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Pakistan buys additional medium-range SAMs

Neither Barak-8 not Iron Dome has been used against AIR TO AIR missiles (i.e. those carried by one aircraft against another aircraft). It is silly to claim this: why would a groundbased surface to air missile system be used for such a purpose - interfering with one aircraft attempting to kill another with a missile - in the first place (try picturing an actual scenario in which this would happen)?
Since when SAM or anti missile systems purpose is to intercept air to air missiles, that's absurd and stupid
Anyway, they could intercept those missiles in theory or a test ,but in real situation, it won't happen
POst #56.
ru saying that Barak 8 isn't capable to intercept air to air missile? In reality it won't happen, but in a test it's damn possible scenario.
If I'll shoot Derby or Python in an interception test, won't Barak 8 be able to intercept it?
The question in hand, isn't whether it'll be used or not.
It is whether such interception is possible.
ru saying that Barak 8 isn't capable to intercept air to air missile? In reality it won't happen, but in a test it's damn possible scenario.
If I'll shoot Derby or Python in an interception test, won't Barak 8 be able to intercept it?
The question in hand, isn't whether it'll be used or not.
It is whether such interception is possible.
You claimed Barak 8 could and had. The latter is not the case. The former... well, maybe or maybe not.
Point is that the scenario in which you have one aircraft shooting a missile at another and a SAM site then attempting to interfere with that. Barak 8 is active radar homing in the terminal stage. Possibly it could target (or be targeted on) the missile. But if Barak 8 is capable of doing this, then I don't see why ONLY Barak 8 could. In all cases, there is however grave risk of accidentally hitting you 'friendly' so: don't try this at home. How would you ensure than when the Barak 8 missile goes active, it picks the AAM and not one of the 2 aircraft as target (you don't want even the unfriendly aircraft targeted)?
You claimed Barak 8 could and had. The latter is not the case. The former... well, maybe or maybe not.
Point is that the scenario in which you have one aircraft shooting a missile at another and a SAM site then attempting to interfere with that. Barak 8 is active radar homing in the terminal stage. Possibly it could target the missile. But if so, then I don't see why ONLY Barak 8 could. In all cases, there is however grave risk of accidentally hitting you 'friendly' so: don't try this at home.
I gave an example, Im sure not only barak 8 can perform such action.
The only real application for this, is that air to air missile will be launched from very long range toward some air asset, and even then, it seems unlikely
How did u get the classified info then? Pakistan has only got HQ2 Long range SAM which have been deployed in Major cities.

According to him Pakistan is also hiding nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers, we're apparently just waiting for India to have in sufficient numbers then we'll declassify and release it to public.
Interesting.But LY-80 has a range of 45km, how will they counter India's Barak-8 SAM with a range of 90km?

Sams don't counter Sams

can you provide a link or an image/video prove that BARAK 8 can intercept air to air missiles thank you sir

i believe it must be a typo error, modern air defence systems are capable of countering anything that flies, that includes A2G missiles also, goodday

India version will probably be 150 km

I think Barak ER (larger booster) is different from Barak 8
Mr. Occupied Kashmir,

Pakistan has had the Chinese HQ-2 in service for a very long time now. Just because you didn't see it in a parade on tv doesn't mean we dont have long range capability. Its just something that has not been shown openly.

..Windjammer confirms it.
Mr. Occupied Kashmir,

Pakistan has had the Chinese HQ-2 in service for a very long time now. Just because you didn't see it in a parade on tv doesn't mean we dont have long range capability. Its just something that has not been shown openly.

..Windjammer confirms it.
Hq2b is there but now supposed to be having limited capability, further it is probably fixed type of SAM.
HQ-2 Islamabad per march 2016 (classic circular layout)


I checked Sipri from 1950 to 2015 on air defence systems. From what I see in Sipri arms transfer database (general trade register), Pakistan ordered and China delivered 1 (one) HQ-2/CSA-1 SAM system in 1983. So, if correct, that would make the site near Islamabad the only site.
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HQ-2 Islamabad per march 2016 (classic circular layout)
View attachment 326828


I checked Sipri from 1950 to 2015 on air defence systems. From what I see in Sipri arms transfer database (general trade register), Pakistan ordered and China delivered 1 (one) HQ-2/CSA-1 SAM system in 1983. So, if correct, that would make the site near Islamabad the only site.
Need SERIOUS up gradation on that!
However as i mentioned, plugging all the holes in low to medium level dome makes sense as well. Once that is done/completed we must look to buy some good long range SAMs even if in limited numbers.
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