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Pakistan Army to preempt India’s ‘Cold Start Doctrine’

All right jackass, what you must know is that you, your family and not even your puppy dog nor your pet chicken are going to survive from what we will throw at you. Take these empty threats to someone else, they are TOOO boring now. Your generals don't have the stomach to lose a billion hindus. The message is plain and simple, attack us and we will demolish you.

Sir what is that system on top of APC and Sir any more pictures of more weapons used ?
They are useless. PA needs to work on Turret launched ATGMs like this.



My dear, a two man unit has a much better chance of concealing it'self closer to enemy formations than an APC....recall Hizbulla's tactics against the Israeli armour.
Isnt the message the other way around.
Telling Pakistan military that if they use terrorists against us we will demolish you.

It all comes down to interpretation, where is the proof that PA is supporting these so called terrorists? Although India has made malicious accusations against PA and ISI, it has failed to come up with a single shred of evidence to support this claim. So, is India willing to risk war based on dodgy accusations? Also; for argument sakes the GOI gives the go ahead to carry out a surgical strike, a 4 ship formation of low flying Mirage 2000 slips past PAF's AD and carries out a strike against an alleged terrorist camp. The aftermath suggests that it was not a terrorist camp but a hostel boarding school children. What than?
@Yeti Nuclear deterrent is a very effective weapon as long as it is crude and inflexible. It is an effective deterrent so long as it is possible to believe that the enemy would use it.
and this raises a big question on the enemy side, whether the President/ PM / Govt willing to take such a huge step in a limited amount of time?
Tell you what, why don't you ask this question from Jimmy Carter, who was so hardcore on USSR, but yet he was unable to call for a strike on USSR forces in 70s.

Talking about John Mccain....mind telling me who is he and since when he has become the ultimate authority ?
@nuclearpak @Aeronaut @Awesome - approval for the post please
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BTW, @WebMaster, why are all posts written as moderated posts, there is some sort of error here.
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Im sure you know that Hizbullah was operating under the cover of hills not in an open desert or plain. Here mobility,manuverability and firepower combined will win.
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I suppose : First, heat.. second.. desert camo. Third.. to protect equipment.

No Heat.... It had to be on the engine part of the vehicle.

Third... is correct... ATGM must be protected from unwanted dust and heat... which can cause the warhead to malfunction or explode right away.. at launch.

BTW that missile is ancient thing for today's standards atleast get a tandem charge warhead on that to have some effect.
Time and again india has proven, that the civilian leadership is spineless and pathetically helpless against pakistani bullying. Pakistan will keep throwing non state actor cards at state sponsored terrorism like mumbai, and India will do nothing at all. All this mmrca, mki , and huge forces on which we spend billion every year is a waste.
Time and again india has proven, that the civilian leadership is spineless and pathetically helpless against pakistani bullying. Pakistan will keep throwing non state actor cards at state sponsored terrorism like mumbai, and India will do nothing at all. All this mmrca, mki , and huge forces on which we spend billion every year is a waste.

Keeps us better prepared for a full scale conventional war.
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