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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

Al Khalid is a totally different project and other than a few sub systems does not share anything with VT4.
AK is going very strong and very soon will hit the production benchmark of 50 tanks per year.

AK2 at the moment is on paper and when it sees the light of the day it will be superior to anything in south Asia.

AK production hit due to finances, VT-4 route helped acquisition timely. no doubt AK once in full production will join to fill in quick numbers.

how far is AK2 from prototype stage?
dont you think by that time tanks will be obsolete? Already we are seeing a shift in india's bying spree and they are trying to shift focus towards UCAVs, perhaps we should too. also how are we going to cover our armored collumns when we dont have any significant air defence capavbilities considering india now has apches too!

every weapon that has ever seen the light of the day has always been met with a counter/anti weapon system to neutralize that weapon. The novelty factor of any weapon does not last long. Similarly, we are seeing electromagnetic/ laser weapons to counter UAV/UCAV.

The king of the battle is here to stay
AK production hit due to finances, VT-4 route helped acquisition timely. no doubt AK once in full production will join to fill in quick numbers.

how far is AK2 from prototype stage?
AK production was hit during zardari era but has been going from strength to strength to strength ever since.
AK is going very strong and very soon will hit the production benchmark of 50 tanks per year.
This figure is encouraging if PA is transitioning from infantry dominated force to majorly armored force like Egypt, KSA etc who have more armored units than infantry units.
This figure is encouraging if PA is transitioning from infantry dominated force to majorly armored force like Egypt, KSA etc who have more armored units than infantry units.
I would not go that far but certainly the no. of armor units raised in the last few years points to a change in the overall strategy.
AK2 at the moment is on paper and when it sees the light of the day it will be superior to anything in south Asia.
dont you think by that time tanks will be obsolete? Already we are seeing a shift in india's bying spree and they are trying to shift focus towards UCAVs, perhaps we should too. also how are we going to cover our armored collumns when we dont have any significant air defence capavbilities considering india now has apches too!
Unless humans decide that their habitations should no longer be subject to gravity, tanks are not going to become obsolete. Few weapons, including the AC-130s and naval ships, offer as much firepower as tanks, while almost none combine such firepower with equal or greater mobility and self-protection.
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Unless humans decide that their habitations should no longer be subject to gravity, tanks are not going to become obsolete. Few weapons, including the AC-130s and naval ships, offer as much firepower as tanks, while almost none combine such firepower with equal or greater mobility and self-protection.

F-16 Block 50/52 can carry 10 CBU-87/97 cluster bombs and Su-25 can carry up to 256 anti tank rockets if I recall correctly. Quite a lot of firepower.
F-16 Block 50/52 can carry 10 CBU-87/97 cluster bombs and Su-25 can carry up to 256 anti tank rockets if I recall correctly. Quite a lot of firepower.
To point out the obvious: there was a reason the Americans and the Pakistan Army descended after the initial airstrikes in their respective offensives against the Taliban and Al-Qaida, which were carried out to weaken the enemy defenses.

It is not obligatory to defend your existing convictions when a sufficiently convincing reason arguing the opposite has been to provided.
Nowadays tanks are very vulnerable to ATGMs anyway so there really is no difference as far as capability goes between tanks, as long as it is available, modern and of good quality then any tank is good enough.

Abrams used by mid east were quite weak, their armour get's penetrated by the oldest of Soviet era ATGMs as if it is made out of paper. The export variant of the Abrams is far inferior to the one used by the Americans, and you can be sure if Pakistan would buy an Abrams then the US would be selling the heavily downgraded export variant.
The Leopard 2 was getting penetrated all the time by ATGMs in Syria, 8-10 were destroed within days of being deployed.
The T-72 is like an iron coffin, not suitable for war and should only exist in museums.
the T-90 (don't know which variant) in Syria was a mixed bag, sometimes it is an invincible tank capable of withstanding multiple ATGM hits without getting penetrated, other times it would get penned especially if it's shoot in the side or rear. I suppose this has to do with how well trained is the crew.

In the end the VT-4 is the best option for Pakistan, because China shares a border with them so if war breaks out between Pakistan and India, China would be able to replinish Pakistan as soon as possible with spare parts and in addition to perhaps more tanks. The US and Russia cannot be trusted on that because in case of a war both of them may favor India over Pakistan.
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