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Qauid e Azam M A Jinnah's Peshawar visit in Apr 1948.


Meeting officers of Royal 6/13th FFR (59 Scinde/ 1 FF) Murtaza Jan is 1st from Left (Third officer from left is Mian Taskeen ud Din sb. CO Bakhtiar Rana and Lt Gen Nazir can be seen with Qauid.
In the foreground is JInnah's ADC)

Martyrdom anniversary of Major Aziz Bhatti Shaheed, NH, being observed today

September 12, 2022


The 57th Martyrdom Anniversary of Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed, Nishan-e-Haider, is being observed on Monday.
He was born in Hong Kong in 1928 and moved to Pakistan before independence in 1947, settling in Ladiyan village of district Gujrat.
In 1950, he joined Pakistan Army and was commissioned in Punjab Regiment.
During Indo-Pak War in September, 1965 as a company commander in Burki, Lahore, Major Raja Aziz Bhatti decided to stay with his forward platoon and defended strategic BRB Canal bravely for five days.
Throughout, undaunted by constant fire from enemies' tanks and artillery, he organized the defence of the BRB canal along with his brave soldiers until he hit by an enemy's shell and was martyred.

Pak Army, civilian departments protect Dadu Grid Station from flood water

September 12, 2022


Pakistan Army and civilian departments have saved Dadu Grid Station from flood water by creating an embankment around it.
Pakistan Army Engineers Corps constructed a 2.4 kilometre embankment around the grid station due to which it remained safe and no power disruption occurred in Dadu. People of the area expressed gratitude to Pakistan Army for this timely action.


Chinese Defense Minister meets Pakistani Chief of Army Staff​

Source: China Military Online
Editor: Wang Xinjuan
Time: 2022-09-19 16:50:12


Gen. Wei Fenghe expressed his condolence over the severe floods hitting Pakistan. "China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners, under the guidance of the leaders of the two countries, the friendship between China and Pakistan has become stronger as time goes by. We must tide over difficulties together, fully trust each other, and unswervingly support each other's core interests on the way forward," Gen. Wei said, adding that no matter how the world situation changes, the rock-solid friendship between China and Pakistan will last forever, and the two countries will always be trustworthy and most reliable true friends and good brothers. Gen. Wei noted that, the military relations between the two countries have maintained a sound development trend in recent years. The two militaries should further enhance strategic mutual trust, deepen pragmatic cooperation, continue to improve their capability to jointly cope with various risks and challenges, and join hands to safeguard the common interests of the two countries as well as regional peace and stability.

Gen. Bajwa said that Pakistan is grateful to Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Chinese government and the Chinese military for the strong assistance the flood-hit Pakistan has received from China. Pakistan and China are iron brothers with unbreakable friendship, Pakistan firmly adheres to the one-China principle and will make efforts to guarantee the safety of Chinese personnel and institutions in Pakistan, Gen. Bajwa stated. It is hoped that the two countries will deepen exchanges in various fields such as economy, trade and disaster relief, and further improve the level of cooperation between the two militaries in joint exercises and training, said Gen. Bajwa.

The two sides also had extensive and in-depth exchange of views on the current international and regional situation and other issues of common concern.

Chinese Defense Minister meets Pakistani Chief of Army Staff​

Source: China Military Online
Editor: Wang Xinjuan
Time: 2022-09-19 16:50:12

View attachment 880838View attachment 880839

Gen. Wei Fenghe expressed his condolence over the severe floods hitting Pakistan. "China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners, under the guidance of the leaders of the two countries, the friendship between China and Pakistan has become stronger as time goes by. We must tide over difficulties together, fully trust each other, and unswervingly support each other's core interests on the way forward," Gen. Wei said, adding that no matter how the world situation changes, the rock-solid friendship between China and Pakistan will last forever, and the two countries will always be trustworthy and most reliable true friends and good brothers. Gen. Wei noted that, the military relations between the two countries have maintained a sound development trend in recent years. The two militaries should further enhance strategic mutual trust, deepen pragmatic cooperation, continue to improve their capability to jointly cope with various risks and challenges, and join hands to safeguard the common interests of the two countries as well as regional peace and stability.

Gen. Bajwa said that Pakistan is grateful to Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Chinese government and the Chinese military for the strong assistance the flood-hit Pakistan has received from China. Pakistan and China are iron brothers with unbreakable friendship, Pakistan firmly adheres to the one-China principle and will make efforts to guarantee the safety of Chinese personnel and institutions in Pakistan, Gen. Bajwa stated. It is hoped that the two countries will deepen exchanges in various fields such as economy, trade and disaster relief, and further improve the level of cooperation between the two militaries in joint exercises and training, said Gen. Bajwa.

The two sides also had extensive and in-depth exchange of views on the current international and regional situation and other issues of common concern.
Pascom was such a blessing for out-station calls. Before pascom we would have to request operator for 3 min or 6 minute call only.

To add to that, there was trend of using cordless phones in 90's and early 2000's also. So as you walk away from the telephone set (say from lounge to garage), you would take out antenna of cordless for good reception, even if call isn't intercepted, the extended antenna would act as a magnet for Sigs Corps Operators sniffing for unwanted wireless transmissions in cantt area and beyond.

Bahrain Commander-in-Chief expresses grief over devastation in unprecedented floods in Pakistan

September 21, 2022


(File Photo)
Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa and Commander-in-Chief of Bahrain Field Marshal Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa held a telephonic conversation On Wednesday.
Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa and Commander-in-Chief of Bahrain Field Marshal Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa held a telephonic conversation on Wednesday.
According to the ISPR, during the conversation, commander-in-Chief expressed his grief over the devastation caused by unprecedented floods in Pakistan and offered sincere condolence to the families of the victims. He offered full support to the people of Pakistan. He also appreciated Pakistan Army's efforts for rescue and relief in flood affected areas.
The Army Chief thanked for Bahrain's support and reiterated that assistance from our brotherly countries shall be vital in rescue and rehabilitation of the victims.

Press Release No 83/2022 - Ambassador of EU Called on COAS - 20 Sep 2022 | ISPR​

Press Release No 85/2022 - COAS Visited Flood Affected Areas of Badin - 23 Sep 2022 | ISPR​

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I was travelling up kharian cantt from Lahore on an invitation from CO of Punjab regt of 37 Div. I came across a MP Pickup of 17 Div from gujrat onwards who was rushing in right lane with red lights on but not hooter. It was raining and I knew he was going to kharian cantt. He was doing 120 kmph on 100 kmph limit so I understood that driver has been pumped up by an officer sitting next to him on front seat. Rear of pick up was empty and it was lone veh meaning no convoy although I had passed an Armored convoy earlier of some other div.

I thought he can be my pilot and keep clearing way for me till kharian cantt. I don’t need to honk and make way for myself anymore. I was driving civic rebirth so I brought car near his rear and matched his speed. He sped up immediately 😆

I sped up too, keeping a few meters distance. My car was isb registered under a bureaucratic’s name so I knew he wouldn’t feel threatened if I drive close to his rear as if I’m asking way.

Anyways, he kept making way for me till lalam-USA, till I made a gamble of honking at him. As expected, he didn’t budge😁 so I honked again as if I’m asking for way and brought car even closer with high beams and started flickering beams 😆 I knew he wouldn’t give me way still as I was guessing with his speed he wouldn’t change lanes and the officer sitting with him wouldn’t let him give way to me either.

So I made it a shughal though I knew it’s getting risky as it’s raining also and we are speeding at around 120 km/hr 😂 Kher I brought car a little to his right almost on road shoulder on right side and finally he succumbed to the pressure I created and moved one feet to the left so I had to drive near the divider to over take him.

This got risky for me so I decided - no I need more SPace so I honked more with constant flickering of lights 😄 he moved a bit more to the left 😂 I thought I had enough fun, either I over take from his left or I bring my bonnet up ahead like I’m over taking and then ask for more space.

I did the latter 😁 I came forward on his right and put my hand on the horn n pressed it continuously while inching ahead from 120 to 125 km/hr or so 😄

He moved left immediately but didn’t cross into left lane, that was all I needed, I pressed the accelerator and sped past him above 135 km/hr 😄

My heart was racing fast at that time but I enjoyed the thrill of it all hoping I wouldn’t come across him when I enter the cantt from convoy route 😂
Did you know that in 1999, Pakistan army crossed the LoC in Kargil & captured 7 heights from India.

Point 5353
Point Aftab-I
Bunker Ridge
Saddle Ridge
Tiger Hill

Today, Pakistan still hold 6 of these tops. India could only take back one - Tiger hill.

@panzerkeil @Signalian can you verify this

Dong Feng armoured vehicle for Pakistan 🇵🇰 army?
Yes, very good purchase. Looks more agile than an MRAP though lesser protection (at least it will be able to traverse more rough terrain). Hope it slowly becomes standard at least in more active zones. Would reduce fatality rate by a lot
Did you know that in 1999, Pakistan army crossed the LoC in Kargil & captured 7 heights from India.

Point 5353
Point Aftab-I
Bunker Ridge
Saddle Ridge
Tiger Hill

Today, Pakistan still hold 6 of these tops. India could only take back one - Tiger hill.

@panzerkeil @Signalian can you verify this
Tiger Hill was the key
Did you know that in 1999, Pakistan army crossed the LoC in Kargil & captured 7 heights from India.

Point 5353
Point Aftab-I
Bunker Ridge
Saddle Ridge
Tiger Hill

Today, Pakistan still hold 6 of these tops. India could only take back one - Tiger hill.

@panzerkeil @Signalian can you verify this
All those belonged to us prior to 1971 including what is now called Tiger Hill. In 1971, the Indians did a land grab by taking over those heights (they were either very lightly manned or not manned at all by us).
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