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Pakistan Arrests Nasiruddin Haqqani


Mar 21, 2007
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Appearing to answer U.S. calls for greater toughness against Taliban networks operating on its border, Pakistan this week arrested the son of feared insurgent leader, Jalaluddin Haqqani, according to Taliban and Pakistani government sources.

Nasiruddin Haqqani,whose jihadist code name is Dr. Khan, reportedly was traveling by car with four fellow militants from the city of Peshawar to North Waziristan when he was picked up by Pakistani agents. One of the men traveling with him was a senior Haqqani commander named Mullah Muhammad Jan.

Source: Newsweek
This is not in Pakistan's interests.

Pakistan can use these anti-indian Afghans once U.S. is out of Afghanistan.

Pakistan needs to value and protect these anti-indian Afghans not destroy them.

Pakistan should be trying to find a way to destroy Karzai's government and bring back anti-indian elements back to power in Afghanistan.
Things are finally moving in right direction.
This is not in Pakistan's interests.

Pakistan can use these anti-indian Afghans once U.S. is out of Afghanistan.

Pakistan needs to value and protect these anti-indian Afghans not destroy them.

Pakistan should be trying to find a way to destroy Karzai's government and bring back anti-indian elements back to power in Afghanistan.

hmm so now that you've made it clear that you support talibans in Afghanistan, how'd you like the Taliban (TTP) in Pakistan?

After all, I'm only asking to wish upon yourselves what you wish upon the Afghans.
hmm so now that you've made it clear that you support talibans in Afghanistan, how'd you like the Taliban (TTP) in Pakistan?

After all, I'm only asking to wish upon yourselves what you wish upon the Afghans.

You can give Pakistan more credit than that. Pakistan can handle illiterate cavemen, the TTP (who by the way were created after india made its presence in Afghanistan) and are in their weakest state today. The original Afghan Taliban are still very powerful.

And our Army Chief recently said that Pakistan Army is still india-centric so I shouldn't be worried about anything. We will do whats in Pakistan's interests and I'm sure ISI and Pakistan Army can use these Afghans against india one way or another.
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A senior US Army commander today told the CNN that there is no indication that Nasiruddin Haqqani was indeed detained. Now, generally, the ordinary US soldier would not know this type of information, but this officer was the US operations commander of the region where the Haqqani Network operates, so he is bound to know (the region around Khost, I believe).

See, the Haqqani Network on its own is neither powerful enough nor influential enough in greater Afghanistan to pose any serious threat to the post-ISAF government of Afghanistan. This is why, as far as I am aware, even Hamid Karzai is in favor of favorable dealings with them. That puts the two main parties, Pakistan and Afghanistan, on the same page vis-a-vis the Haqqani Network (i.e. reconciliation). The only problem are the NATO forces who do not want to make any deals with the Haqqani Network. This seems to be now a matter of saving face rather than peace in Afghanistan.

Pakistan, mainly the ISI, sees the Haqqani Network as a hedge against India's growing influence in Afghanistan. I believe that once the NATO forces have departed, the ISI will use the HN to wreak havoc in the Indian presence in Kandahar, Jalalabad and stop them from funding, arming and even training the Baloch insurgency. Without the HN, Pakistan will have to resort to dealing with the Taliban directly, or even Al-Qaeda. Also, Pakistan also sees the HN as a path to reconciliation with the Taliban post-ISAF, which is again important if Pakistan wants to be influential in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan's government, on the other hand, sees the HN as a possible post-ISAF ally that could help keep the government intact by keeping the Taliban at bay. Like I said, the HN neither has the means, nor the desire to take over Afghanistan, as long as their sphere of influence remains firmly under their control.

So, the question that remains is, what will it take for the NATO forces to stop its campaign against the HN and facilitate an alliance? Also, what would India do to ensure such an alliance never takes place?

I think that the Nasiruddin Haqqani detainment was merely for show, or a part of a bigger plan. I highly doubt the ISI would want to jeopardize its relations with the HN for minor gains in the short term.
Haqqani pose a political threat to Hamid Karzai.
A senior US Army commander today told the CNN that there is no indication that Nasiruddin Haqqani was indeed detained. .

"Nasiruddin and his four traveling companions were arrested just as they were returning from the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, a trip that also had included substantial fundraising activities," Afghan Taliban sources told Newsweek.

Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence directory has reportedly moved Nasiruddin and the four other Haqqani Network members to a safe house.

Newsweek reported that "it is unlikely that US intelligence will get access to Nasiruddin, largely because he could reveal just how closely the Haqqanis are linked to the ISI and other Pakistan intelligence agencies."

US intelligence officials contacted by The Long War Journal agreed, and stated that any access given to Nasiruddin would be closely monitored and scripted.

"By the time we get access to him, if that even happens, he'll be well prepped by the ISI," one intelligence official said. "The Haqqanis are as important to the ISI as the Lashkar-e-Taiba. I don't expect we'll get any meaningful intel from him."

Another intelligence official said Nasiruddin's detention is designed to deflect US demands that the Pakistani military take on the Haqqani Network in North Waziristan.

"This is a show capture; you can be sure Nasiruddin isn't languishing in a prison," another intelligence official said. "With Nasiruddin's capture, the Pakistanis can tell us their so-called offensive in North Waziristan is having an impact."

Pick your spook and get the story you like, my favorite would be that the US knew Nasiruddin was in Mecca and planed to pick him up on the way home so the ISI grabed him first ;)

Read more: Pakistan detains top Haqqani Network leader - The Long War Journal
Thanks for that link. Also, I saw that interview again on the CNN, and again I missed the officer's name. I also missed about 10 minutes of Parker Spitzer today on Obama's "Afghan-Pak" policy.

I really should lay off the NCAA bowls before I'm left completely clueless.
Good catch and we need to get some valuable information out of this mullah. Get them all, one mullah @ a time.

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