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Pakistan awaits Singh visit: FM

Lahori paa jee

Apr 25, 2006
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Pakistan is eagerly awaiting a visit by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that could provide an opportunity for the two countries to work on resolving key issues like Kashmir, Siachen and terrorism, Foreign Minister Khurshid Kasuri said here on Sunday.

"We are eagerly waiting for the prime minister's visit. President Pervez Musharraf has already visited New Delhi and now it is Dr Singh's turn," Mr Kasuri told reporters after a meeting with former BJP foreign minister Yashwant Sinha.

Reports say that Dr Singh could visit Islamabad in January or February next year.

"Whenever there is a high profile visit, the bureaucracy in both countries works hard to make it a success," he said.

Mr Kasuri is due to meet his Indian counterpart Pranab Mukherjee over a private lunch on Monday and there is a fair chance that he will meet Prime Minister Singh at a wedding reception they are to attend on Monday."All aspects of all issues, which have emphasis in India like Kashmir, Siachen or the anti-terror mechanism, will come up for discussion and there will be an earnest effort to find a resolution to all these," Mr Kasuri said of the due visit by the Indian prime minister.

In his hotel lobby Mr Kasuri was surprised by the sister of an alleged Indian spy who is facing the death sentence in Pakistan. She visited him unannounced to hand over a mercy petition for the convict Sarabjit Singh. Sources said Mr Kasuri assigned an official from the Pakistan High Commission to assist her in pursuing the case with Pakistan’s home and law ministries.


Can we go any lower than this?

That too under the man who is Kargil mastermind and the one who refused to meet Vajpayee when he visited Lahore.

The one who later begged the same Vajpayee to grant him a meeting in Agra

And now again he is begging Mr.Singh to come to Pakistan.
This is not begging. This is diplomatic courtesy and showing of warmth.
Stop being a cynic.
Mushraff wants to desperatly show of to the world that he is doing something to stablisie this volatile region.
Mushraff wants to desperatly show of to the world that he is doing something to stablisie this volatile region.

Please enlighten us as to how Musharraf is deparate about this? You think he wants a nobel peace prize for himself?:confused:
He is already doing his best.

U turn on our Kashmir policy. A policy that took lives of many Pakistani soldiers and hundreds of Kashmiris, a policy which Pakistan had been pursuing for the last 25 to 30 years. A policy which took huge chunks of Pakistan's GDP to support the uprising in Kashmir and which forced Pakistan into having a huge and powerful army. Something which Mush himself did in Kargil. But blamed NS for compromising Pakistan's position.

Apart from that he has been lecturing Israel and Palestine to settle their differences peaceful. Even offered Pakistan's mediation
Even offered Pakistan's mediation


You just made my day*laughs hysterically* !
As if Pakistan does not have enough problems of its own, its offering to mediate with Israel and Palestine!

I mean none other than Israel!!
Good that Lahori saved your day, but he's right.

We've offered to mediate between the two parties quite often. :agree:
well...lets hope that it bears some fruit then and the issues get resolved amicably :)
He is already doing his best.

U turn on our Kashmir policy. A policy that took lives of many Pakistani soldiers and hundreds of Kashmiris, a policy which Pakistan had been pursuing for the last 25 to 30 years. A policy which took huge chunks of Pakistan's GDP to support the uprising in Kashmir and which forced Pakistan into having a huge and powerful army. Something which Mush himself did in Kargil. But blamed NS for compromising Pakistan's position.

Apart from that he has been lecturing Israel and Palestine to settle their differences peaceful. Even offered Pakistan's mediation

Just because a policy has been pursued for 25-30 years, it does not mean that it should be continued esp. if its not yielding any results....his U-turn on Kashmir is how some see it (those who are anti-Musharraf). I know for a fact that its illogical to keep at it if something is not producing results...I say kudos to him for bringing in some flexibility into the Kashmir peace process. The U-turn is on the issue of plebescite and not on the Kashmir policy....come tomorrow if there is no change in the Kashmir status, Pakistan will also fall back to earlier stance of "Moral support of the Kashmiris" ;) ..mark my words on that.
you mean 'support of the terrorists'.

Lets just put it this way. Its getting harder and harder for Pakistan to support terrorists, witht the world leaders constantly pushing him to end it. It is no longer like the early days, when he could use the terrorists at will. Also , India is gaining more and more influence on the world table. So, this policy will not yield any results, as the hardest and most difficult phase is over. It can only ease up now.

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