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Pakistan calls for Morsi’s release !

Way too much off mark... it is not necessary to pull Saudi Arabia in every thread... i can go on and answer your baseless ranting but that will lead exposing hate brigade.

But no one here has talked about the Saudi Arabia in particular .

The same goes for all the other Muslim countries too .
No , you are right on the money .

The Ummah delusions are only there for Pakistanis , because the rest of the Muslim countries keep their interests in mind first before the non existent brotherhood .

Welcome to the Jungle !

Do you know whats even more funny - Every foOking year dozens of rallies are taken out in favor of the Palestinians & as protest for the Israeli Atrocities, dozens (perhaps hundreds) of Palestinians are studying in Pakistan on State sponsored Scholarships & every Pakistani at the UN has castigated Israel at every opportunity that arose, we've even refused to recognize them...heck just the other month a military shipment to Pakistan linking some parts of Israel Origin (manufacture) caused such an uproar in Pakistan that the ISPR had to issue a Statement refuting it - All of which has alienated Israel so...so terribly that they've squarely & most surely gone to the Indian Corner !

All of that & much more, if some of the Military Hush-Hush are listened to - All for what ? To see every Palestinian Leader that ever got elected or led his People otherwise to go & nearly smoooch the Indians & consider the Kashmir Issue with such detachment & cold calculation that every time one of them kept talking about both India & Pakistan being there friends (at parity) & that Kashmir being a Bilateral Issue between two neighbors, the term 'You Son of a Biaaaatch' kept coming to my mind, that this is what it all comes done to....this is where our stupidity has led us ?

We cared about a people who don't give a foOk about dead Pakistanis - I feel like punching the sh*t out of the bastereds who came up with these foreign policies !
We cared about a people who don't give a foOk about dead Pakistanis - I feel like punching the sh*t out of the bastereds who came up with these foreign policies !

I have nothing to argue on , for I agree on everything you had to say .

The problem , my friend , is that a loyalty of a common Pakistani doesn't lie with Islamabad , it lies either with Riyadh or Tehran . Jamhurria-e-Islami Pakistan mei Khush amded !
I have nothing to argue on , for I agree on everything you had to say .

The problem , my friend , is that a loyalty of a common Pakistani doesn't lie with Islamabad , it lies either with Riyadh or Tehran . Jamhurria-e-Islami Pakistan mei Khush amded !

I don't have any problem with Islam & Pakistan being entwined with each other for in many ways, despite our sell-outs & our jokers & our absolutely vengeful basterds & not to mention our fellow brothers in faith - the Pan-Islamic Concept that Iqbal talked about has been achieved in Pakistan, to a certain extent.

You & I - Everything is different between us - Our language, our ethnicity, our culture & even our respective orientation (you lover of Altaf Bhai :P ) & yet you're without a doubt my brother & I say that without any ounce of hyperbole or reservation ! :)

Maybe we can revisit Pan-Islamism when our 'other' brothers have evolved beyond their petty BSh*tting & Vomiting Hypocrisy !
I don't have any problem with Islam & Pakistan being entwined with each other for in many ways, despite our sell-outs & our jokers & our absolutely vengeful basterds & not to mention our fellow brothers in faith - the Pan-Islamic Concept that Iqbal talked about has been achieved in Pakistan, to a certain extent.

You & I - Everything is different between us - Our language, our ethnicity, our culture & even our respective orientation (you lover of Altaf Bhai :P ) & yet you're without a doubt my brother & I say that without any ounce of hyperbole or reservation ! :)

Maybe we can revisit Pan-Islamism when our 'other' brothers have evolved beyond their petty BSh*tting & Vomiting Hypocrisy !

There's a problem there , my friend , unfortunately . Because , I didn't come upon the severe problems which Pakistan faces now in my thorough study of the country's history , when political Islam wasn't being implemented/trying to be implemented in thy land . Think of it , why do you see all the sectarian violence , extremism and militancy now ? Why all the bomb blasts , terrorism and killing for the goals of a few ? Do we have given a lot of power to the man-in-beard God's viceroy ? The loyalty of Pakistanis shall lie with their own country , not KSA or Iran . We take no sides in the Arab-Persian rivalry for we gain nothing from it . Whatever the founders envisioned , has been laid to rest , better not talk about it .

Thank you , Armstrong :)

Maybe , we can revisit the whole thing when the insecurity of my dear countrymen and their sudden need to defend Islam and their respective country of allegiance , even when there's no need to , ends .
There's a problem there , my friend . Because , I didn't come upon the severe problems which Pakistan faces now in my thorough study of the country's history , when political Islam wasn't being implemented/trying to be implemented in thy land . Think of it , why do you see all the sectarian violence , extremism and militancy now ? Why all the bomb blasts , terrorism and killing for the goals of a few ? Do we have given a lot of power to the man-in-beard God's viceroy ? The loyalty of Pakistanis shall lie with their own country , not KSA or Iran . We take no sides in the Arab-Persian rivalry for we gain nothing from it . Whatever the founders envisioned , has been laid to rest , better not talk about it .

Thank you , Armstrong :)

Maybe , we can revisit the whole thing when the insecurity of my dear countrymen and their sudden need to defend Islam and their respective country of allegiance , even when there's no need to , ends .

Ohhh absolutely I agree with that to hell with the Arab-Persians rivalry !

By all means hang the Mullahs by the dozen !

I want a return to what Iqbal & Jinnah talked about as I understand it to be !
You aren't even close, till I open with a salvo of candies. :D

Ahhh if only those Statements were backed up by some Substance !

Oh I Cee isn't worth the paper its constitution is printed on !

Do you trade with Israel ? Do you allow their citizens into your country ? Do you go visiting their country to increase bilateral trade & relations ? Do you enter into JVs with them ?

Do any of the Arab Countries do that ?

Do you even understand why I'm pissed ?

I am a Kashmiri !

We're getting the message loud and Clear :

Arab Issues = Muslim & even Human Rights Issues.

Pakistani Issues = Bilateral Issues. Which is a euphemism for 'FoOk Off Pakistani - Theres money to be made'

Am I too off the mark @Hyperion @Secur ?
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I think people shall stop talking about Islam.. without reading Quran in a language they understand.

I have seen the world's most developed states and they have applied Islam in their daily business and planning, minus Tauheed.
@Hyperion Would you make peace with KSA and even the wahabis if they unconditionally support you folks on Kashmir and cut off all ties with us? :azn:
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I think people shall stop talking about Islam.. without reading Quran in a language they understand.

I think that people should stop thinking that others do not know nothing about Islam , just like my dear Islamic teacher who was just enlightening us yesterday in a lecture at University , how we always need a Mullah to understand the religion and specially Quran despite the fact that Allah himself says that this book is easy to understand .

Sir thoraaa aur bhii likhaa haiii....kuch thoriii siii bharaaas aur bhi nikaliii haii ! :ashamed:

Why do I trace , all the current ills and problems of Pakistan , back to Zia-ul-Haq , import of Jihadis and a modified interpretation of the religion and the implementation of political Islam in the country and forging of an intimate relationship with the Mullah ?

Where's the peace of the 50's-60's ?
Look I'll make peace with KSA, only if they dismantle whole of Wahabism, I mean ALL of it. Other than that, if they offered me US of A on a platter, NO. Not a chance.

@Armstrong, we are a very sentimental race, that's why we suffer. I have a solution that would solve all of our problems within one month, guaranteed. Arabs will be your new best friends, and your economy would rival that of Singapore in 5 years time.


1. Accept the territorial integrity of Israel.
2. Every UN matter, side with Israel, no questions asked.

Arabs will be at your doorsteps the very next day. Don't listen to their stories: Oh it doesn't matter, we don't care, we trade with them even now. In reality, they are as much scared of the Jews as a sheep is scared of a wolf.

@Hyperion Would you make peace with KSA and even the wahabis if they unconditionally support you folks on Kashmir and cut off all ties with us? :azn:
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