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Pakistan bars Pashtun lawmakers from travelling to Kabul

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Pakistan should recognise Abduallah Abduallah as legitimate president of Afghanistan.
Correction it’s PTM who were stopped.
Afghanistan has two people calling themselves president with the Taliban in charge of rural areas.
They said this would be a simple affair...
Pakistan bars Pashtun lawmakers from travelling to Kabul
به دری بخوانید
2020-03-08 | 3 hour ago

Mohsin Dawar and Ali Wazir.
Two Pakistani parliamentarians and human rights campaigners who were set to travel to Kabul on Sunday to attend President Ashraf Ghani's swearing-in ceremony said that they were barred by their government at the airport.

The two lawmakers, Ali Wazir and Mohsin Dawar, who also leaders of Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM), were at Peshawar airport when they were barred from leaving for Kabul.

“We are going back as we were not allowed to fly to Kabul. FIA told us quite explicitly that the military has barred us from leaving the country,” Dawar said on Twitter referring to the Federal Investigation Agency is a border control, criminal investigation, counter-intelligence and security agency.

“This is what elected Pashtun MNAs (Members of National Assembly) have to go through in Pakistan. This is the fate of an elected Pashtun representative in Pakistan,” he said.

“Sending best wishes to Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani on his re-election & thanks to all the Afghans who invited us and those who were waiting to welcome. Also thanks to the Afghan Ambassador in Pakistan Atif Mashal for his efforts to resolve this issue,” Dawar said.

President Ghani’s second-term inauguration is scheduled to be held tomorrow (Monday).


If you are a Pakistani MNA then you do as the Pakistani government tells you to, especially when it comes to matters related to foreign policy. It is its right and your duty. Don't like it? Resign. You can't go representing Pakistan where ever you want.
They're neither Pakistani nor pashtuns but rather some misbegotten, felonious creature on the face of earth.
what is more shameful is that these bastards are still the law makers in Pakistan. No wonder the Law in Pakistan sucks.
Where are the mods? @WebMaster @Horus @The Eagle @jaibi @Irfan Baloch @waz @Slav Defence why these kind of propaganda news allowed here from this Bharti propagandist. Almost 35 percent of federal assembly is filled up with Pashtun lawmakers while above 80 percent of kpk assembly. What kind of propaganda is being promoted by Bharti propagandists members on their terrorist Bharti army and Modi directions.
Should have sent them and cancelled thier nationality.
Pakistan bars Pashtun lawmakers from travelling to Kabul
به دری بخوانید
2020-03-08 | 3 hour ago

Mohsin Dawar and Ali Wazir.
Two Pakistani parliamentarians and human rights campaigners who were set to travel to Kabul on Sunday to attend President Ashraf Ghani's swearing-in ceremony said that they were barred by their government at the airport.

The two lawmakers, Ali Wazir and Mohsin Dawar, who also leaders of Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM), were at Peshawar airport when they were barred from leaving for Kabul.

“We are going back as we were not allowed to fly to Kabul. FIA told us quite explicitly that the military has barred us from leaving the country,” Dawar said on Twitter referring to the Federal Investigation Agency is a border control, criminal investigation, counter-intelligence and security agency.

“This is what elected Pashtun MNAs (Members of National Assembly) have to go through in Pakistan. This is the fate of an elected Pashtun representative in Pakistan,” he said.

“Sending best wishes to Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani on his re-election & thanks to all the Afghans who invited us and those who were waiting to welcome. Also thanks to the Afghan Ambassador in Pakistan Atif Mashal for his efforts to resolve this issue,” Dawar said.

President Ghani’s second-term inauguration is scheduled to be held tomorrow (Monday).


Both of them were on Exit Control List because of on going cases in courts. There names were added because of courts ordered that. They did this drama just for the sake of creating issue. They knew this before hand that they will not be allowed to leave country because of their names in ECL.
We were worried about their well being while visiting Afghanistan. It's a pretty hostile place for pashtuns. Warlords regularly target pashtun villages.
Do we really need Indiots to open threads with idiotic headings? Pakistan bans Pastun Lawmakers, sounds to me as someone desperately trying to make it sound as if Pashtun are not Pakistanis and belong to mars?
they are allowed to go to kabulistan courtesy P.M Ikhan
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