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Pakistan 'can and must' do more against terrorism: Obama

'Do more' mantra and Indians jumping up and down. Not a surprise! Time to increase internal security manifolds. I think the slow and steady approach needs to be updated to a more vicious approach. NS needs to grow a pair. There are times when consensus means paralysis!
Saying a bharti, whose country officialy supported Mukti terrorism against Pakistan, Tamil tigers against sri lanka. Terrorism against Kashmiris. Support TTP, BLA (offcourse u will deny it but after 20 years u may see Indian official accepting that we were behind TTP, just like modi accepted that they were behind mukti terrorists).

On topic, no country alone can stop terrorism.

Mukti was freedom fighter your army did what should not be done.

Tamil Tigers we did help Sri Lanka in putting end to long civil war .

Rest TTP , BLA no one else buy that claim .!! Even recent attack your army revealed faces are either Pakistani or Afghani . You can't blame us for that mess .
This is a result of Pakistan not speaking up when it becomes a target of terrorism.

NS is the culprit. He is walking a very thin line. He has a policy of appeasing the Americans and nodding yes. He would rather send more sarees to Modi and make himself look like a statesman. The reality doesn't work like that. You have to stand your ground no matter how bitter or difficult. There is no middle ground.

We'll see how long NS can keep up with the policy of appeasement. Sooner or later he will be forced to take a u-turn because even he cannot give what the Americans and Indians are seeking which is total and complete obedience. It is only a matter of time.

In the meanwhile, the Pak army is calling the shots as we have seen how Afghan president Ghani has been confronted after the university terror attack. Logically, the Americans are as usual throwing fits and unwilling to accept the reality. That is their loss though. This knee jerk comment by Obama is an indication.
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Pakistan can and must do more to dismantle terrorist networks: Obama
Published: January 24, 2016

NEW DELHI: US President Barack Obama has urged Pakistan to show it is “serious” about crushing extremist networks operating on its territory, saying the latest mass killing of students underlined the need for more decisive action.

In an interview with the Press Trust of India published on Sunday, Obama praised recent crackdowns by Pakistani security forces but said more should be done to eradicate violent groups.

“Pakistan has an opportunity to show that it is serious about delegitimising, disrupting and dismantling terrorist networks,” Obama told the news agency in Washington.

“In the region and around the world, there must be zero tolerance for safe havens and terrorists must be brought to justice.”

Twenty-one people were killed last Wednesday in an attack at a university campus in Charsada which was claimed by a faction of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, barely a year after a massacre at a school in Peshawar that killed more than 150 people.

Obama said the crackdown on extremists was “the right policy” but was quoted as saying that Pakistan “can and must” take more effective action.

“Since then (Peshawar), we have seen Pakistan take action against several specific groups,” said Obama.

“We have also seen continued terrorism inside Pakistan such as the recent attack on the university in northwest Pakistan.”

India has blamed gunmen belonging to the militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed for an attack on one of its air force bases close to the Pakistan border earlier this month that left seven soldiers dead.

Obama said that attack in Punjab was “another example of the inexcusable terrorism that India has endured for too long”.

The attack came only days after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had paid his first visit to Pakistan, dropping in for talks with his counterpart Nawaz Sharif on his way home from Afghanistan.

Modi has resisted pressure to put ties with Pakistan back in deep freeze after the air base attack, and Obama endorsed the continuation of contacts.

“Both leaders are advancing a dialogue on how to confront violent extremism and terrorism across the region,” Obama said.
totally agree with Obama here
we must launch attacks on terror camps inside Afghanistan .
Haha this clowns talking? Obomba should clean up his mess in the ME before he criticises any nation. Indians so quick to agree with an American because he's bashing Pakistan. Have a little respect for yourselves lol.
totally agree with Obama here
we must launch attacks on terror camps inside Afghanistan .

First seal the Afghan border and make them sweat. Make them realize we mean business. As for attacking Indian sponsored Afghan terror camps, that too will happen in time. It is only a matter of time before Indian terror factories in Afghanistan start to bite them back. This is already the case with many attacks occurring inside Afghanistan. American unending blame game and frustration is enough proof.

Afghanistan is today in a terrible shape and we don't need to do much for it to implode from within.
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Good to see that USA now do not consider kashmiri jehadi as freedom fighters but as terrorists.

All that can change in the blink of an eye. The US policies tend to change as per their requirements. It wasn't so long ago that Haqqanis were compared to the American forefathers and today they are terrorists!
Obama is right , he knows exactly what's going on in Pakistan . That's the reason he found Osama bin leadin

He doesn't have a clue what's going on in US and you are talking of Pakistan? If American knew our region, they wouldn't be in embarrassing mess in Afghaniatan right now. 14 years and $1 trillion after, they are abandoning region to ISIS, Taliban, a corrupt government and a horde of proxies! What an achievement!

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