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Pakistan Army's T-129 ATAK Helicopter Deal | Updates & Discussions.

[Preamble: Babur Han, armed with cannons, matchlocks, Turkic sharp shooters and cavalry etc., was being repeatedly unable to conquer Hindustan - his ultimate objective since his childhood, spent in sleeping under the tress in the Fargana Valley! Then, he broke all of his wine jars and offered two Ra'kat of Namaz for the success of his 6K troops in the up coming battle against Sultan Lodhi's 100K+ forces - now known as the First Battle of Panipat. The rest is history....]

As for ATAK engines, it’s not only a Pak problem, but also a Turkish problem. No, Turkey under Reis Erdo'an hasn't sold out Pak in the streets of Lahore/Karachi/Peshevar etc.!!! This unique opportunity was availed by Pak's very own politicians, civil/military bureaucrats, businessmen, journalists, clerics etc.!!! Hence, no stones are kept unturned to have indigenous engines. Having indigenous engines of all sorts - tank/armored, UAVs, choppers, jets, ships, subs, cruise missiles, rockets etc. - is her top most priority now...

According to the European analysts, as shown in the video below (9:03 onward, 1st video), KALE group, a Turkish company producing engine parts for F-35s, has succeeded in producing the most critical heat resistant engine materials to operate at 2,000C use conditions. A state-of-the-art engine stress test environment to accommodate high temperature and emulate real-life flight conditions has been specifically established to further R&D activities. KALE is working with Rolls-Royce for the indigenous jet engine. Now, these technologies have been transferred to TAI/TUSAS-TEI etc. for producing turbo-prop and turbo-shaft engines. Turbo-props are already under serial production, and are integrated into UAVs like ANKA, AKSUNGUR etc. ANKAs for Tunisia will have indigenous engines. As for turbo-shaft engines (Prototype of TS1400 core is ready, see the slides below) for GOKBEY and ATAK choppers, the projected time-line for serial production is 2021-22...

KALE has already produced KTJ3200 for SOM cruise missiles...

TEI has produced the single-crystal blade for turbojets. And, it has perfected Ni/Ti deposition and casting techniques. At least the half of all the commercial aircrafts, currently flying in the world, has some of the rotating parts from TEI in their engines ...

A journey of a thousand miles start with a single step...

[Only for the Ehl-i Iman]A single act of Hosh Amal, done with Iman, Ihlas, Uhuvvet etc., has a thousand Bereket in it...

The Chinese invented gun powder, and the Turkic folks established three Empires - Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal - using that...



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[Preamble: Babur Han, armed with cannons, matchlocks, Turkic sharp shooters and cavalry etc., was being repeatedly unable to conquer Hindustan - his ultimate objective since his childhood, spent in sleeping under the tress in the Fargana Valley! Then, he broke all of his wine jars and offered two Ra'kat of Namaz for the success of his 6K troops in the up coming battle against Sultan Lodhi's 100K+ forces - now known as the First Battle of Panipat. The rest is history....]

As for ATAK engines, it’s not only a Pak problem, but also a Turkish problem. No, Turkey under Reis Erdo'an hasn't sold out Pak in the streets of Lahore/Karachi/Peshevar etc.!!! This unique opportunity was availed by Pak's very own politicians, civil/military bureaucrats, businessmen, journalists, clerics etc.!!! Hence, no stones are kept unturned to have indigenous engines. Having indigenous engines of all sorts - tank/armored, UAVs, choppers, jets, ships, subs, cruise missiles, rockets etc. - is her top most priority now...

According to the European analysts, as shown in the video below (9:03 onward, 1st video), KALE group, a Turkish company producing engine parts for F-35s, has succeeded in producing the most critical heat resistant engine materials to operate at 2,000C use conditions. A state-of-the-art engine stress test environment to accommodate high temperature and emulate real-life flight conditions has been specifically established to further R&D activities. KALE is working with Rolls-Royce for the indigenous jet engine. Now, these technologies have been transferred to TAI/TUSAS-TEI etc. for producing turbo-prop and turbo-shaft engines. Turbo-props are already under serial production, and are integrated into UAVs like ANKA, AKSUNGUR etc. ANKAs for Tunisia will have indigenous engines. As for turbo-shaft engines (Prototype of TS1400 core is ready, see the slides below) for GOKBEY and ATAK choppers, the projected time-line for serial production is 2021-22...

KALE has already produced KTJ3200 for SOM cruise missiles...

TEI has produced the single-crystal blade for turbojets. And, it has perfected Ni/Ti deposition and casting techniques. At least the half of all the commercial aircrafts, currently flying in the world, has some of the rotating parts from TEI in their engines ...

A journey of a thousand miles start with a single step...

[Only for the Ehl-i Iman]A single act of Hosh Amal, done with Iman, Ihlas, Uhuvvet etc., has a thousand Bereket in it...

The Chinese invented gun powder, and the Turkic folks established three Empires - Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal - using that...


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Ma Sha Allah,
May Allah bless Turkey more with its favours, very soon Turkey become truly independent in defence sector. insha'Allah
You're 100% correct.

The nuclear weapons program drew its origins from earlier nuclear R&D in Pakistan, especially the scientists who studied in the US and participated in Atoms for Peace.

The unfortunate truth in Pakistan is that there are wrong incentives at every step of the chain. We can ask for more STEM education, but there's always someone around who will mess it up (either by having PhDs in Aerospace teach Grade 5 math), while any gains we make go away to the US, Canada, etc. We can ask for defence industry investment, yet it ends up as a half-job like HIT or POF, which never seem to want to move forward because certain interests will lose.

It's almost as if for every sincere decision-maker in Pakistan, there's a nasty shadow lurking nearby, and it's plotting to screw up the initiative. We had folks beg for a start in gas turbine and engine development in the 1980s/early 1990s (e.g., @messiach ), or folks who tried to even bring a LM manufacturing plant to Pakistan (the business man Liaqut Ali) in the 1940s.

Each time these types of people tried, there was a babu in the way.
Lack of will..
Ayub khan was told about nuclear weapons that india is building ..his response.."we will buy it when times come" (source; shahab nama) ..that mind set hasnt changed..
Countries with smaller economies (sweden) who were under stress(non nato) developed everything needed as compared to much larger economies

Army basically control much of the country and yet it cant acheieve its core objects..
POF doesnt has a brass factory and is yarning for upgrade..no money.. but PA has money for odd projects like importing old tanks ..
TAI General Manager Temel Kotil: US engine supply for Atak helicopters to be sold to Pakistan is in final signature. We think we will get the engines. We received additional time from Pakistan.

My personal opinion: America will never allow Turkey to become exporters of the helicopter. They will deliberately hold the signature and will not give the engines. If Pakistan waits, helicopters are delivered with TEI TS-1400 engine. Otherwise, the agreement is terminated.
TAI General Manager Temel Kotil: US engine supply for Atak helicopters to be sold to Pakistan is in final signature. We think we will get the engines. We received additional time from Pakistan.

My personal opinion: America will never allow Turkey to become exporters of the helicopter. They will deliberately hold the signature and will not give the engines. If Pakistan waits, helicopters are delivered with TEI TS-1400 engine. Otherwise, the agreement is terminated.
When did Temel Kotil say this? Is this a recent quote?
Lack of will..
Ayub khan was told about nuclear weapons that india is building ..his response.."we will buy it when times come" (source; shahab nama) ..that mind set hasnt changed..
Countries with smaller economies (sweden) who were under stress(non nato) developed everything needed as compared to much larger economies

Army basically control much of the country and yet it cant acheieve its core objects..
POF doesnt has a brass factory and is yarning for upgrade..no money.. but PA has money for odd projects like importing old tanks ..
Old is gold for PA.
I think it's high time we close this thread and bow out heads in silence for T129. RIP. We had such high hopes of cooperation between Turkey and Pakistan, seems our confidence was misplaced. We fall for the Americans every single fuckin time whether it's the Zulus that are most probably rotting in some US shed or the T129 with US engines. And thanks God that no F16s were on offer to us otherwise Abbi un ka rona be roo raha hota.
This evening local time in Turkey at PM 18: 30 said in a instagram live broadcast. He said it was the first time I had never heard of this before.
When did Temel Kotil say this? Is this a recent quote?

To add further to @Balamir; Temel Kotil says that he's hopeful that America will see reason, otherwise TAI will have no choice but to select an alternative engine. The alternative engine is likely the TEI-TS1500, but Temel Kotil does no state what engine only that an alternative engine will be selected.
TAI General Manager Temel Kotil: US engine supply for Atak helicopters to be sold to Pakistan is in final signature. We think we will get the engines. We received additional time from Pakistan.

My personal opinion: America will never allow Turkey to become exporters of the helicopter. They will deliberately hold the signature and will not give the engines. If Pakistan waits, helicopters are delivered with TEI TS-1400 engine. Otherwise, the agreement is terminated.

Finally some good news.

As for bold part, I don't think Americans have any choice here especially now when their oil sector has literally crashed and if lock down continues, it will plunge further. Already, many oil purchasing and selling business have bankrupt in the US.
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