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Pakistan Assists Sri Lanka In War Against Tigers

All parties???I don't see no party except India fingering its neighboring countries..
Yeah by the way whatever i dream on about it comes true...See Sri-Lanka is finishing off the mess created by Hindu raj.

Don't let me dream or see nitemares for the fact you might not getup tomw lol. :enjoy:

When u Indians didn't help Sri-Lanka in hour of need and instead supported terrorists what makes you think Sri-Lanka will give u a warm welcome and a big hug..Dream on kiddo...gets air refresher i smell stinky breath...

cant you post without making your hate of hindus so obvious. why do suffer such paranoia? anyway, when you accuse india of meddling in neighbouring countries, do come up with some hard evidence to back it up.
the only country that has meddled with its neighbouring countries is pak, it supported taliban in afghanistan and other LET in india.:angry:
Lankan navy sinks two LTTE boats;
Thousands flee Sri Lanka’s war zone Rajapakse orders Tamil Tigers to surrender or face death
Monday, February 09, 2009

COLOMBO: At least 10,000 civilians have escaped Sri Lanka’s war zone in the last four days, the government said Sunday, as the president warned Tamil Tiger rebels to surrender unconditionally or be killed.

The Tigers are fighting for survival after being driven back into a small patch of jungle by a military offensive that threatens to end their armed campaign for an independent ethnic Tamil homeland, launched in 1972.

Two Tiger boats fleeing the fighting were attacked and sunk by the navy on Sunday off the coast of Mullaittivu, navy spokesman Captain D. K. P. Dassanayake said, adding that they recovered the bodies of two rebels.

He said there were no casualties among navy sailors who had tracked the two rebel boats for over an hour before blasting them out of the water. The sea clash came as civilians were also fleeing the fighting.

“Over 10,000 civilians have come to Kilinochchi while 139 others have come to Jaffna since the Independence Day (Wednesday),” the defence ministry said. “Among the rescued civilians are over 2,800 children and about 3,000 women.”

The ministry added that medical care, food and water was being provided at the frontlines for the fleeing civilians, who it says were among those held by the Tigers as “human shields.”

Many of the Tigers’ cadres at the battlefront were in civilian clothing, the ministry said, adding that meant the rebels could claim that civilians were attacked when its own cadres got killed or wounded.

There was no immediate reaction from the Tigers, but the pro-rebel Tamilnet.com website said that 120 civilians had been killed in two days of shelling. Claims by both sides cannot be verified because journalists, most aid groups and international observers are not allowed into the conflict zone. Hundreds of non-combatants have been killed this year, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross, and global concern has mounted that a major humanitarian crisis is unfolding away from the public’s gaze.

President Mahinda Rajapakse late on Saturday warned the remaining rebels to surrender or face death as government forces tightened the noose.

“I want to tell the Tigers: ‘Lay down arms and surrender to security forces,” the president told a rally of cheering supporters.

He said the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) — as they are formally known—had been encircled in a narrow strip of land in the north of the island and had taken thousands of civilians hostage.

They must let the civilians go and then unconditionally give themselves up,” he said. “I must warn them we will not halt our operations against terrorism until we reach our final objective.”

The United States, European Union, Japan and Norway last week asked the rebels to lay down their arms and take part in political dialogue to end Sri Lanka’s vicious unrest, which has claimed an estimated 70,000 lives since 1972.

Military officials said the air force at the weekend launched further strikes on the remnants of the Tamil Tigers after successfully bombing a key rebel hideout Friday and killing at least 11 Tigers, including a top leader.

The Tigers on Saturday mounted several counter-attacks in the Mullaittivu area—which until recently was their military stronghold—but security forces beat them back, according to the defence ministry.

The Tigers have been restricted to an area of less than 100 square kilometres (38 square miles) in Mullaittivu, where officials estimate 120,000 civilians are still trapped.

Lankan navy sinks two LTTE boats;
The Final Countdown
Last modified on: 2/2/2009 10:02:38 PM

Sri Lanka Armed Forces have reached the final stage of their counter terrorist operation fought against Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) for more than two and half decades . The mission of our armed forces is to free our nation from clutches of terrorism and to make it a country where all Sri Lankans can live in peace and harmony.

The ongoing phase of the battle commenced in August 2006 when terrorists closed down the Mavil Aru sluice gates denying water for more than 30,000 civilians. The terrorists initially had their domination over an area of 15000 square kilometers in the Northern and the Eastern Provinces. The LTTE terrorism was eradicated from the Eastern Province by August 2007.

Land operations were commenced in the Northern Province in March 2007 with the induction of the Army's 57 Division to the Vavuniya area. The second offensive division Task Force 1 was inducted to the battlefield from Mannar in September 2007. Army opened its 3rd battlefront from Welioya with the induction of the 59 Division in January 2008.

At present, the army has engaged 5 offensive Divisions and 3 Task Forces at remaining LTTE hiding areas in Wanni. LTTE terrorists are boxed in to a triangular shape land marked by A-9 road from the West, A-34 road from South and the Northeastern coast from the East. The below is a brief description of the operations carried out by the army offensive divisions engaged in the battlefield

57 Division

The 57th Division (57 Div) commanded by Major General Jagath Dias commenced its operations in March 2007 in Vavuniya. The Division was maneuvered directly at the LTTE's heartland Kilinochchi, cutting across the strategically vital northwestern coast and the A-9 road. Time Line

Serial No Date Area Liberated
01. 24 April 2008 Madhu church complex
02. 16 May 2008 Palampiddi Town
03. 23 May 2008 Mundumurippu village
04. 15 June 2008 Periyamadhu village
05. 11 July 2008 Naddankandal village
06. 13 Aug 2008 Kalvilan Village
07. 22 Aug 2008 Thunukkai and Uilankulam Towns
08. 02 Sept 2008 Mallavi Town
09. 29 Oct 2008 Akkarayankulam tank bund
10. 05 Nov 2008 Akkarayankulam built-up
11. 01 Dec 2008 Kokavil town
12. 10 Dec 2008 Terumurikandy junction
13. 02 Jan 2009 Kilinochchi town
14. 17 Jan 2009 Ramanathapuram
15. 28 Jan 2009 Visuamadu Town

58 Division

The Army 58th Division earlier known as the Task Force 1 commanded by Brigadier Shavendra Silva commenced its operations from Mannar in September 2007. This was the Division that maneuvered along the Northwestern coast of the Island and denied the LTTE of their vital lifeline that existed across the Palk Strait.

Serial No Date Area Liberated
01. 09 May 2008 Adampan town
02. 24 June 2008 Mullikkandal, Minnaniranchan and Marattikannaddi villages

03. 29 June 2008 The Mannar Rice Bowl"- Alankulama, Andankulama, Alakaddiveli, Parappakandal, Parappukadatan, Papamoddai,Odupallam, Neduvarampu, Kannaputtukulama and Vannakulama, villages

04. 30 June 2008 Linked up with 57 Div -southwest of Periyamadhu
05. 16 July 2008 Vidattaltivu town
06. 02 Aug 2008 Illuppaikkadavai township
07. 12 Aug 2008 Vellankulam town
08. 12 Aug 2008 Mulankavil and Pallavarayankaddu areas
09. 21 Aug 2008 Nachchikudha
10. 16 Oct 2008 Maniyankulama
11. 20 Oct 2008 Vannerikkulama
12. 28 Oct 2008 Nochchimodai
13. 29 Oct 2008 Jeyapuram
14. 29 Oct 2008 Nachchikuda
15. 10 Nov 2008 Kiranchi
16. 13 Nov 2008 Devil's Point and Vallaipadu
17. 15 Nov 2008 Pooneryn
18. 23 Dec 2008 'Sinna-Paranthan'
19. 26 Dec 2008 Nalanawakulam village
20. 01 Jan 2009 Paranthan
21. 08 Jan 2009 Murasumoddai
22. 15 Jan 2009 Dharmapuram
23. 28 Jan 2009 Visuamadu Town

59 Division

The Army 59th Division commanded by Brigadier Nandana Udawatte commenced its operations from the WeIioya area in January 2008. Troops of this division slowly but successfully marched across the Andankulam and Nagancholai forest reserves that stood as natural defences for the LTTE's main military bastion in Mullaittivu.

Serial No Date Area Liberated
01. 30 May 2008 Munagam Base
02. 04 July 2008 Michael Base
03. 27 July 2008 'Sugandan' base
04. 16 Aug 2008 Jeevan Base
05. 21 Aug 2008 West of Nayaroo lagoon
06. 23 Oct 2008 Gajabapura
07. 11 Nov 2008 Kumulamunai village
08. 29 Nov 2008 Otiyamalai
09. 26 Dec 2008 Mulliyawalai
10. 25 Jan 2009 Mullaittivu Town

53 Division

The Army 53rd Division commanded by Brigadier Kamal Gunarathne was initially manning the forward defence line at Muhamalai in the Jaffna peninsula. The Division was deployed in the area south of A-9 road and was one of the two Army Divisions that defended the isolated Jaffna peninsula against LTTE infiltration over the past few years. The Division shifted its mode of operations from defensive to offensive in mid November 2008.

55 Divison

The Army 55th Division commanded by Brigadier Prasanna Silva was initially manning the forward defence line at Muhamalai in the Jaffna peninsula. The Division was deployed in the area north of A-9 road and was one of the two Army Divisions that defended the isolated Jaffna peninsula against LTTE infiltration over the past few years. The Division shifted its mode of operations from defensive to offensive in mid November 2008.

Task Force 2

The Army Task Force 2 commanded by Brigadier Rohana Bandara commenced its operations in June 2008 from the South of Palamoddai area. This was the first Army offensive element to maneuver along the west-east axis across A-9.

Serial No Date Area Liberated
01. 11 July 2008 Navvi village
02. 04 Dec 2008 Puliyankulam
03. 05 Dec 2008 Kanakarayankulam
04. 21 Jan 2009 Udayarkattukulam Tank Bund

Task Force 3

The Army Task Force 3 commanded by Brigadier Sathyapirya Liyanage commenced its operations in November 2008 from the Vannivilankulam area. This was the second Army offensive element to maneuver along the west-east axis across A-9.

Serial No Date Area Liberated
01. 17 Nov 2008 Mankulama
02. 25 Nov 2008 Olumadu
03. 15 Dec 2008 Ampakamam

Task Force 4

The Army Task Force 4 commanded by Colonel Nishantha Wanniarachchi commenced its operations in December 2008 from the Nadunkerni area. This was the second offensive element inducted to the Mullaittivu battlefront after the Army 59 Div.

Serial No Date Area Liberated
01. 20 Dec 2008 Nadunkerni
02. 04 Jan 2009 Oddusuddan
03. 12 Jan 2009 Keridattadu

The Final Countdown
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LTTE is different from any other terrorist organization in the world.I am sure the are the only one fighting conventional war against the Srilankans.Its not very easy to completely destroy them,If you look at the history they have lost all these places s many times and captured it back.

But right now LTTEs have suffered heavy loses,But still Srilankan government is not able to have complete victory over them.There is no active media,UN or any other neutral source to give correct information about whats happening there.

If India such a country suffered a lot by a small conflict like Kargil which happened only for a few week of time,How Srilankan government is able to run such a long war.

India having more influence over their politics should try to bring the two sides to agree for cease fire for sometime to evacuate the people from the places and should help them in reconstruction too.

Srilankan government should also think about doing something good for their country than thinking only about the election
Sri Lanka Army rejects Tamil Tiger truce call
Updated at: 1445 PST, Monday, February 23, 2009

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka's military on Monday demanded complete surrender of the Tamil Tigers, rejecting rebel calls for an immediate ceasefire.

Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said the government could not accept a conditional truce from the cornered Tamil Tigers and insisted that the guerrillas should unconditionally lay down arms first. "Our position is that they must lay down arms and surrender," Nanayakkara said. "There is no shift in our position."

Earlier guerrilla fighters pinned down by Sri Lankan troops in a small patch of jungle, ethnic Tamil separatists announced Monday that they were willing to accept an internationally brokered cease-fire, although they said they would not surrender their weapons as part of any truce. The government quickly rejected the cease-fire offer.

The entreaty was made in a letter sent to the United Nations, the European Commission and several world leaders by Balasingham Nadesan, the political chief of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. "The LTTE is ready to accept the calls for a cease-fire issued by the international community with the good intention of ending the human suffering," the letter said, adding that the group wanted "this effort for a cease-fire to grow further into peace talks to seek a political solution to the ethnic conflict."

Nadesan rejected calls for his forces to disarm, saying the Tamils of northern Sri Lanka were facing "the worst genocide of the 21st century" at the hands of the government.

Keheliya Rambukwella, a Cabinet minister and defense spokesman, dismissed the LTTE offer. "They have given guarantees and pledges for the past 30 years," he told in an interview Monday. "If they are really concerned, then let them lay down their arms."

President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his brother, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the defense minister, also have adamantly rejected previous entreaties.

In January 2008, the government pulled out of a cease-fire agreement that had been brokered by Norway in 2002, saying the rebels had used the period of the truce to rearm and regroup. Government leaders vowed to crush the rebels within the year.

Government troops have cornered the principal group of rebel fighters in a small strip of land on the country's northeastern coast. The government says the Tigers fighting from their last remaining enclave, now control less than 87 square kilometers, or about 33 square miles.

Earlier this month, the United States, the European Union, Japan and Norway called on the Tigers to consider surrendering. They urged the rebels to disarm, accept a governmental amnesty and reformulate themselves as a political party.

Sri Lanka Army rejects Tamil Tiger truce call
sri lanka should carry on with their operations against LTTE. situation is in their control and talking to LTTE within making them lay down their arms is of no use
Sri Lankan troops enter last Tiger-held town

* Rebels will be left with a handful of small coastal villages if they lose Puthukudiyiruppu township

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan soldiers have entered the last town held by the Tamil Tiger separatists and were battling to take full control of it on Tuesday, the military said.

Soldiers from the 58th Division entered Puthukudiyiruppu township after heavy fighting. That is the last actual town the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) still control; after that there are only a handful of small coastal villages left.

“They are inside Puthukudiyiruppu and fighting to take control,” defence spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella, also a minister, said.

On Monday, Reuters was at the frontline just to the west of the town centre, where 58 Division commander, Brigadier Shavendra Silva, said, “It’s the last objective.” Silva at the time said he was measuring the war in days, and not weeks.

His soldiers now have less than 6 kilometres to go before they reach a 12-km long no-fire zone the army established on the Indian Ocean island’s northeast coast.

It is there that he and other commanders expect a final showdown with the LTTE, the final act in a war that began in earnest in 1983 and is now Asia’s longest-running.

Witnesses who have escaped have said the Tigers were shooting people who tried to flee and making others stay and fight.

The military says there are no more than 70,000 people inside the sliver of a war zone that is left, while aid agencies estimate it to be around 200,000. Among those people are the commanders of the LTTE, the military says. The group is on US, EU, Canadian and Indian terrorism lists for their widespread use of the suicide bomb to kill enemies, politicians and civilians alike.

Meanwhile, the military said police in the eastern port of Trincomalee said they had recovered an SAM-14 surface-to-air missile suspected to have been hidden by the LTTE.

Despite having an arsenal impressive even by formal military standards, that particular weapon has been noticeably missing from the battlefield amid repeated air force helicopter strikes that have helped propel the swift offensive.

The LTTE said on Monday it would accept a ceasefire, but not surrender and urged the international community to try and secure the former. The government has said the Tigers must surrender or be destroyed. reuters

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
‘SL troops close to finishing off Tamil Tigers’
Angry Tamils call for Colombo’s Commonwealth suspension
Thursday, March 05, 2009

COLOMBO/LONDON: Sri Lankan security forces are on the verge of establishing complete control over territory held by Tamil rebels after killing “scores” of guerrillas, the defence ministry said on Wednesday.

Government forces were consolidating their position in the last urban area held by the Tamil Tigers, the small town of Puthukkudiriruppu in the northeast, following heavy fighting on Tuesday, the ministry said.

“Scores of terrorists were killed in the fighting and as many injured,” the ministry said in a statement.

Government forces fought their way into Puthukkudiriruppu last week despite heavy resistance from the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

As fighting appears to be reaching a climax, international concern has mounted for the safety of about 70,000 civilians the government says are trapped in the conflict zone. The United Nations says the number of civilians trapped could be about 200,000, while Tamil groups outside the country say it could be more than 300,000. A government victory would bring an end to 37 years of armed conflict in the South Asian island nation.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Tamils called on Wednesday for Sri Lanka to be thrown out of the Commonwealth, accusing it of violating the organisation’s principles in its battle against the separatist Tamil Tigers.

Organisers said 1,500 people joined the noisy demonstration held outside a meeting of ministers from Commonwealth states in London, and a handful of British lawmakers lent their voices to the protest.

Demonstrators held banners saying “Stop Sri Lanka Genocide” and “All Mothers’ Tears are the Same”.

Sam Sarva, of the British Tamils Forum, said, “Sri Lanka is violating all the principles of the Commonwealth and it should be thrown out to put pressure on the government. “The creation of a Tamil state would be a political solution to the problem but our immediate concern is to stop the terrible humanitarian suffering.”

Nathan Kumar, the Forum’s chairman, said: “Tamils are being systematically killed and the rights of our people are being denied.

“The Sri Lankan government says it is nearing the end of its fight against the Tamils, but we will never give up until we get a separate state.”

The Commonwealth ministers were meeting to discuss the future of Fiji in the organisation following its 2006 coup.

Fiji is already suspended from ministerial meetings but the ministers are widely expected to recommend to move to full suspension, which would mean it cannot receive technical aid from fellow Commonwealth states.

While other countries sent their foreign ministers to the meeting, Sri Lanka was represented by Sumith Nakandala, its acting high commissioner in London.

‘SL troops close to finishing off Tamil Tigers’
Troops aim at eastern coast; terrorists desperately fighting on their last stand

Troops of 58 Division and Task Force 8 after liberating Puthukkudiyiruppu have commenced an eastward thrust towards the coast, defence sources reveal. The LTTE terrorists lost the last town under their clutches as Puthukkudiyiruppu fell to the Sri Lankan soldiers yesterday (Mar 3).

According to the battlefield reports, 58 Division soldiers have pushed their forward boundary further east of the Puthukkudiyiruppu junction this evening (Mar 4). Following clashes ensued since this morning, troops have collected four bodies of LTTE cadres, one Rocket Propeller Grenade Launcher (RPG) and four T-56 riffles.

Also, troops of Task Force 8 engaged in a northeasterly move have been able to push their forward boundaries into Puthukkudiyiruppu east. Troops claimed heavy damages to the terrorists.

The LTTE is now boxed into an area less than 55 square kilometers.

Troops aim at eastern coast; terrorists desperately fighting on their last stand
Sri Lanka troops kill Tamil Tiger finance chief
Updated at: 1245 PST, Thursday, March 12, 2009

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan troops killed the head of the Tamil Tigers' vast international financing network and captured a hospital in the last town the separatist guerrillas hold, the military said on Thursday.

Sri Lanka's military has encircled the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in a mere 37 sq km (15 sq miles) of the island nation's northeastern coast and is fighting to deal a death blow to a civil war that has raged off and on since 1983.

Army commanders say nearly all of the Tamil Tigers' top guerrillas including leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran are in that area, with some personally commanding the battles.

"Mortar fire killed the chief of the LTTE's financial wing yesterday," military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said.

Sabarathnam Selvathurai, administered LTTE finances, which analysts say which were built to hundreds of millions of dollars a year up through smuggling, credit card fraud, extortion and Tamil diaspora donations.

Intelligence reports show he was killed in Puthukudiyiruppu, the final town held by the Tigers, the military said.

Sri Lanka troops kill Tamil Tiger finance chief
Sinister designs on Sri Lanka

Fri, 2009-03-13 03:12

By Dimuth Gunawardena

"By attacking something your enemy holds dear he can be forced to surrender to your will" - Art of War-Sun Tzu -

Much has been said about the terrorist attack on the Sri Lanka cricket team in Lahore and the basic details are common knowledge. The “who” and “why” are not clear yet, but what is generally accepted is that there were serious security lapses on the part of Pakistan, especially in terms of security guarantees and undertaking given by the PCB prior to the tour.

Pakistan probably realises that such lapses only gives ammunition to its archrival India and of course the USA in whose interest (more than anyone else’s) it is to portray that country as being blown apart by terrorism.

Interestingly, and indeed commendably, neither Pakistan nor Sri Lanka engaged in any immature blame game like what happened in the aftermath of the 11/26 attack on Mumbai. Neither the Sri Lankan people nor the Sri Lankan media made a Bollywood spectacle of the Lahore attack. There was no mass hysteria. That’s a kind of political maturity that the Indian masses and mass media are yet to attain, one is forced to observe. Such a course of action would have only serves the interests of the terrorists. On the contrary, Sri Lanka, very responsibly condemned those in the world media baying for Pakistan’s blood in its hour of greatest need, even as carefully ‘placed’ video camera footage and stories planted in the press in foreign capitals sought to play into the hands of the terrorists.

To put ‘Mumbai’, ‘Lahore’ and of course, the countless such terrorist attacks that Sri Lanka has suffered at the hands of the LTTE in it’s proper context, an analysis of the Lahore attack in depth in a geo political sense is essential.

It is pertinent to note that 60-70 percent of the Afghan parliament is occupied by former mujahedin, ex-communists, drug-barons, and warlords who individually and collectively do their utmost to prevent the Central Government’s writ being established across the country. There are serious conflicts between Pashtuns and Non-Pashtuns, especially the Tajik population of the country. The Afghan National Army (ANA) is seriously short of manpower to the tune of an 80,000 troop inadequacy. The Afghan dilemma contains, as such, the reality of Indian ‘advisors’ and intelligence officers littered along the Pakistani border and ‘consulates’ functioning as intelligence gathering networks along the 2,560 km long Durand line border. The Indians and Americans have essentially ensured that Hamid Karzai is hapless with presidential elections declared in August (term expires in May). Development in Afghanistan is a non-starter.

Yet, instead of finding a viable exit strategy like in Iraq, the new American administration announced the induction of 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan even as it made noises about not winning the war in Afghanistan and talking of initiating talks with the Afghanistani Taliban.

This is how the West in general and the US in particular dismembers countries in the guise on waging its war on terror. India has lifted a page from that pernicious handbook, it seems.

To return to Pakistan, the Obama administration has announced an intention to increase the intensity of the drone bombings inside Pakistan and in the same breath, advocates talks with the Afghanistani Taliban.

The Zardari Government is certainly not doing itself any favours either. Depriving Nawaz Sharif of contesting elections or holding public office and sacking his popular brother Sheka Sharif (which probably led to the costly security lapses at Lahore), not restoring the independence of the judiciary as promised during the election campaign and remaining mum on the exposure by US Senator Dianne Feinstein that the US drones that bomb NWFP took off from Pakistani bases has strengthened the perception that the regime is made up of a bunch of pro-American agents. Given history, one cannot be blamed for wondering if the Pakistani military military is waiting for the usually nod of approval from the US embassy for yet another coup to restore the image of stability in Pakistan.

The Pakistani Government signed a peace accord in the Swat Valley region for the return of Shaira law. This lead to a hail of criticism in the western media, Is it not another face saving Bajaur type truce that the Americans so desire in Afghanistan to pull out its troops one needs to ask?

Elsewhere the Pakistani government is following the military option and it is useful to note that attacks between Pakistani security forces and terrorists have intensified in Nawagai and Mohamand regions since the 3/3 attack on the Sri Lankan cricketers.

Let’s remember that China will remain determined to be a part of the regional and of course major part of the global equation. The Gawadar Port (China’s biggest overseas construction undertaking) would give China direct access to the Indian Ocean. This is unacceptable to both the Indians and the Americans (India, because of its aspiration to be an up-and-coming blue water navy and dominate the region and the US, due to the given concerns about China’s close accessibility to the strategic Straits of Hormuz). "Terrorism in Pakistan" therefore is a subject that has to be included in such considerations.

Perhaps this is the reason why Basit-ul-Ullah Mahsud who was held in Guantanamo for 2-3 years has been attacking targets detrimental to Pakistan’s interest ever since he was released and subsequently disappeared in Pakistan. His first major action was to kidnap some Chinese engineers attached to the Gawadar project.

It is also pertinent to remember that a nuclear armed Iran and Pakistan pose a common strategic military threat to not only US/western interests in the region but also to Israel and India.

Slieg Harrison of the Centre of International Policy in Washington predicted the breakup of Pakistan into three sovereign states all along ethnic lines: Pashtunistan (comprising Pashtuns of North Western Frontier Provinces, NWFP, and Afghanistan as one country), Free Baluchistan (a federation comprising the Sindh and Baluchistan provincial regions) and Pakistan (comprising the nuclear armed Punjabi rump state), with Baluchistan being the high priority target for both Indians and Americans due to General Musharraf’s efforts to marginalise mischief making tribal leaders with the help of China.

General Aslam Beg, Pakistan’s former Army chief in an article about the "Strategic Partnership Deal" says that it led to the creation of a joint espionage network comprising CIA, Mossad, MI6 and RAW that is now engaged in destabilising Pakistan, Iran, China, Russia and other Central Asian States such as Tajikistan.

As part of this plan in the NWFP the main terrorist group called Pakistani Taliban is fighting a proxy war in the tribal belt. By engaging Pakistani Taliban and terrorist insurgents in Baluchistan, the Pakistani armed forces are stretched to its maximum limit and unable to concentrate on the Indo Pakistani border or on Kashmir terrorists.

As Rahman Malik (special advisor to Zadari) clearly pointed out that theydo not rule out the possibility of a foreign hand in the cricketer’s incident.

Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on Globalisation in his article "The Destabilisation of Pakistan" says (unashamedly) "Washington’s foreign policy course is to actively promote the political fragmentation and balkanisation of Pakistan as a nation”. He goes on to say "The course consists of fomenting social, ethnic and factional divisions and political fragmentation, including the territorial break up of Pakistan". Familiar? Yes, it is not too different to the American/Indian policy preferences with respect to Sri Lanka and quite similar to the ‘proposal’ to devolve power in areas freed from terrorism.

If a hostage take over was the terrorist objective then wouldn’t one or two dead bodies of cricketers’ executed by them have had the desired impact on Colombo and have forced a ceasefire to pacify an outraged Sri Lankan population?

According to reports in newspapers like the Hindu and Times of India, India had told the Sri Lankans not to go to Pakistan, but Sri Lankans outrageously defied that Indian "order". Perhaps Sri Lanka needed to be taught a lesson in obedience. Indian rulers were not too pleased at all. They expressed their displeasure to Colombo in no uncertain terms. The effectiveness of their boycott of Pakistan was being neutralised by Sri Lanka. The Times of India was bold enough to say "India is not happy with Sri Lanka’s cricket tour to Pakistan". The Sunday Times opined that Ranatunge’s decision to tour Pakistan "had irked the Indian authorities" and reported that the matter had been discussed at the highest levels in Colombo. To appease the Indians, Ranatunge and his administration had to be fired and the Sports Minister Gamini Lokuge said "the tour had become a diplomatic issue".

It is always pertinent to examine whether the diplomatic closeness between Pakistan and Sri Lanka and it’s perceived strategic threat on the interests of other nations could have been the main factor for the targeting of the cricket team.

RAW has been structured and designed to primarily serve the imperial and expansionist needs and more than the national security needs of India. It has a Special Ops Division in all SAARC countries with a large network of local agents specialising in assassinations, sabotage and raids and paramilitary style operations. Propaganda and deception are integral elements of the overall RAW modus operandi. Covert operations and fuelling clandestine warfare in neighbouring countries is another area of RAW specialisation.

It must be noted at this point that the Daily Mirror newspaper in Sri Lanka reported how the RAW is supporting cross border terrorist groups such as the Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA) to separate the largest province from Pakistan.

The Indian media was quick to point a finger at Lashkar-e-Taibar (LeT) and its front organisations such as the Lashar-e-Jhanvi (LeJ) and attempted to establish a close link between these groups and the LTTE. However the LeT spokesman Abdullah Ghaznavi was quick to deny involvement in the attack. He rejected media reports of their involvement in the attack and said "The attack on Sri Lanka’s team was an attack on Pakistan’s sovereignty and Kashimiris could never think of that". He went on to accuse the Indian agencies of trying to defame Pakistan and to bring instability to the region. Imran Khan speaking to Times/UK opined that the Lahore attack was not perpetrated by ideological terrorists. He argued that there was a pattern in such attacks and that in his view a "foreign element" was almost certainly involved.

Indian intelligence sources have also gone to great lengths to establish a connection between the Marakat-ul Mujahideen (MuM) and the LTTE. They have said that the former leader of the LTTE "Mahattaya" was killed by the LTTE due to his connections with the RAW (result of RAW efforts to indoctrinate Sri Lankan Tamil prisoners, which backfired). Some analysts like Ram Madhav have even argued LTTE was equipping Indian terror outfits like the Maoists and the United Liberation Front (ULF) of Assam.

It is also a well known fact that RAW operations in both Pakistan and Sri Lanka are mostly about Human Intelligence (HUMINT) unlike those of the CIA, SIS and MI6, whose Intelligence gathering forte are in areas of Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT), Imagery Intelligence (IMINT), Sophisticated Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) etc. HUMINT is a very difficult and sometimes costly affair for any intelligence agency such as RAW and they often resort to financing outside of the normally allotted governmental finances. With a total budget of appx. Rs. 2,500 crore it is well known that RAW has had to resort to drug smuggling from India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan using Sri Lanka as a transit point to finance certain special operations. It had close connections not only with the LTTE but Pakistani terror groups from the times of the Mujahedeen/Jihadist operations against the Soviet Union.

It is also worth pointing out that 70 % of the funding requirements of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan come from the opium trade.

One must also look at cases like Massood Az Har of Jaish-E- Muhammad who was being held without charges by India and was subsequently released following a deal done in a hijacking drama. He has since been targeting subjects detrimental to Pakistani interests. It would be interesting to see where the strings that control Muhammad Aqil who is one of the prime suspects on the attack of the cricketers will lead to.

On the other hand some analysts had concluded that the attack on the cricketers may have been precipitated due to the fact that Sri Lanka now represents a success story in " Miitarily defeating terrorism". They also say this was a danger to the Taliban’s ambition of acquiring conventional military capability in the Fata region.

There is one contradiction in all this however, after yesterday’s bomb attack in Matara, RAW agents such as Hariharan says "with the LTTE, there is no love lost for Muslims". How true they chased out and ethnically cleansed the entire Northern Province of Muslims numbering more than 100,000 within 48 hours. Some of those subsequently worked with the Sri Lanka Army intelligence.

These all remain in the realm of ‘machinations’ at this point and nothing conclusive can be said. It is heartening that in spite of all the pressure Pakistan has quite correctly maintained a tight lid until the investigations are complete. One can only hope for all concerned that these investigations are swiftly concluded and the culprits are punished for their crimes.

Meanwhile Chidambaram has been making some "queer and ludicrous" statements before and after the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team: "the ISI were training Tamil armed group in the North and East of Sri Lanka and sending them as refugees to Tamil Nadu to ferment terrorism". "The ISI can infiltrate India through Sri Lanka" he said, adding that "cricket is safe in India, but security forces are required to make it more secure".

The RAW analyst Raman in his attempts to whitewash his organisation’s involvement in cross border terrorism made the most hilarious statements of all in his assertions “That ISI had links with the LTTE since 1990” so it was all the ISI and not the RAW ?

Whoever was responsible for attack on the Sri Lanka cricket team succeeded in achieving a multitude of objectives, some of which are given below:

- Pakistan is a country in anarchy; Pakistan should not only be isolated in sports but also no foreigners should visit the country.

- The weakening economy will be further destroyed with no foreign investments or lending forthcoming, creating both political and economic instability.

- This will increase Pakistan’s foreign debt significantly.

- It was clearly a signal to Sri Lanka not to get too cosy with Pakistan after the end of it’s conflict.

All this points to a singular design on Sri Lanka: push the island nation into a ceasefire situation that benefits no one but India.

Perhaps India’s has it’s own reasons to demand that Sri Lanka gets directly involved in the investigation into the attack.

India has not exactly been Sri Lanka’s friend. Pre-1987, India actively trained terrorists. Later, India played only lip service to Sri Lanka by giving the usual training, some naval intelligence information and obsolete 2D radar (to block the supply of 3D radar being purchased from China which proved to be a costly error in the early days of the LTTE air raids).

They have once again violated Sri Lankan sovereignty and independence by landing Indian forces (or some say those RAW agents with “stethoscopes round their necks” or as “betel-chewing nurses in white uniforms”) to take control of Pulmoddai under the false guise of setting up a field hospital to treat the injured civilians and who knows, perhaps even terrorists. We note, with grave concern that these so called ‘doctors’, have effectively taken control of Sri Lanka’s most valuable mineral resources. Already the South Block defence and external affairs officials are working on several plans to increase the number of these so-called "military medical teams". It is said India hopes to force Sri Lanka to expand these unwelcome military teams to cover other areas such as road building, de-mining etc. India seems to have put a foot into a situation that will see a number of other foreign forces landing on Sri Lankan soil on India’s back on the pretext of ‘assisting Sri Lanka’.

Are we seeing the first moves in a concerted “American-Indian” led invasion of Sri Lanka on the pretext of ‘evacuating’ that magic number of “quarter of a million civilians” that the LTTE and it’s propagandists claim are trapped in the Wanni. The many visits by officials of PACOM (US Pacific Command) could not have been just to sample arrack and papadam, one notes.

Robert Kaplan writing to the latest issue of the American Foreign Affairs journal says "we will have to do so not as in Afghanistan and Iraq as a land-based, in-your- face meddler ...but as a sea based balancer lurking just over the horizon". Sea power has always been less threatening than land power; as the cliché goes navies make port visits and armies invade.

So once again just like in 1987 the Indian army and US Navy are poised to invade Sri Lanka and save the day for the terrorists. We note, again with concern and a keen consciousness of history, that several other countries such as the UK, France, Switzerland, have also "offered assistance" to this invasion force.

They are also encircling the naval dockyard from the North and the South (where you find Indian military personal operating from NIOC facilities in Trincomalee) and are now able to have a stranglehold grip on the Trincomalee port. This was the identical strategy the RAW must have advocated to the LTTE when they too encircled the naval dockyard from the South and brought their artillery guns within range of the base and the fleet, targeting thus the lifeline of all economic activity of the North and the East. This is probably what Clinton and Menon discussed for 45 minutes on Monday. Is this what they call "US-India counter-terrorism collaboration"?

The conventional Indian body politic has begun threatening Sri Lanka by crying for Sri Lanka’s blood in mass hysteria just like they did for Pakistani blood after the Mumbai attack.

India has offered the Northern and Eastern provinces massive development assistance. It is also useful to take note of the the Indian demand to develop the Northern and Eastern Provinces and the Indian High Commissioner’s attempts to bypass the Central Government and assist the Chief Minister of the Eastern Provincial Council.

According to Pillyan it was not the LTTE that shot his private secretary, who happened to be awell known RAW operative. Pilliyan has had meetings with the Indian High Commissioner Alok Prasad and the officials of the PACOM. It is quite possible that he is the Sun-God-in-Waiting that India is nurturing for the next 3 decades!

Indian bids to develop and control the KKS cement plant, control Sri Lanka’s energy though NIOC and oil exploration of the Gulf of Mannar and control of Sri Lanka’s power sectors by the marine cable power line and the two coal power plants in Trincomalee have to be viewed as the regional version of the Trojan Horse.

India will no doubt do it’s all to fleece and wheedle out from the people of the north and the east if not the whole of Sri Lanka dry and of all its resources before creating another terrorist monster like the LTTE to deflect the focus of its Tamil Nadu parasitic separatist militancy in order to maintain its own union. India will never give anything of substance back to Sri Lanka without an ulterior motive that benefits her.

Like that what has happened in Pakistan, the Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims of Sri Lanka will once again end up killing each other for another 100 years in order to keep "Mother India" intact. When all the election rhetoric is over, the flames of separatism in South India will have to be doused, what better way to do so than with the time tested method of deflecting it towards Sri Lanka in the form of a LTTE-2.

Sri Lanka must never again allow the ugly head of another RAW sponsored terrorism to raise its head. It has cost Sri Lanka enough. She has bled for far too long. The LTTE surrendees or the common man in the north or the east today have no interest in the devolution of power to break up Sri Lanka like in the case of Pakistan or anything else that the India/USA/NGO-Mafia, the LTTE apologists or those “Colombians” pandering to foreigners are trying push down the throats of Sri Lanka.

It is these very same forces that had not too long ago convinced the Sri Lankan population that LTTE terrorists were an invincible military force which could never be defeated, that India would never allow it to be defeated, and therefore this country was asked to negotiate with these terrorists and separate the country on mono ethnic lines to appease the terrorists.

In a post conflict Sri Lanka her citizenry should always remember who helped her to defeat the most powerful terrorist group in the world, and on the other hand which were the forces that bullied her to act against her self-interest. Who was the friend in need who shipped arms to the Sri Lankan Armed Forces on a mere phone call, or who helped her armed forces in their most critical hours? Who, on the other hand, refused to provide necessary weapons citing various excuses but always tried to exercise control both strategically and economically for their own selfish reasons.

Apart from extending "real" help to Sri Lanka to free her land from the Indian-Made, West-Supported LTTE terrorism” China also remains the 2nd biggest aid provider in real terms. Countries like China and Japan have offered help without strings attached, unlike the western donors (USA, UK, EU, Norway). The USA, EU, and India, who give a pittance to Sri Lanka and never fail to bully, intimidate, and pressurise Sri Lanka on various issues to subscribe to their agendas. The hostility of US Ambassadors (Schafter, Lumstead and now Blake) towards the Sri Lankan state constitute a good case in point. Countries like China, Japan, and Russia help Sri Lanka when the west tries getting Sri Lanka on to the agenda of the UN Security Council.

Taking all this into consideration, perhaps the time has come for countries like Pakistan and Iran too, to learn a lesson or two from the bitter Sri Lankan experiences with the USA/EU and their India to save their independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

The new world order is changing rapidly, Obama or no Obama,

The recent developments in India and particularly in Tamil Nadu should hold valuable lessons for Sri Lanka. It clearly shows that in a post conflict Sri Lanka, it is essential to build very fruitful mutually beneficial stronger bilateral relationships with countries such as China, Russia, Iran, and Pakistan. These relationships should go beyond the traditional areas of trade, cultural, and economic, cooperation to extend to cooperation in areas such as military, power generation, communications and other strategic areas as well. Strong bilateral "all weather" relationships with these countries is an essential prerequisite for the peaceful survival, stability, and growth of Sri Lanka.

It is obvious that Sri Lanka has little choice due to the sinister designs of India and USA.

- Asian Tribune -

Sinister designs on Sri Lanka | Asian Tribune
Over 60 Tamil Tigers killed
SL troops, LTTE locked in fierce fighting
Friday, March 27, 2009

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s military said on Thursday it has repulsed a Tamil Tiger counterattack in the north of the island and killed at least 60 rebels.

The fighting took place on the edge of a shrinking Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam enclave in Sri Lanka’s war-ravaged north, which government troops are battling to capture to end a 25-yearcivil war.

“They (the rebels) tried to attack our forward defence lines of Iranaippalai yesterday ... We successfully repulsed the attack and over 60 LTTE cadres were reported killed,” military spokesman Brig. Udaya Nanayakkara said.

Nanayakkara said a number of soldiers were wounded in the battle. He did not give any details. The military does not give casualty figures for its troops. Access to the war zone is restricted and it is not possible to confirm the report.

The rebels have been battling since 1983 for a separate Tamil state in the north and east of Sri Lanka where it once controlled a large swath of territory, but a series of major victories by government forces in recent weeks has pushed them into a small pocket on the coast.

The rebel holdouts, along with tens of thousands of terrified civilians are confined to 8.4 square miles (21 square kilometres) of jungle and beach on the north-eastern coast.

The government says the area includes a thin, 8 square mile (20square kilometre) strip of “no-fire” zone along the coast, which is also being used by the rebels for attacks against government troops. A doctor said shelling inside the “no-fire” zone killed dozens of civilians Wednesday.

“Now 165 injured people are in hospital, 84 dead,” said Dr. Thurairaja Varatharajah, chief of a makeshift hospital in the war zone and the top government health official in the area. “We are still receiving wounded people.” It was not possible to confirm who fired the shells.

The military has repeatedly denied that it has shelled the7.5-mile-long (12-kilometer) “no-fire” zone that it has proclaimed as a place for civilians to seek safety. The government has disputed statements by Varatharajah in the past.

But the fate of the civilians has caused the United Nations, European Union and numerous countries to voice concern about the situation.

The UN has said 2,800 civilians caught in the fighting have been killed since late January. The government disputes that figure.

The UN estimates at least 150,000 civilians are trapped in the war zone. The government says the number is closer to 50,000 to60, 000, and accuses the rebels of using them as human shields in a bid to avoid defeat.

The Sri Lankan military says more than 50,000 civilians have escaped since the beginning of January, with the number averaging more than 1,000 a day in the last week.

The military also accused the Tamil Tigers of shooting four farmers to death and wounding four others on Wednesday in eastern Sri Lanka. Tamil rebels are suspected in the killings of five farmers in another village in the east.

No reasons were given for the attacks. The rebels often punish civilians who do not support them or resist being recruited into their ranks.

The rebels could not be reached for comment since communication with their stronghold has been severed.

The rebels have been fighting since 1983 for an independent state for the Tamil minority, which suffered decades of marginalisation at the hands of governments dominated by the Sinhalese majority. More than 70,000 people have been killed in the fighting.

Over 60 Tamil Tigers killed
It is very difficult to predict such a thing in military warfare.

However if the weather remains normal than perhaps three to six months time shall be required to gain hold of the land.
Sri Lankan fighting kills 93 rebels

COLOMBO: Fierce fighting between Sri Lankan troops and Tamil Tiger rebels defending their last remaining territory in the country’s war-ravaged north killed 93 rebels on Saturday, the military said.

The military also said it destroyed three rebel boats and recovered a torched bulletproof vehicle belonging to the leader of the Tamil Tiger guerrillas. Government forces are in what they say is a final push to defeat the rebels - the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam - and end 25 years of civil war. A string of major victories by the military in recent months, in which the rebels’ administrative capital and main bases were captured, has pushed the guerillas into a small strip of coastal land measuring just 21 square kilometers in the northeast.

Military spokesman Brig. Udaya Nanayakkara said separate battles broke out Saturday as soldiers fought to capture the remaining rebel territory. Soldiers found the bodies of 93 rebels after the battles, he said, without giving details of casualties suffered by government forces. A military statement earlier Saturday said five vehicles, including one used by rebel leader Velupillai Prabhakaran, were recovered late Friday. It said the rebels torched them as they withdrew. Navy spokesman Cmdr. Mahesh Karunaratne said a sea battle took place in the middle of the night when 10 rebel boats were intercepted by the navy.

He said the navy destroyed one boat, disabled a second, and that ground forces destroyed two others when they tried to beach under heavy navy fire. The remaining boats fled. Karunaratne did not know how many Sea Tigers, as the rebel navy wing is called, were killed. He said some navy boats were damaged. The Sri Lanka military does not give casualty figures. Karunaratne said the rebel boats took off from and returned to a government declared “no-fire” zone, which makes up almost all the war zone.

The military says the rebels have set up bases in the zone, which was designated to protect the tens of thousands of civilians trapped by the fighting. The United Nations and aid and rights groups have expressed grave concerns about the civilians caught in the fighting. The military says the rebels are holding them as human shields in a desperate attempt to avoid defeat. But the Tigers say the people do not want to leave and have asked for their protection. The UN says an estimated 150,000 to 190,000 people are trapped, resulting in dozens of deaths each day. But the government says more than 23,000 civilians escaped last month and 30,000 to 40,000 still remain. ap

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