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Pakistan : Born to lose and destined to fail ?

then there are groups striving to liberate 40% of this land....:rofl:

jst stating that their are groups trying to liberate balochistan which was oppressed by pakistan from the begining...

Looks like u wet ur lungi again....

the thing is u guys are never satisfied with wht u get (u got more than u deserve). ur lust for more n more loot is the reason why pak lost Bangladesh.

jitna mila hai usme khush raho....arrrrrr! atleast khush ho ney ka drama karo :D

Your stupidity amazes me..

Why dont u get out of Pak n settle in yr country india/british.

What a Shame.
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When I was a kid my father also gave my older brother more sweets and childhood benefits than he gave me. That didn't result in me becoming a gangster who terrorized my neighborhood, attacking my older brother and whatever he owns and complaining about the lesser inheritance. I simply shrugged it off, got off my butt and work hard to achieve whatever I want to.
Why Pakistanis dig history, and cry they were unfairly treated, hence their present misfortunes?

You could not keep what you got in 1947 and lost half your country in 1971, and still in the process of alienating large part of your country. It seems you people have not learned the lessons.

You guys have found escape route for all your blunders you committed in blaming India. Get serious Pakistanis or it could be too late.
Stories never quote historians and that also from neutral sources which in this case are well reputed british citizens who has lot more access to information and official manuscripts than you indian trolls..
ahhh ....y so serious ???? ok ok they are not stories....they are more real than the bible itself.
Looks like u wet ur lungi again....

Your stupidity amazes me..

but im not surprised at all i know u were born dumb, n then brainwashed to the extent of no comeback. so u live upto my assumptions. nw u can talk to my hand _l_

Why Pakistanis dig history, and cry they were unfairly treated, hence their present misfortunes?

You could not keep what you got in 1947 and lost half your country in 1971, and still in the process of alienating large part of your country. It seems you people have not learned the lessons.

You guys have found escape route for all your blunders you committed in blaming India. Get serious Pakistanis or it could be too late.

its already late buddy......1/3rd of pakistanis wanna run away n they had full support from their x PM :D whoz stoppin them ???
And red corridor is also in Pakistan

dont talk bs if u dont know the facts. maoists are demanding their rights to have basic needs, they aint looking to have another pakistan. where as balouch are fighting against occupation of their land by the punjabis pakistanis. thats what ive read, heard and interacted with many sources..
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