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Pakistan asks Iran to finance IP gas pipeline project

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Long term it could benefit Iran, ..if the pipeline is connected to China and India later.... Who knows.
These projects are strategic, we should not think short-term.
India used the Iran card with US because India was highly reluctant to join the project in the first place.

The prime reason for India backing out of this project is that it would be running overland in Pakistan.

1. Pakistan cannot truly assure the safety of the pipeline running across the width of Pakistan regardless of what it signs on the paper. They throw up their hands and point at 'non state actors' at every moment. Any agreement with Pakistan is not worth the paper it is signed on.

2.Secondly, Pakistan is not a stable country. There is no guarentee there would not be a coup, or some leader or Mullah gets a fit and decides to shut down the supply to India.

3. Even Iran recognized this problem, which is why it denied India's condition that India would only pay for the quantity of gas it actually recieves on its border, not the gas that Iran releases from its end - and Iran would stand guarentee for India recieving as much gas as it has contracted with Iran.

These are excuses because you were already aware of these factors at the time of signing deal, you have no problem with TAPI which will pass through two volatile countries, Now whatever stories you make the fact will remain same which is you used Iran as negotiating chip.
Long term it could benefit Iran, ..if the pipeline is connected to China and India later.... Who knows.
These projects are strategic, we should not think short-term.

Your govt. is more intelligent than some random guy on internet, making a country dependent on you is defiantly a strategic project.
Your govt. is more intelligent than some random guy on internet, making a country dependent on you is defiantly a strategic project.

Our government is less intelligence as you think it is, especially if you see in the light of competing factions within the current system, all eagerly to come up with foreign policy successes or to increase their own influence, even if that, in some cases, goes against the interest of the Iranian state and people.
If there were no chance of sanction.

Pakistan by any mean would have long back arrange these 2billion dollars.

2billion could had been arrange in the past 5 years.But major problems are the sanction.And this is the reason Pakistan want to either involve china or Russia or any big player into this.
You never met in the eye with them :what: Don't expect them to hug you.

Iranians hatred towards Pakistan is hilarious!

If you iranians hate us so much then why not tell your govt to cancel the project?

Nawaz is a smart guy, he knew how to get their hands twisted. This request isn't about seeking funds but rather discouraging Iran from doing it in this particular time as every single penny means a lot to the Iranian Gov't. Iraq can't pay Iran back to the day of judgment and this will affect the Iranian economy a lot.

@Pakistanisage @Aeronaut.

If there were no chance of sanction.

Pakistan by any mean would have long back arrange these 2billion dollars.

2billion could had been arrange in the past 5 years.But major problems are the sanction.And this is the reason Pakistan want to either involve china or Russia or any big player into this.

Pakistan is already getting $15 billion of energy resource such as gas and oil. WhyTF does Pakistan have to put two more billion dollars?
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If there were no chance of sanction.

Pakistan by any mean would have long back arrange these 2billion dollars.

2billion could had been arrange in the past 5 years.
But major problems are the sanction.And this is the reason Pakistan want to either involve china or Russia or any big player into this.

You have just retaken an IMF loan of $6.7 Billion just in 5 years, Pakistan can't finance such a massive gas pipeline project, this gas pipeline is not the only one.
OP - Your comment are uncalled, anyway some basic thing you should know

1- It's because of sanctions that nobody is interested in investing this project.
2- Pakistan & Iran's relation are not that much strong that Pakistan would go for risking sanctions.
3- Pakistan is a customer & a customer always try to get max it can - It's up to Iran to decide either accept it or reject it.
4- This not a new thing, there are many examples where supplier do initial investment
5- This financing is not free, Iran will recover it with interests.
6- I don't think there are any chances of gass flowing through this pipeline unless there is some breakthrough in Iran-US relations and it's fact.
7- Your govt. has sold oil at cheap rates to other countries not Pakistan - so keep your rants to yourself.

Why you signed the deal and ran away? Don't come with your as usual remarks of security, you knew the route at time of signing the deal.

We did not sign the deal because we were negotiating for better price. In hindsight we were better off not signing the deal because of sanctions.
Here comes another Richi Rich Indian - BTW how much foreign loans India have taken in last 5 years?

guys make my words, without china or India Pakistan cant make this pipeline.pakistan need a big economy country to make this pipeline. and security situation is a major concern also, look this pipeline wil never be built, or pakistan must have to compromise with America on this project.
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