand you clearly----but in matters of defence---you may not get the right answers all the time.

I understand very clearly where you are coming from----.

You have a certain personality type-----it is called " extremely structured to the maximum "---that is why you keep asking for written material.

As you mentioned that you are in research----completing your education---so it means that you do not have epxeperince in an open work environment.

The way that you are asking for references---that is not a norm in the west---.Once you come to the west and work in open environment---you will realize and learn it then. May take a few years----

Here is some information that you may enjoy---- try --- www.strengths.com

click on 4 traits---and click on structure---this is who you are----and I would say---you are an extreme case in structured personality---man---I pity your wife---either she will have a miserable life---or she will beat the sh-it out of you

here is the link to your personality trait----click on all of them( traits on the bar )and read them---you might be able to learn to communicate better with people---once you learn how and why people react and do what they do.


For others---this is the personality trait of Mr. Mishra---so plz understand where he is coming from----he does not want to pi-ss you off intentionally----he just does because who he is.



The focus of the Structured person is on being right and doing the right thing.

The people that you know who are careful, precise & perfectionists ... they're Structured. Someone who has Structure as their high trait "goes by the book" ... THEIR BOOK! They can be resistant to change, not because the change isn't good but because they need some time to be SURE that its good. They need to gather facts and do the research before making a decision. They ask A LOT of questions ... they like to check and re-check ... they like to be right!

Other characteristics of Structure are:

  • They HATE to make mistakes
  • Keep things together in the company
  • Naturally good organizers
  • Usually careful, accurate, precise
  • Will double check themselves and others
  • Are very loyal (to circle of structure)
  • Naturally good with details
  • There is a right way and a wrong way ... the right way is the ONLY way
  • Don't make many mistakes, might make nervous mistakes
  • Need a thorough knowledge of product to sell it
  • Often rely on tradition
  • Good at developing systems
  • Meticulous, can be fussy
  • Perfectionist
  • Like to gather many facts before making decisions
  • Do NOT like criticism (proves them wrong) but are often self-critical
  • Quality oriented
  • Appreciate knowing the rules, expectations, instructions
  • Go by the book ... their book/rules
The best way to work with a person who has the Structure trait is:

  • Give them the facts. Show it to them in writing.
  • Focus on doing the right thing. If things go wrong, first look at the procedures rather than blaming the Structured person.
  • Give them the opportunity to ask questions.
NOTE: If a person has other traits above the line, you will also need to consider those traits as well.

Excellent Post.....I wonder why anyone didn't give thanks.

Thanks for the thanks----most people are clueless about the 4 personality traits---so it just went above their heads----.

Sir, you just give me the site which can help me in understanding Business and its environment/nature/customers as I am Business student too. I like this site.
Sir, you just give me the site which can help me in understanding Business and its environment/nature/customers as I am Business student too. I like this site.

Simply stated---it matches the personality of the client to that of the person providing the service.

Or if the person providing the service can determine----what the clients personality is---he can adjust his presentation----or find the associate that better fits the clients personality.

Like eg. Mishra ----he is a notepad type of client---a typical engineer---you will talk to him thru a brochure---written material---

then you have a client who is talking and taling---brochure is the last thing you need to give to him---you talk and talk back to them----

then you have a slow and easy going person---that most people neglect----he is the easiest sale---just needs your attention---won't ask for much---but he is observing every single thing that you do---your body language---your smirk---your eye movement and you may not know that

Then there is the direct---like---what's this---what's your best price---so give them the information directly----.

In pakistanis---you will find a lots of them pace and structured personalities----punjabis---mostly structured and pace----mohajirs mostly extroverts ( talk a lot )---pashtuns mostly direct----sindhis also pace----baluchis---depending on the tribe---some direct---some pace---.

But enjoy the read----your self test is $24-----
A good start, but I will be statisfied when we have 10 more frigates and 5 new destroyers.
looking at the treads oscar has been involved in such programs or is in the feild of pakistani defence. just dig very deep and you will find evidance of this. i think the point he is making here is that its none of your business. such you do seem to be in the feild of weapons development and are a friendly guy but not everyone is like you. also i think you should figure out who provides genuine sources and those who are keyboard warriors. and dont expect to get a lot out of the genuine sources.
Actually its a typical Indian behavior toward Pakistan. He thinks that all the work done by Pakistan in defense is just a paint job.
Right guys, the little information i managed to get on the missile is that it's multi functional hence it can be launched from fighter aircraft, ground based units or ships. It has a range of 180 km and travels at just under Mach 0.9.
According to your information it seems to be C-803 or upgraded C-802 with multiple varients.
Actually its a typical Indian behavior toward Pakistan. He thinks that all the work done by Pakistan in defense is just a paint job.
ok let them say its paint job we accept but the much needed thing is in our arsenal this is only matters
Right guys, the little information i managed to get on the missile is that it's multi functional hence it can be launched from fighter aircraft, ground based units or ships. It has a range of 180 km and travels at just under Mach 0.9.

Khoda Pahaar nikla chuha.....:laughcry:
Any source?
The TL-7 bit came from Haris Khan from PakDef. The claim lines up with Windjammer's report, and Haris Khan is a credible source as well.

TL-7 is an interesting choice. It is made by CATIC as a competitor to the C-802. It's such an interesting acquisition because it is no different in its scope compared to the C-802. When we factor in the localized name, I again wonder, is this being produced locally under license?

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