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Pakistan calls for Morsi’s release !

Egypt is an Islamic country right now and you as one of the forefront members of OIC along with them, have to get involved politically.

Afterall, that's what OIC members do right? Raise issues about each members facing around the world?
You give to much importance to the OIC.
Well it is about damn time that Pakistan says something about the Coup.

I will not forget that Morsi was the first Egyptian head of state to visit Pakistan in many decades.

I have been noticing the movement to oust Morsi, and it seems well planned in advance.
Okay I wasn't on the top of the world when Morsi was kicked out of the office & then whisked away but why the foOk does it matter to us whether Egypt's PM is Morsi or Mussolini ? :hitwall:

Its none of our business !

Because Pakistan is the thekaydar of all Muslims countries.

Egypt is an Islamic country right now and you as one of the forefront members of OIC along with them, have to get involved politically.

Afterall, that's what OIC members do right? Raise issues about each members facing around the world?

You must be joking. OIC is nothing but a meeting where rich fat arab sheikhs show off their wealth to their poorer Muslim brethren and talk about how they will solve the issue of Muslim world while in private stabbing each others in the back.

ah the poor Egyptians !!
It was the Americans that ousted Morsi. The US controls every middle eastern country except Iran and Syria.
Both American parties, republicans and democrats both have called for the release of Morsi and restoration for democracy
Both American parties, republicans and democrats both have called for the release of Morsi and restoration for democracy

Americans don't understand that their brand of democracy is not going to work for everyone and yet they enforce it on everyone.

If there's even a remote hint, Egypt will go IRAN's way minus clerics coming to power and instead being ruled by military commanders.

Again US will try sanctions, then justify absence of democracy, then invade.... the cycle keeps continuing.
Okay I wasn't on the top of the world when Morsi was kicked out of the office & then whisked away but why the foOk does it matter to us whether Egypt's PM is Morsi or Mussolini ? :hitwall:

Its none of our business !

Pakistan's involvement in the Arab World is extermely important bro.

Both American parties, republicans and democrats both have called for the release of Morsi and restoration for democracy

You think ^ that is going to change some people's minds for all of a sudden..
Pakistan's involvement in the Arab World is extermely important bro.

Is it really ?

So tell me when was the last time an Arab Leader actually impressed upon the Indians, the atrocities they commit against the Kashmiris in Kashmir ? When was the last time a tough-stand against India was taken ? And when was the last time diplomatic & economic pressure was exerted on them to assuage Pakistan's Strategic Concerns ?

Now contrast this to Israel & you'd know what I mean !

Arab Issues like Palestine become Muslim Issues & our Strategic Issues are little more than Bilateral Disagreements between Two Neighbors for you.

So please do spare me the 'Pakistan's involvement in the Arab World is extremely important'
I'm not quite sure about what stand the Arab nations take or the Muslim world, but we you don't seem to know is :-
Saudi Gazette - Saudi mediation sought to resolve Kashmir issue


Push India, Pak to fix Kashmir: Saudi prince to Obama - Indian Express

OIC group reaffirms support for Kashmir cause - DAWN.COM

Malik seeks Saudi intervention Lastupdate:- Tue, 29 Nov 2011 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

Saudi Development Fund to finance new projects

Muslim countries urged to help resolve Kashmir issue | Arab News

KSA rejected India's attempt to become a member of the OIC for the sake of Kashmir. :)
Is it really ?

So tell me when was the last time an Arab Leader actually impressed upon the Indians, the atrocities they commit against the Kashmiris in Kashmir ? When was the last time a tough-stand against India was taken ? And when was the last time diplomatic & economic pressure was exerted on them to assuage Pakistan's Strategic Concerns ?

Now contrast this to Israel & you'd know what I mean !

Arab Issues like Palestine become Muslim Issues & our Strategic Issues are little more than Bilateral Disagreements between Two Neighbors for you.

So please do spare me the 'Pakistan's involvement in the Arab World is extremely important'

Ahhh if only those Statements were backed up by some Substance !

Oh I Cee isn't worth the paper its constitution is printed on !

Do you trade with Israel ? Do you allow their citizens into your country ? Do you go visiting their country to increase bilateral trade & relations ? Do you enter into JVs with them ?

Do any of the Arab Countries do that ?

Do you even understand why I'm pissed ?

I am a Kashmiri !

We're getting the message loud and Clear :

Arab Issues = Muslim & even Human Rights Issues.

Pakistani Issues = Bilateral Issues. Which is a euphemism for 'FoOk Off Pakistani - Theres money to be made'

Am I too off the mark @Hyperion @Secur ?
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Am I too off the mark @Hyperion @Secur ?

No , you are right on the money .

The Ummah delusions are only there for Pakistanis , because the rest of the Muslim countries keep their interests in mind first before the non existent brotherhood .

Welcome to the Jungle !
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Ahhh if only those Statements were backed up by some Substance !

Oh I Cee isn't worth the paper its constitution is printed on !

Do you trade with Israel ? Do you allow their citizens into your country ? Do you go visiting their country to increase bilateral trade & relations ? Do you enter into JVs with them ?

Do any of the Arab Countries do that ?

Do you even understand why I'm pissed ?

I am a Kashmiri !

We're getting the message loud and Clear :

Arab Issues = Muslim & even Human Rights Issues.

Pakistani Issues = Bilateral Issues. Which is a euphemism for 'FoOk Off Pakistani - Theres money to be made'

Am I too off the mark @Hyperion @Secur ?

Way too much off mark... it is not necessary to pull Saudi Arabia in every thread... i can go on and answer your baseless ranting but that will lead exposing hate brigade.
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