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Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days: Samson

Answer to all your questions regarding 26th and 27th Feb 2019 is cowardice.
I have constantly written about it from feb 2019, nothing new.
We should have shoot down all 9 locked on IAF jets, without shadow of a doubt. India already declared war by attacking Pakistan on 26th Feb.
If Kargil was fought with the same attitude of war, the result would have been different.
Any country who had civilians as traitor, wouldn't succeed in a war, that is a fact.
The Kargil planning was excellent by the Generals, the problem was the traitor Nawaz.

Can you please backup your claim by any facts on grouds. Kindly give me comparision of following:

Oil reserves (required to run tanks)
Weapon reserves (required for fight)
Foreign currency reserves (required for replenishment of ammunition)
Number of BVR missiles ?
Number of ships ?

Lets assume our soldiers are atleast three times more competent than India and in terms of soldiers we can defeat a 2 time biger army but how will they fight ?

Do you know to fight a war in offensive mode you need atleast twice the fire power of the adversary?

You are comparing a fight over hill (in the name of freedom fighter) with fight for a whole province and that too for the area whose people dont belong to you?

No logical arguments, no facts, just big claims.
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No doubt thousands of Pakistani troops can be sent to Indian Occupied Kashmir, the only problem is, Pakistan can't defend them against Indian carpet bombing them like in the 1999 Kargil misadventure.

So when former treacherous Pakistani Army Chiefs like General Pervez Musharraf are plotting misadventures (parliamentary approval), they need to prepare the nation for a full scale war with India so the soldiers at the frontline can defended and at least replenished.

According to this funny man, everyone other than his beloved ganja party are treacherous. Mods, please consider changing his username, it is disrespectful for someone shouting treachery at every turn to style himself on a pseudo-national username.
Another day dreamer. During Kargil Musharaf claimed them to be freedom fighter and not Pakistan army. PAF could not have participated in Kargil as it would be operating on India's Air Space and means all out war.

Stopped reading after such propaganda filled garbage.

IOK airspace is not Indian. IOK is a disputed territory recognized by the world.
Answer to all your questions regarding 26th and 27th Feb 2019 is cowardice.
I have constantly written about it from feb 2019, nothing new.
We should have shoot down all 9 locked on IAF jets, without shadow of a doubt. India already declared war by attacking Pakistan on 26th Feb.
If Kargil was fought with the same attitude of war, the result would have been different.
Any country who had civilians as traitor, wouldn't succeed in a war, that is a fact.
The Kargil planning was excellent by the Generals, the problem was the traitor Nawaz.

200% Agreed with you , But we have some our own countrymen jo har waqt apni buzdili ko economy ki shakal mein daal kar rona rotay hain.
Wohi qomain apna maqsad hasil karti hain to Qomi gherat ko sab se pehlay rakhti hain .
And for Indians you have to come hard at them , yehi sahi tareeqa hai aur Allah ka bhi yehi hukam hai.

فَإِمَّا تَثْقَفَنَّهُمْ فِى ٱلْحَرْبِ فَشَرِّدْ بِهِم مَّنْ خَلْفَهُمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَذَّكَّرُونَ

Explained as : If you face them in battle , come hard at them so that they remember what happened to their ancestors.
Yeah, true, I do, that's why you see different point of views. Hate the herd mentality. :partay:
fools always act differently then others. that's why it is recommended that fools should stay quiet otherwise they will expose their foolishness.
Can you please backup your claim by any facts on grouds. Kindly give me comparision of following:

Oil reserves (required to run tanks)
Weapon reserves (required for fight)
Foreign currency reserves (required for replenishment of ammunition)
Number of BVR missiles ?
Number of ships ?

Lets assume our soldiers are atleast three times more cometent than India and in terms of soldiers we can defeat a 2 time economy but how will they fight ?

Do you know to fight a war in offensive mode you need atleast twice the fire power of the adversary?

You are comparing a fight over hill (in the name of freedom fighter) with fight for a whole province and that too for the area whose people dont belong to you?

No logical arguments, no facts, just big claims.

The rule of traitor Nawaz just ended two years ago. In the five years, the traitor had run Pakistan to the ground purposefully and by design.

While courting Modi by sending Saris, inviting him to Pakistan on personal invitation, leaving the "State of Pakistan" and its departments in a limbo. Only traitors do that. Nawaz is a confirmed and certified traitor.

What Dar did with Pakistan and its finances is definitely treason. He should be tried and hanged with Nawaz for treason.

fools always act differently then others. that's why it is recommended that fools should stay quiet otherwise they will expose their foolishness.

Sure, the next "Noble peace prize" is yours. Happy!!
Another day dreamer. During Kargil Musharaf claimed them to be freedom fighter and not Pakistan army. PAF could not have participated in Kargil as it would be operating on India's Air Space and means all out war.
You are wrong here bud.
Mussraf didn’t claim but Pakistan as a country claimed, for whatever geopolitical reason Existed at that time.

Kashmir isn’t Indian Airspace and when you start an operation, your priority is to protect your troops and accomplish the mission. Pakistan technically invaded Indian territory, what does it matter of it penetrate Airspace.

In an all out war reserves matters alot. With Oil reserves of only 15 days, your are proposing an all out war with India? Are you nuts?

Unless you are willing to fight like Talilban, where every man will be fighting, the war will not be on borders but on your streets and sometime your children will starve to death but you will fight at any cost. If you are willing to fight such a war go ahead and attack Kargil.
True reserves matter if you plan on prolonging the war and could not keep your Country economy operational during war. But no one is fighting like Taliban.

Before Indians can make its way deep into Nukes will start flying. And let suppose Pakistan wasn’t nuclear, Indian still would have need 10x more troops to cover land mass and population centers.
War is not in the benefit of both the nations. Both can capture a small piece of land for a few days, but eventually that land will have to be vacated due to international pressures.

India says it can capture AJK/ GB, no, it's not possible for an extended period of time. There will be severe consequences for India. Similarly, if Pakistan captures some Indian administered land, there are consequences Pakistan will have to face too.

And no, India can't carpet bomb Pakistan, and similarly Pakistan can't carpet bomb India.. The war is between India and Pakistan not between the likes of US and Afghanistan or Israel and Palestine.

If Pakistan has to capture IOK or India has to capture GB/ AJK.. all security council members must agree with one side to make it happen permanently.

China has claims on Ladakh and wants the areas as per the maps of 1950!

So it's not just Pakistan and India anymore. All agreements between Pakistan-India and China-India were terminated on 5-Aug-19.

UN has no role in this anymore.
Brig (Retd) Samson says that Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days if India is foolish enough to start war with Pakistan.

He says that cutting off Daraz Road is matter of minutes for Pakistan. We can cut of Indians supply lines very quickly and take over Laddakh.

He said that Pakistani army is battle hardened. He said that PA has defeated the terrorists in 10 years, where USA and Russia failed to do so.

He said that 33 K or 34 K Pakistani soldiers were made prisoner by India in East Pakistan, we can take up to 100 K Indian soldiers as prisoners of war.

He also said that Pakistan nuclear tests were far superior to India and Pakistan has more and better nuclear weapons compare to India. He says he knows it fully well because he was involved in the process.

This is a fact hidden from most Indians eyes that their Nuclear tests were not successful.

Responding to a question he said that Pakistan had taken Kargil , but there was no cohesion between the army and the civil government, what we achieved military was lost by the politicians.
Clearly Nawaz is a traitor.

Patriots say that, but that's not the reality.
The reality is, China is out there to break India's back, and that too due to India's own doings. I will repeat, if India will not discuss things with Pakistan, will not take back their so called claim from ladakh and j&k, I am sure that India will looses much more than ladakh. Because, when China is determined now to settle this issue. For Pakistan its a blessing. We must make our coordination with China better on this issue.
Brig (Retd) Samson says that Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days if India is foolish enough to start war with Pakistan.

He says that cutting off Daraz Road is matter of minutes for Pakistan. We can cut of Indians supply lines very quickly and take over Laddakh.

He said that Pakistani army is battle hardened. He said that PA has defeated the terrorists in 10 years, where USA and Russia failed to do so.

He said that 33 K or 34 K Pakistani soldiers were made prisoner by India in East Pakistan, we can take up to 100 K Indian soldiers as prisoners of war.

He also said that Pakistan nuclear tests were far superior to India and Pakistan has more and better nuclear weapons compare to India. He says he knows it fully well because he was involved in the process.

This is a fact hidden from most Indians eyes that their Nuclear tests were not successful.

Responding to a question he said that Pakistan had taken Kargil , but there was no cohesion between the army and the civil government, what we achieved military was lost by the politicians.
Clearly Nawaz is a traitor.

Wow didn't know about this fellow. Respect! I learnt a few new things. Reinforces my ideals and understanding :pakistan:.

We can't be seen as agressors. We cant start the war however if india starts it we can surely finish it on our terms.
After 2 days of nonstop cheerleading for China, Pakistanis seems to think they have become as powerful as China. Lol.

After years of nonstop ridiculous claims which have been debunked and obsession for fair skinned people, Indians are still under the delusion they're a superpower.

Best course of action is to ask India to peacefully withdraw, if they dont or if they attack Pakistan then Pakistan can take Ladakh
Brig (Retd) Samson says that Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days if India is foolish enough to start war with Pakistan.

He says that cutting off Daraz Road is matter of minutes for Pakistan. We can cut of Indians supply lines very quickly and take over Laddakh.

He said that Pakistani army is battle hardened. He said that PA has defeated the terrorists in 10 years, where USA and Russia failed to do so.

He said that 33 K or 34 K Pakistani soldiers were made prisoner by India in East Pakistan, we can take up to 100 K Indian soldiers as prisoners of war.

He also said that Pakistan nuclear tests were far superior to India and Pakistan has more and better nuclear weapons compare to India. He says he knows it fully well because he was involved in the process.

This is a fact hidden from most Indians eyes that their Nuclear tests were not successful.

Responding to a question he said that Pakistan had taken Kargil , but there was no cohesion between the army and the civil government, what we achieved military was lost by the politicians.
Clearly Nawaz is a traitor.

Itna asan hota to kargil na le lia hota.
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