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Pakistan, China and Russia are working to bring Turkey in SCO???

Big changes will occur in a short amount of time in Turkey following the disruptions and CIA backed Gulen operation. Before forming an idea about the occurances i recommend everyone not of Turkish origin to watch and read the following.
In this Video with English subtitles Gulen tells his disciples to infiltrate the military.
Read the following article for illumination
Some excerpts from the article
"Relative to Europe, and the EU, which is due to shrink with the departure of the UK, Turkey’s economy is doing well. Since the ascent to power of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey the country has seen a tremendous positive economic shift, with a GDP of $196bn in 2001 soaring to $823bn in 2013. This has been reflected in pubic services, including health, education and transport, as well as in the general standards of living. Today, despite the influx of refugees and surge in terrorist attacks on Turkey, the country is still one of the fastest-growing economies in Europe, with a growth rate of 3.8 percent in the second quarter this year making it the third-fastest growing economy in Europe. "

Turkey is a global leader when it comes to investment in infrastructure. Turkey is currently building one of the world’s largest airports, which will eclipse other airports in Europe. It has just finished building Gazi Osman bridge, the world’s fourth-longest suspension bridge, which was one of several mega-projects waiting to be finished.

The Turkish military too has had its fair share of self-advancement over the years, and is moving away from foreign dependency for its military equipment."

Turkey is currently heading the Organisation of Islamic Conference and the G20, and is a key player in shaping Middle East politics. Turkey, at the end of the day, and regardless of the ideology and the aspirations of its leadership, remains a vital partner and ally for the West. Turkey is still a vital member of NATO and the coalition fighting ISIS. Its NATO membership is still regarded to be of considerable value.

Turkey is still pragmatic and is primarily driven by realist self interests and not ideology and the head of NATO just recently reaffirmed his confidence in Turkey’s partnership with the West.

While the West has not been able to hide its bias against Turkey’s political leadership and Turkey has clearly realised so, despite some bad blood and heated rhetoric, it will still be business as usual."

To answer your question.
Turks are a patriotic, proud and fearless bunch, we are aware of our ancient civilizational background of our former empires that stretched most of the known world back in the ages - we percieve ourselves as one of the greatest nation and people to ever have set foot on this planet.
As i said, if solid evidence surfaces pointing to CIA intereference in the Gulen backed coup attempt, we won't hesitate and respond accordingly. Yes we are pragmatic, yes we have gained much from our decades old alliance with the West. But we are not traitors - our alliance is important because we gain from it, not because of our cultural affiliation with the West, because culturally we are NOT part of the West - we are so only economically and politically for pragmatic reasons.

The coup was under way, our intelligence and political apparatus was perfectly aware of it for months, but manipulation - a tool utilized by the cunning - is not alien to Turkish deep state. We knew this day would come, we knew when it would come, all we did was preparing for it, to illustrate it to our people of their treachery, it was a dangerous game, but a necessary one. As Reis Erdogan says, we walk the streets with the white sheets of our kefen (shroud). To succeed we need to accept sacrifice - something we have mastered for centuries.

Our struggle of total independence hadn't ended in 1923 when we beat the foreign occupiers. It will end once we become a force to be reckoned with world-wide, once we can depend on ourselves. That day is nearing, this clearing is only a start.

Today every single Muslim nation has witnessed the tenacity and honor of the Turkish nation. Anyone who dares to overthrow their elected officials via unlawfal, unpopular coups will remember July 15th when the nation, when the people stopped an unlawful foreign backed coup attempt. Let this be a lesson to everyone who dares trample on the innocent anyone who dares to silence the cry of the people - you will face the wrath of the voice of the people. This trend we started, but we will not end - it will be an inspiration to the entire world - regardless of the mainstream media's fruitless efforts of demonizing Turkey and our democratic culture - they can go fock themselves. And we will grow even stronger, not a single flower was trampled on, on the night of 15 July, that's the culture we come from, not a single shop was ransacked, because on that night the people stood watch.
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Turkey is carrying out a massive purge within its Air Force, it might request our F-16 pilots to fill the gap.
Turkey is carrying out a massive purge within its Air Force, it might request our F-16 pilots to fill the gap.

Dont you think they will ask pilots from NATO countries instead of Pakistan?
Dont you think they will ask pilots from NATO countries instead of Pakistan?

There is already talk to kick Turkey out of NATO.

Toss Turkey Out Of NATO: U.S. Doesn't Need Civilian Dictatorship Or Military Junta

And he delivered, at least until the AKP won its third consecutive election in 2011. Then he began moving in an unmistakably authoritarian direction. Credited with reviving Turkey’s economy, Erdogan appeared to believe that AKP officials deserved to do as well financially as politically. Elected president, he built an 1100-room official residence fit for a sultan of old.

Police and prosecutors who asked too many questions about high officials’ suspicious cash holdings were replaced. Military officers and others were convicted of fantastic charges based on fabricated evidence. Journalism became a risky profession, with record numbers of editors and reporters jailed or fired. Entire media companies were seized, while internet enterprises were pressured.

Those criticizing the president, including a high school student and former beauty queen, were prosecuted. A court decided that comparing Erdogan to Gollum in Lord of the Rings was a criminal offense. Noted Soner Cagaptay of the Washington Institute, Erdogan “has a track record of persecuting and prosecuting his opponents, usually on the premise that there’s a conspiracy to undermine him.”

Erdogan also decided that politics trumped peace, abandoning the ceasefire he had negotiated with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. Doing so reignited Ankara’s bitter conflict with Kurdish separatists and reaffirmed Turkey’s fervent support from Turkish nationalists. Ankara also opposed Kurdish ambitions in Syria, which had collapsed into civil war. Erdogan even attempted to drag the U.S. into the conflict against the Assad government while accommodating the Islamic State as it conquered territory and terrorized captive residents.

Last fall his government shot down a Russian aircraft for briefly violating Turkish airspace. Moscow reacted circumspectly, unlike Erdogan, but threatened a far tougher response to a second incident. Whether Ankara’s act was retaliation for Russian attacks on Turkish-supported insurgents, strict enforcement of its airspace, or an attempt to entangle NATO in the Syrian conflict, the attack was irresponsible and dangerous. The alliance responded by warning Erdogan against further provocations

Although he has began to repair the international damage—Ankara recently normalized relations with Russia—he redoubled domestic repression after the failed putsch. The government has good cause to target anyone promoting a military repeat, and has detained an estimated 10,000 people, including 6000 in the military, and one-third of the top officers. But the regime has treated the coup as the equivalent of the Reichstag fire for the Nazis, an excuse to launch a country-wide crackdown. Warned Turkey’s one liberal party, the largely Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party, Erdogan’s campaign was “a tool and opportunity for the government to purge all opposition and limit democratic rights and freedom.” The Great Purge obviously was prepared well in advance.

The regime made the unsupported claim that the cleric Fethullah Gulen, a former Erdogan ally, plotted the coup, which seemed unlikely for an elderly exile. In fact, Erdogan blamed the religious leader while the coup was still in progress, before any investigation had even begun. The military long had resisted infiltration by outside forces, including Gulenists. The latter gained ground only after the Erdogan government broke the armed forces’ independence. Absent evidence of Gulen’s involvement—requested by the Obama administration to justify his extradition—it seemed more likely that officers, Gulenist and secularist, joined against a common foe.


Turkish cleric and opponent to the Erdogan regime Fethullah Gülen at his residence in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania on July 18, 2016 addressing allegations by the Turkish government about his involvement in the attempted July 15 coup. (THOMAS URBAIN/AFP/Getty Images)

Nevertheless, nearly 2800 judges were fired the day after the coup, and at least 50,000 state officials and employees were suspended or ousted in the following days: academics, policemen, governors, interior, finance, and education bureaucrats, presidential staffers, school teachers and administrators, and others. Some of those sacked had been appointed previously by the AKP. The regime even dismissed 350 members of Turkish Airlines , including cabin crew. Most of those targeted apparently were thought to be followers of the 77 -year-old Gulen, who has lived in rural Pennsylvania since 1999.

Moreover, barely a week after the attempted putsch the government took over a multitude of private institutions, including 1229 associations and foundations, 1043 schools, 35 health care organizations, 19 labor groups, and 15 universities. The government revoked press cards for journalists, preventing them from working, and closed a score of independent news sites. Guilt by association became official policy: those targeted “belong to, have ties with or are in communication with” Gulenists, claimed the regime.

The regime’s attack on education has been particularly widespread. The government demanded the resignation of 1577 deans, from every Turkish university, including private institutions, ordered all university professors to cancel foreign travel, suspended 15,200 public administrators and teachers, and revoked the licenses of 21,000 private teachers, preventing them from working. An education ministry official pointed to “tip-offs that these are mostly linked with terrorist activities,” meaning Gulen. Obviously these many thousands of people were not involved in the coup. Instead, the Erdogan government appeared determined to eliminate any opposition to its increasingly authoritarian rule.

Exactly what Erdogan plans is unknown. While the formal suspension of the European Convention on Human Rights and imposition of a state of emergency might only be temporary, in practice they seem unlikely to end. Erdogan claimed to be acting to protect “democracy, the rule of law and rights and freedoms of our citizens,” but he has been ostentatiously violating all of them for years. Now the situation is likely to get far worse.

Erdogan has been emboldened, the opposition has been weakened, critics have been silenced, and restraints on the government have disappeared. Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek predicted that the government would authorize creation of committees to assess the guilt of tens of thousands of people accused of disloyalty. This proposal echoes the violent purges of Maoist China and Islamist Iran, which inflicted mass injustice and disrupted national development.

Punishing most anyone thought to oppose Erdogan and the AKP also risks making violence the only form of opposition possible. Yet even before the coup ISIS terrorism and Kurdish resistance were growing. Now Turkey’s ravaged military will be less able to battle these foes

Exactly what Erdogan plans is unknown. While the formal suspension of the European Convention on Human Rights and imposition of a state of emergency might only be temporary, in practice they seem unlikely to end. Erdogan claimed to be acting to protect “democracy, the rule of law and rights and freedoms of our citizens,” but he has been ostentatiously violating all of them for years. Now the situation is likely to get far worse.

Erdogan has been emboldened, the opposition has been weakened, critics have been silenced, and restraints on the government have disappeared. Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek predicted that the government would authorize creation of committees to assess the guilt of tens of thousands of people accused of disloyalty. This proposal echoes the violent purges of Maoist China and Islamist Iran, which inflicted mass injustice and disrupted national development.

Punishing most anyone thought to oppose Erdogan and the AKP also risks making violence the only form of opposition possible. Yet even before the coup ISIS terrorism and Kurdish resistance were growing. Now Turkey’s ravaged military will be less able to battle these foes.

As Turkey descends more deeply into repression and conflict, its value to NATO decreases ever further. Of course, Ankara retains advocates. Robbie Gramer of the Transatlantic Security Initiative argued: “The anti-ISIS coalition, strategically important American and NATO bases in Turkey, NATO’s posture toward Russia, and the EU’s migration deal would all be at risk if NATO forced Turkey out. Given the array of threats the alliance faces, NATO could not afford to put any of this at risk.”

However, Gramer greatly inflates Turkey’s geopolitical value. Ankara’s 1952 membership is a Cold War artifact. The Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact no longer exist, ending any serious military threat to Europe. Nothing has changed with Vladimir Putin: there is no evidence that Moscow has the slightest interest in staging a blitzkrieg through the Balkans, let alone to the Atlantic Ocean. Russia’s brutal treatment of Georgia and Ukraine is essentially defensive against an expanding NATO, not offensive in attempting to recreate the Soviet empire. There is no renewed Russian threat for Turkey to combat.


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg gives a press conference after talks with Russia at the NATO headquarters in Brussels on July 13, 2016. (JOHN THYS/AFP/Getty Images)

Actually, Ankara has become worse than useless for U.S. security. NATO itself is more burden than asset for America. The Europeans are capable of confronting any threat from a much weaker Russia as well as challenges created by conflict in North Africa and the Middle East. The continent refuses to spend seriously on its own security because it expects the U.S. to step in.

Turkey’s primary military benefit to Washington is access to Incirlik airbase, which is not in fact contingent on Ankara being part of NATO. Moreover, the Erdogan government’s cooperation is not guaranteed. It failed to back the U.S. in its invasion of Iraq and initially barred attacks on the Islamic State. Turkey also controls the Bosphorus Straits, but has an independent interest in constraining Russian activity in the Black Sea, which is of only limited interest to America. Finally, Ankara routinely violates the airspace of fellow NATO member Greece and continues to maintain troops on the island of Cyprus, divided by a Turkish invasion four decades ago.

Wishful thinking cannot overcome such a record. It should be apparent that the alliance has little influence over Turkey’s behavior. Hoping to appease Erdogan, James Stavridis, dean of the Fletcher School at Tufts and former NATO commander, argued that “the United States should use NATO as a mechanism to support Turkish positions,” yet those stances are largely antithetical to America’s interests. Nor is there any reason to believe that Ankara would become more pliable if Washington sacrificed America’s basic interests.

Moreover, Ankara probably would not qualify for alliance membership today. It is engulfed in multiple conflicts largely of its own making. The government’s refusal to address the aspirations of the large Kurdish minority led to an extraordinarily brutal military campaign in the 1980s and 1990s which could have induced Western intervention had the culprit not been a member of NATO: 4,000 towns were destroyed, 30,000 or so people were killed and three million people were displaced. The Erdogan government won plaudits from abroad for forging a ceasefire, which Erdogan jettisoned last year for political purposes. Now the conflict burns anew. Ankara recently expanded its military efforts to include Syria’s Kurds, who have created their own autonomous zone.

Moreover, Turkey fostered conflict in Syria and terrorism at home. Early in the civil war the Erdogan government backed the ouster of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and attempted to drag the U.S. into the horrid imbroglio. The latter objective might explain Turkey’s otherwise inexplicable decision to down a Russian aircraft. Had Moscow retaliated NATO could have found itself involved in war.

The Turkish government also aided the rise of the Islamic State by turning a blind eye to the latter’s cross-border activities, a decision which backfired badly. Already responsible for an increasing number of terrorist attacks, Daesh might attempt to regroup in Turkey once its “caliphate” disappears. The group then might not be easily dislodged.

At the same time, Turkey no longer meets the democracy and human rights standards for new members. In fact, Secretary of State John Kerry warned Ankara against moving away from the alliance’s “requirement with respect to democracy” in the aftermath of the coup. NATO was willing to overlook such blemishes in the past, but today’s descent to authoritarianism is much harder to accept. Especially since Erdogan appears to be following a script written years ago. Before taking power Erdogan said “democracy is like a streetcar. When you come to your stop, you get off.” Unfortunately, that stop turned out to be consolidating power.

Further, the regime is distancing itself from the West. Labor minister Suleyman Soylu blamed America for the coup, while an AKP MP, Aydin Unal, claimed that U.S. soldiers dressed as Turks participated in the fighting. Turkey’s ambassador to the U.S. Serdar Kilic merely replied “I hope not” when asked if America was involved. The regime also blamed the U.S. for hosting Gulen. President Erdogan said any state that harbored those involved in the coup would be considered “at war” with Turkey. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim claimed that Washington’s request for evidence of Gulen’s guilt before bustling him off to Ankara’s tender mercies called into question the two nations’ friendship. Obviously that relationship does not include respect for the rule of law.

NATO has become a self-parody, including countries such as Montenegro, which has 2080 men under arms—fewer than the number arrested by Turkey in the coup’s aftermath. However, at least Podgorica is harmless, a modern day variant of the fictional Duchy of Grand Fenwick in the novel The Mouse that Roared. In contrast, Turkey is turning into a security black hole.

Ankara’s political limitations also are becoming more evident. During the Cold War Washington supported brutal dictatorships around the world. But that world has disappeared. The growth of Putinism in Ankara today is a terrible embarrassment, with no corresponding security benefit for America as compensation. And the price will only rise.

The U.S. should change its approach to reflect changing circumstances. Turkey’s membership in NATO no longer serves America’s and Europe’s interests.


Source: https://defence.pk/threads/toss-turkey-out-of-nato-u-s-doesnt-need-civilian-dictatorship-or-military-junta.441454/#ixzz4FfAr3S1v

Why Iran Stood With Erdogan
07/27/2016 04:28 pm ET | Updated 3 hours ago

Ali Hashem Columnist, Broadcaster, and Chief correspondent for AlMayadeen News Network
As July 15 was coming to an end in Tehran, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was on the phone with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, whose government was under the threat of being overthrown by a military coup. Meanwhile, Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), was on another line with security officials in Ankara. All the while, Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force, Iran’s regional military arm, was busy pursuing and reviewing various scenarios that might emerge.

“It’s not a secret anymore,” an Iranian official told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity. “Zarif, Shamkhani and Soleimani were executing higher orders. The whole establishment was too concerned. Turkey is a neighboring state. President [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan and his government are strong partners of Iran. Our nations enjoy strong brotherly ties, so it’s the least we can do to show solidarity and try to offer any help they might need in such critical times.”

Within hours after the coup attempt began late July 15, the SNSC convened to discuss developments in Turkey. Following the meeting, which was chaired by President Hassan Rouhani, Shamkhani publicly condemned the coup attempt, telling local media outlets, “We support Turkey’s legal government and oppose any type of coup — either [initiated] domestically or supported by foreign sides.” Shamkhani said, “What determined the fate of developments in Turkey were the will and presence of the [Turkish] nation and the vigilance of political parties, whose contribution thwarted this coup. Shamkhani concluded, “Our stance is not exclusive to Turkey either. We have pursued the same stance in Syria too. Our position toward all regional countries is that we always prefer people’s votes [to decide governments] rather than tribal, sectarian and hereditary governments, and this means democracy.”

“A coup in Turkey isn’t something Iran can tolerate,” another Iranian politician told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity. “It’s true that there are differences over Syria, and sometimes in Iraq. Yet the fact is that there is no direct problem between Iran and Turkey; on the contrary, [bilateral] relations are always advancing for the better. Besides, Iran is opposed to any kind of change by force, and especially when the government [in question] is democratically elected.” The Iranian politician added, “The most important thing is that this experience [the coup attempt] might be an opportunity for Mr. Erdogan to understand the situation in neighboring Syria.”

Indeed, multiple Iranian officials, including Ali Akbar Velayati — foreign policy adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei — brought up Syria in their condemnation of the coup attempt in Turkey. While condemning the coup, Velayati — a former foreign minister — said he hopes “the Turkish government will respect the views and votes of the Syrian people and allow them to decide their own government.” It was a clear message from Iran to Turkey regarding Syria and the future of the struggle in the region. For five years now, Iranian officials have on repeated occasions stated that they have been trying to engage the Turks on a path to address the situation in Syria, and while unsuccessful, have never given up on this approach.

But why is Iran so concerned about the coup attempt in Turkey?

“The stability of the region would have been seriously threatened if the coup attempt had succeeded. Turkey is a major player. Besides, there is the fear that such a move might trigger internal strife,” an Iranian official told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity. He explained that given the past five bloody years in the region, any such development in Turkey “will shake the whole region” in addition to “Europe, Iran and the Caucasus.” The Iranian official added, “Besides the already shaken Arab countries, what about the [various] ethnic groups within Turkey? Has anyone thought about what they might do?”

Some conservative figures and journalists in Tehran have shown a different reaction toward development in Turkey, influenced mainly by the crisis in Syria.

“It was clear that there’s a gap between the street and the government with respect to what was going on in Turkey,” a conservative Iranian political figure told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity. Many whose understanding of the region is influenced by the war in Syria think the fall of Erdogan would have been a positive development — not only in Iran but also in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. In this vein, the Iranian political source said that many within this camp “were surprised to see the Iranian government reacting before any other government in the whole world and backing the legitimate [Turkish] government.”

It is important to bear in mind the other important reasons why Iran sees the security and stability of Turkey as pivotal to its own national security. With an Islamic-oriented government in power in Ankara, bilateral relations have improved in the past decade, paving the way for common ground despite differences over regional developments. The latter has been possible thanks to Iranian-Turkish proximity in terms of grander objectives and also similarities in their ways of thinking. Indeed, at the height of the nuclear-related sanctions on Iran, Turkey played a vital role in easing the pressure on its eastern neighbor. Erdogan certainly paid the price for the holes he was accused of creating in the web of sanctions imposed on Iran through what came to be known as the “gold-for-oil scheme” — even while economic ties between the two countries greatly expanded in the sanctions era. With the implementation of the nuclear deal, the two countries now plan to triple their trade volume to $30 billion.

So, beside its public condemnations, did Iran play a role in directly thwarting the coup? Did it, for instance, share intelligence that helped Erdogan preserve his reign? Al-Monitor put forward this question to a senior Iranian official who was in direct contact with Turkish officials during the hours of the coup attempt. His answer was short but to the point: “No.”

Another Iranian official saw parallels between the successful coup against Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 and this year’s coup attempt in Turkey. The official told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “What we know is that this move was triggered by foreign hands. We went through the same in the past, and because Mr. Erdogan is today looking forward to playing a better role in the region, they want him down.” The Iranian official said, “There was a message that was conveyed to Turkish security officials: Don’t leave the streets. This coup might be made up of several waves; it happened in Iran in 1953. When the first coup failed, they had another one ready — and they succeeded.”

This piece appeared first on Al-Monitor.com

I don't like this paper but they have proven to be right many times and the kind of network ISI has I won't be surprised it turns out to be true

Get real dude ... ISI has no network in Turkey

We are still a NATO member and negotiations with EU are going on. But who knows what the future brings.

why would you give up trading privileges with Europe and join SCO ? most of SCO members have restrictions on democracy. some of them have restrictions on Islam.
Get real dude ... ISI has no network in Turkey

why would you give up trading privileges with Europe and join SCO ? most of SCO members have restrictions on democracy. some of them have restrictions on Islam.
Get real dude ISI has networks every where I mean every where. Turkey is really crucial country for us we have a massive network their and also in Syria and Iraq and all the other places.
Get real dude ISI has networks every where I mean every where. Turkey is really crucial country for us we have a massive network their and also in Syria and Iraq and all the other places.

The Islamic State (IS) might have

definitely not Pakistan's intelligence agency
. .
ISI has and ISI has a massive network. Mr when you don't know things than don't talk

massive network in Pakistan
probably in Afghanistan
maybe in India

ISI does not have the money, technology or real need to meddle in Turkey
massive network in Pakistan
probably in Afghanistan
maybe in India

ISI does not have the money, technology or real need to meddle in Turkey
Kid you have no idea about intelligence work so better remain quite. ISI has network in almost every country. As for money we know how to arrange the money. We have great network in Turkey and entire middle east and Arab countries.
. .
Kid you have no idea about intelligence work so better remain quite. ISI has network in almost every country. As for money we know how to arrange the money. We have great network in Turkey and entire middle east and Arab countries.

it is no crime to be delusional
it is no crime to be delusional
Yes you look like one. ISI has massive network around the world including India and Israel and USA and Middle East including Turkey China and Russia and Africa not to forget Europe. Pretty much everywhere.
Yes you look like one. ISI has massive network around the world including India and Israel and USA and Middle East including Turkey China and Russia and Africa not to forget Europe. Pretty much everywhere.

you really think pakistan is a rich country to be maintaining a global intelligence network
Americans have a $30 billion intelligence budget backed by latest technological gadgets
they have enough foreign policy interests to justify their spending
Absolutely!! Never underestimate a country's national interests. In this case, some real big powers with $$$$ were involved. Another USSR and similar situation might warrant for it to avoid a global nuke war.
the Syrian project is a clear example. without the ISI
so I agree with you.. $$$ (or more specifically Halal $$$s ) can do wonders

you really think pakistan is a rich country to be maintaining a global intelligence network
Americans have a $30 billion intelligence budget backed by latest technological gadgets
they have enough foreign policy interests to justify their spending
dont deviate from discussion its about Turkey and SCO ..

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