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Pakistan Army paper reveals terrorist safe havens in Afghanistan supported


Nov 29, 2008
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Ansar Abbasi | The News

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan military has charged the US-led ISAF and Afghan security forces for providing sanctuaries to anti-Pakistan Taliban and terrorists across the border in Afghanistan.

Formally the Foreign Office, the GHQ and even the top civilian leadership in Pakistan is cautious to speak against what the US and other foreign states are doing within Afghanistan to hurt the interest of Pakistan, the Pakistan military through its official publication “Hilal” has, however, spoken out its mind in clear terms.

In its editorial note titled “Terrorist Havens in Afghanistan”, the publication whose patron-in-chief is the DG ISPR, said that the terrorists’ groups are using sanctuaries in Afghanistan for many purposes from training recruits to holding planning meetings

“Training camps at which such skills as hand to hand combat and the handling of firearms are taught, require a large area which has been made available to them in Kunar.” It raises the fundamental questions: “Why these activities have not yet caught the attention of ISAF or the Afghan security forces? The question arises as to why the ‘safe havens’ are tolerated (or at least not attacked) on the Afghan side of the border?”

The editorial note said that somewhere in Kunar Afghanistan, a space was quietly being generated to accommodate the runaway terrorists of Swat who had fled the area due to fear of Pakistan Army.

Conveying the anger of the Pakistan military, the editorial note said: “Re-energized and strong enough, these terrorists have been able to unite themselves in Afghanistan and are attacking Pakistan Army in groups from across the border. The latest attack in Dir on 25th June 2012 is case in point where soldiers of Pakistan Army were attacked, kidnapped and brutally be-headed.”

“The attackers more than 100 in number, were reported to be under the command of Maulana Fazlullah (a wanted terrorist of Swat), and the attack was originated from Kunar province. This type of cross border incursions are regularly featuring for the past two years and are gradually getting an organized shape,” reads the editorial note.

It ruled out the possibility that a group of hundreds, assemble at some place in Afghanistan, carries out a cross border attack and goes back without being noticed by Afghan and allied security forces. “The Americans’ claim and complain that there are ‘safe havens’ for terrorist groups here in Pakistan, but the same can also be claimed about those who attack Pakistani territory from Afghanistan and then return to their sanctuaries.”

The Pakistan military publication urged upon the world to look into this issue seriously and address the concerns of Pakistan. “By providing safe havens, Afghans and international security forces are making that area unsafe and insecure. It will ultimately damage Afghanistan in the longer run and will turn it weak.”
Would the use of a low yeild tactical radiation device against this so called 'large area' be a breach of the Geneva accord ?

If so then why PAF isn't pounding these areas with surgical strikes as Turkey does in N.Iraq ?

By not taking action against these groups and rather blaming Pakistan , ISAF and their stooges in Kabul are testing our patience , we must take these hideouts out ourselves.
Would the use of a low yeild tactical radiation device against this so called 'large area' be a breach of the Geneva accord ?

If so then why PAF isn't pounding these areas with surgical strikes as Turkey does in N.Iraq ?

By not taking action against these groups and rather blaming Pakistan , ISAF and their stooges in Kabul are testing our patience , we must take these hideouts out ourselves.

Are you serious ?
Would the use of a low yeild tactical radiation device against this so called 'large area' be a breach of the Geneva accord ?

If so then why PAF isn't pounding these areas with surgical strikes as Turkey does in N.Iraq ?

By not taking action against these groups and rather blaming Pakistan , ISAF and their stooges in Kabul are testing our patience , we must take these hideouts out ourselves.
Pakistan shouldn't ...atleast not now....relations with US are already bad....if any confrontation with US and its allies occur, few of their soldiers dies, then swift sanctions will follow, especially economic which will be disastrous for its ailing economy, and US is looking for a any possible reason to do so, this will be a opportunity given gift wrapped.

Wait for 2014, until then increase border patrol, you will have ample time to do what needs to be done.
Pakistan shouldn't ...atleast not now....relations with US are already bad....if any confrontation with US and its allies occur, few of their soldiers dies, then swift sanctions will follow, especially economic which will be disastrous for its ailing economy, and US is looking for a any possible reason to do so, this will be a opportunity given gift wrapped.

Wait for 2014, until then increase border patrol, you will have ample time to do what needs to be done.

lol remember they killed 24 soldiers and when we need indian opnion we will tell u =)) we know how to handle our business lol u guys mind with ur terrorist orgnz lol few of them even got labs =)) Spy stuff

pakistan now its not time to just let them do hard conditions need hard steps Pakistan army have to take a big step if they wanna save this country U.s Is not the 1 who gives food to us we earn it by our self's by working so nothing will happen we wont be friends with my mighty US they just care for themselves not its time to stop thinking about others and start think about ourselves
Would the use of a low yeild tactical radiation device against this so called 'large area' be a breach of the Geneva accord ?


If so then why PAF isn't pounding these areas with surgical strikes as Turkey does in N.Iraq ?

Turkey enjoys excellent relations with the US, the same cannot be said for us.

By not taking action against these groups and rather blaming Pakistan , ISAF and their stooges in Kabul are testing our patience , we must take these hideouts out ourselves.

That's what the artillery strikes and cross-border lashkar raids are for. Occasionally, the FC also crosses over into Afghanistan in pursuit of terrorist elements. In such a case, their sanctuaries are also razed.

lol remember they killed 24 soldiers and when we need indian opnion we will tell u =)) we know how to handle our business lol u guys mind with ur terrorist orgnz lol few of them even got labs =)) Spy stuff

pakistan now its not time to just let them do hard conditions need hard steps Pakistan army have to take a big step if they wanna save this country U.s Is not the 1 who gives food to us we earn it by our self's by working so nothing will happen we wont be friends with my mighty US they just care for themselves not its time to stop thinking about others and start think about ourselves

KRAIT is a sound poster, his input on the issue is positive, I believe your response was unwarranted.
I am still doubtful of use of a low yield tactical radiation device....it will bring another thing against Pakistan.

They will bring anything from any research the effect of use of these devices, for example even environmental one for crying out loud. These are the countries that don't ct back their CO2 emission, buys carbon credits and at the same time ask developing countries to reduce their industralization.

I wouldn't be surprised if they bring a motion against Pakistan as crime against humanity showing few deformed children and people dying of cancer and putting the blame on Pakistan's use of radiation. Remember they are good at this, and the media, well there will be documentaries made for years to come.

Its an example, it will hardly occur, but get the zest, how these countries work to get what they want?

Anything related to nuclear, should be avoided, they have their keen eyes on your nukes too.
our neighbour can,t fight with us face to face, so they started proxy war but when we adopt their ideas, they are crying ,stuppid neighbours..... let them cryyyyyyyyyyy:yahoo::yahoo:
In the world we live in now, real war happens when there are uneven sides, like US and Taliban, US and Iraq, NATO and Libya etc......otherwise proxy wars is the only way to destabilize the other, by terrorism, by supporting internal extremist factions, economic tools.

When the opposition are equal then we sort to other means like US divided USSR by putting strain on its own economy to the end that it couldn't bear it. Both countries have nukes, so if they and we indulge in proxy war, it shouldn't be a surprise.

Our defense toys are for deterrence while the real weapons are our intelligence agencies, our economy, diplomatic weight, spy drones, spy satellites etc.
how about the islamic terrorists' havens supported by Pak army and ISI in Pakistan?

person with False Flag.

our neighbour can,t fight with us face to face, so they started proxy war but when we adopt their ideas, they are crying ,stuppid neighbours..... let them cryyyyyyyyyyy:yahoo::yahoo:

Are u really pakistani

Yes you are right, We must also use RAW to a great extent.
our neighbour can,t fight with us face to face, so they started proxy war but when we adopt their ideas, they are crying ,stuppid neighbours..... let them cryyyyyyyyyyy:yahoo::yahoo:

Are u really pakistani

KRAIT. Please hand me in your 'stupid troll testing meter'.

@ICARUS. Cannons and MRBLs have a limited impact , where as air strikes specially night raids are more effective or else use of armed drones which we may get anytime. Do anything as our soldiers don't need be behaded by rats. US always looks for its intrests therefore we don't need to follow them. We must pound them , regardless of what mother America thinks because its our interest.

America is still recovering from the loss of an entire 'fighting season' because of their aggression on salala. If they can voilate our air space why can't we , intrude afghan airspace which in every sense is not sovrigen.

America is hiding these rats on purpose , and we must take them on as they NEVER would or do joint ops with ANA.
our neighbour can,t fight with us face to face, so they started proxy war but when we adopt their ideas, they are crying ,stuppid neighbours..... let them cryyyyyyyyyyy:yahoo::yahoo:

Are u really pakistani

everybody knows that
In the world we live in now, real war happens when there are uneven sides, like US and Taliban, US and Iraq, NATO and Libya etc......otherwise proxy wars is the only way to destabilize the other, by terrorism, by supporting internal extremist factions, economic tools.

When the opposition are equal then we sort to other means like US divided USSR by putting strain on its own economy to the end that it couldn't bear it. Both countries have nukes, so if they and we indulge in proxy war, it shouldn't be a surprise.

Our defense toys are for deterrence while the real weapons are our intelligence agencies, our economy, diplomatic weight, spy drones, spy satellites etc.

Please reconsider proxy war as it also never succeeds in countries which share borders. It spills over and can be turned around against those who were previously controling it.

Such countries have only one solution called 'political compromise' but only IF & WHEN they realize.
KRAIT. Please hand me in your 'stupid troll testing meter'.
If you good at something, never do it for free.....Dialogue of Joker from The Dark Knight Movie....in this case to give it for fre...:lol:

You and I both know how these people instead of talking logic, resort to same old rhetoric....it becomes part of our psyche to judge them beforehand.....
our neighbour can,t fight with us face to face, so they started proxy war but when we adopt their ideas, they are crying ,stuppid neighbours..... let them cryyyyyyyyyyy:yahoo::yahoo:

Are u really pakistani

if it were you, we know how to deal with you, dealt with you for 60 years haven't we?
Its you hiding behind others and we cant shoot you, even a lion cannot take a pack of hyena by itself. Lion waits for the pack to disburse and then he will take the weakest one first. hehehe you know who is the weakest!!
remember no one will come back in this region again to help you, both soviets and Yanks have learned the lesson, you will learn why ISI is saving jihadis
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