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I have seen a lot of people on this forum implying that FC is not equipped well enough.
Can anybody tell me what equipment can we give to FC on a smaller scale to improve their combat effectiveness?
@PanzerKiel @Desert Fox 1 @iLION12345_1
Free hand like.... set them loose ......
Free hand = maar maar ke bhorkas nikal dena
I have seen a lot of people on this forum implying that FC is not equipped well enough.
Can anybody tell me what equipment can we give to FC on a smaller scale to improve their combat effectiveness?
@PanzerKiel @Desert Fox 1 @iLION12345_1
Not much can be done because even if we equip the frontline troops with UAVs and MRAPs etc, the causalities will still be there,the reason being that the BLA usually targets the supply convoys or random mil vehs moving from one area to another without proper protection. I haven't seen any videos of them attacking a well protected convoy and whenever our troops fight them head on during a proper operation they melt away because the frontline FC troops are so well trained as well as well equipped. Thus the only real possibility is a swift yet silent and thorough cordon and combing operations, followed by well planned and managed development in those regions especially constriction of hospitals and schools(cadet colleges especially). All this development should be done along with strict monitoring like safe city projects and better intel etc. Until and unless we are able to reassure the Balochis that they are equal citizens and the government along with the army is theirs we can't win this war. If we subtract these factors the BLA won't be able to recruit more terrorists under the pretext of LIBERATION and this movement will fizzle out...
Also remember another thing that the enemy forces are too numerous and well financed for us to to deal with them in a single blow,plus our recent stern foreign policy will make it even more difficult ( yiu know where I'm pointing), thus casualties are inevitable thus the real goal must be to minimise them as much as possible.
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I have seen a lot of people on this forum implying that FC is not equipped well enough.
Can anybody tell me what equipment can we give to FC on a smaller scale to improve their combat effectiveness?
@PanzerKiel @Desert Fox 1 @iLION12345_1
I personally don’t think the FC lacks any equipment that they could be given on a short notice. They are rather well equipped compared to what they were just 6-7 years ago.

They have MRAPs and Helicopters available and they use both too. They just had a successful OP in which they rescued 5 hostages.

However I do strongly feel that the equipment isn’t being used to the max. Despite having MRAPs soldiers are still dying due to IEDs on patrols. We received hundreds of MRAPs from the US but for some reason they are in service with the PAF and the PA in locations where there’s no IED threat and are not all deployed in Ex-FATA and Baluchistan to replace Hiluxs for the FC. PA is trialing a few APC platforms for urgent aquistion to deploy in these areas and trials take time but I still feel they’re too slow, especially with how rapidly attacks have been picking up in the last couple of months.
They have helicopters and the army has so many drones, but they’re not being used as much as they should be to give ample air cover and air support

The reason we’re seeing so many casualties recently is simply because the attacks have picked up a lot. There are alot of emotional people on this forum who think giving the FC an MRAP and a drone will suddenly mean they are invincible, when the reality is that these things will have little effect to stop attacks that are so well planned to specifically attack the FC when they’re at their weakest, even a highly armored IFV will not stop an SPG-9 or an AP RPG round. Air cover can’t do much when you have to infiltrate caves and buildings where hostages are. And these terrorists recently have just been attacking outposts and lone vehicles, which in my opinion is failure of doctrine and planning on our part, knowing such attacks are possible and still putting out troops in such situations.
US forces in Afghanistan had similar casualties to Pakistani forces despite having all the equipment in the world.
The fact that the enemy can pull those off shows how much funding and planning they’re getting, but a dog fights the hardest when it’s about to die, these guys are getting desperate as they know they’re on their final legs.
Regardless, I am all for giving the FC literally every equipment possible. They should at least not be riding around in Hiluxs, that is utter incompetence on the part of higher ups. Better drone and Air cover is needed as well. They already have all the equipment. They just need to use it better.
So many visitors.....................................

Ms Angela Aggeler, US Charge d’ Affairs to Pakistan called on, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) at GHQ The US dignitary appreciated Pakistan’s sincere efforts for peace & stability in the region, especially Afghan Peace Process


The Afghan Government needs to take Afghan Peace Process seriously Taliban, Pakistan Army COAS


Regular army troops deployed at all border crossings with Afghanistan: DG ISPR

All illegal crossings are sealed and manned by troops along Pak-Afghan Border, says Maj-Gen Babar Iftikhar

News Desk
July 17, 2021

previously paramilitary troops and levies were used to guard the border crossings with the country s eastern neighbour photo file

Previously, paramilitary troops and levies were used to guard the border crossings with the country's eastern neighbour. PHOTO: FILE
The Pakistan Army has deployed regular troops at all border crossings with Afghanistan and all illegal crossing points have been sealed, said Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director-General Major General Babar Iftikhar on Saturday.

Pakistan has been building a border fence along its porous border with Afghanistan. The initiative, which started a few years earlier, is at least 88 per cent complete. The objective is to stop the infiltration of terrorist elements from Afghanistan and control unchecked movement.
H.E. Nong Rong, Chinese Ambassador to #Pakistan called on COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa at GHQ

In wake of recent Dasu bus incident involving Chinese citizens, COAS extended heartfelt sympathies & deepest condolences to government & people of the Republic of China.

I personally don’t think the FC lacks any equipment that they could be given on a short notice. They are rather well equipped compared to what they were just 6-7 years ago.

They have MRAPs and Helicopters available and they use both too. They just had a successful OP in which they rescued 5 hostages.

However I do strongly feel that the equipment isn’t being used to the max. Despite having MRAPs soldiers are still dying due to IEDs on patrols. We received hundreds of MRAPs from the US but for some reason they are in service with the PAF and the PA in locations where there’s no IED threat and are not all deployed in Ex-FATA and Baluchistan to replace Hiluxs for the FC. PA is trialing a few APC platforms for urgent aquistion to deploy in these areas and trials take time but I still feel they’re too slow, especially with how rapidly attacks have been picking up in the last couple of months.
They have helicopters and the army has so many drones, but they’re not being used as much as they should be to give ample air cover and air support

The reason we’re seeing so many casualties recently is simply because the attacks have picked up a lot. There are alot of emotional people on this forum who think giving the FC an MRAP and a drone will suddenly mean they are invincible, when the reality is that these things will have little effect to stop attacks that are so well planned to specifically attack the FC when they’re at their weakest, even a highly armored IFV will not stop an SPG-9 or an AP RPG round. Air cover can’t do much when you have to infiltrate caves and buildings where hostages are. And these terrorists recently have just been attacking outposts and lone vehicles, which in my opinion is failure of doctrine and planning on our part, knowing such attacks are possible and still putting out troops in such situations.
US forces in Afghanistan had similar casualties to Pakistani forces despite having all the equipment in the world.
The fact that the enemy can pull those off shows how much funding and planning they’re getting, but a dog fights the hardest when it’s about to die, these guys are getting desperate as they know they’re on their final legs.
Regardless, I am all for giving the FC literally every equipment possible. They should at least not be riding around in Hiluxs, that is utter incompetence on the part of higher ups. Better drone and Air cover is needed as well. They already have all the equipment. They just need to use it better.
Bruv I think that using an IFV is a waste of money they don't work well in the mountainous terrain in Balochistan in addition to that they would be expensive as hell, so we should just buy EDA MRAPS or some from Turkey or South Africa.
Bruv I think that using an IFV is a waste of money they don't work well in the mountainous terrain in Balochistan in addition to that they would be expensive as hell, so we should just buy EDA MRAPS or some from Turkey or South Africa.
I was just using it as an example to say that even the most highly armored troop carriers (IFVS) cannot withstand much beyond small arms fire or maybe 20mm cannon fire. Anything like an RPG or SPG-9, which the terrorists have plenty of, will not be stopped by them.

MRAPS can surely save soldiers on patrols from IEDs and are much better than Hilux and hence should be available to all FC patrols in Baluchistan and Ex-Fata. (we have enough, don’t need to buy anymore, just take them away from PAF and army in safe locations and deploy them) but that is one part of the massive puzzle, MRAPs can’t solve ambushes, enemy attacks on posts or casualties in IBOs, those need a lot more, and the only permanent solution is to stop the attacks altogether, but that is beyond the scope of some weapons..complicated geopolitics. IA PA and Pakistan will come out on top regardless, these terrorists will not win anything.
RAWALPINDI, Jul 21 (APP): Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa Wednesday said armed forces were ever ready to defend Pakistan against all the threats and at all costs.

He spent Eid with troops stationed near Pak-Afghan international border in Kurram district and made these remarks while addressing the troops, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, said an Inter Services Public Relations media release.

Interacting with troops and sharing Eid greetings, the COAS appreciated their high morale and unflinching resolve to defend the motherland.

He expressed complete satisfaction over operational preparedness of the formation and effective measures in place for border security.

The army chief lauded the formation for expeditious fencing in area of responsibility along Pak-Afghan international border and reiterated Pakistan Army’s firm resolve to ensure security along our borders in the face of evolving challenges.

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July 21, 2021

coas general qamar javed bajwa spent first day of eidul azha with army troops stationed near pak afghan international border screengrab

COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa spent first day of Eidul Azha with army troops stationed near Pak-Afghan international border.

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa spent first day of Eidul Azha on Wednesday with army troops stationed near Pak-Afghan international border in Kurram district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, military said.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) in a statement said that the COAS lauded the army formation for expeditious fencing in area of responsibility along Pak-Afghan border and reiterated military’s firm resolve to ensure security along borders in the face of evolving challenges.
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