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Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, General Nadeem Raza addressed the participants of National Security and War Course, at National Defence University (NDU) Islamabad.

"Pakistan Armed Forces face a multitude of challenges which demand a well-considered response strategy. Dilating upon the Revolution in Military Affairs CJCSC said, World is now witnessing introduction of autonomous & semi-autonomous weapons & preferred mode of warfare is unannounced, undeclared & invisible (Hybrid War )".

Chairman JCSC also emphasized that officers must remain focused to pursue professional excellence and should remain abreast with latest developments.

China praises Pakistan’s role for peace in region

The Frontier Post


ISLAMABAD: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa Wednesday felicitated the Chinese Ambassador for holding grand ceremony in Beijing on the occasion of 70th Anniversary of Pak-China diplomatic relations.

Ambassador of China Nong Rong called on Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa here, said an ISPR news release.

The COAS thanked the dignitary for China’s contribution towards fight against COVID-19 and provision of vaccines to Pakistan and said that Pakistan greatly values its friendly relations with its “iron brother” China.

During the meeting, matters of mutual interest, progress on CPEC and regional security situation including latest developments in Afghan Peace Process were discussed.
RAWALPINDI: Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa on Thursday appreciated efforts of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) towards polio eradication and assured the organisation of Pakistan Army’s continued support.

The army chief made these remarks during a call on paid by the chair of Polio Oversight Board, Global Polio Eradication Initiative, and president of Global Development Programme, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Christopher Elias, to him here, said an Inter-Services Public Relations release.

The COAS acknowledged the services rendered by health workers for polio eradication in Pakistan and said it was a national cause and a national effort.

Mr Elias conveyed the foundation’s appreciation for Pakistan Army for supporting the national polio drive and ensuring proper reach and coverage of polio campaigns this year, particularly through involvement of community leaders and influencers.

Moreover, the BMGF official appreciated Pakistan’s successful Covid-19 pandemic campaign and Pakistan Army’s tremendous contribution to bring it within the manageable level.
COAS visited Sialkot and Kotli - ISPR

General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) visited Sialkot and Kotli . At Sialkot, COAS attended closing session of Corps level war game where he was briefed on planning parameters and conduct modalities of the exercise. The war game was based on defensive operations cycle of a corps under conventional battle field environment in line with Operational and Planning Directives of Pakistan army. COAS appreciated sound planning and befitting application of varying operational response options to crystallise future plans in view of evolving threat matrix. Earlier on his arrival COAS was received by Corps Commander Lieutenant General Syed Asim Munir.

COAS also visited troops undergoing field training near Kotli at the conclusion of Corps level Field exercise “Taskheer-e-Jabal”. COAS was briefed about conduct of ongoing exercise aimed at enhancing preparedness of formations for various defensive and offensive manoeuvres in mountainous/ semi mountainous terrain. Troops rehearsed tactical/ operational responses to various contingencies under testing conditions. COAS also interacted with the participating troops. Appreciating hard work, high morale and professionalism of troops, COAS expressed satisfaction over conduct of the exercise. Realistic and futuristic training corresponding to evolving threat is imperative for maintaining operational readiness, COAS remarked. Earlier on his arrival COAS was received by Corps Commander Lieutenant General Azhar Abbas.

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General Nadeem Raza, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, who is on official visit to Egypt, called on General Abdel Fattah Elsisi (Retd), President of Egypt. Matters of bilateral military cooperation including security, counter-terrorism and prevailing regional environment were discussed during the meetings. President conveyed his feelings of high esteem for Pakistan Armed Forces and said that he valued brotherly relations between both the countries. Chairman JCSC also reiterated that Pakistan is keen to expand its existing bilateral military to military cooperation with Egypt. The dignitaries lauded the professionalism of Pakistan Armed Forces and acknowledged their sacrifices in fight against terrorism. Chairman JCSC also had separate meetings with General Mohamed Ahmed Zaki, Minister of Defence & Commander-in-Chief of Egyptian Armed Forces and Chiefs of the Tri-Services. Chairman JCSC led the 2nd Round of Defence and Security Talks. CJCSC highlighted the positive role of Pakistan in countering violent extremism, regional stability, connectivity and it's impact on the region and beyond. Chairman JCSC also shared Pakistan’s contributions and efforts for peace and stability in Afghanistan. Earlier upon arrival at Ministry of Defence, Chairman JCSC was presented Guard of Honour by a smartly turned out contingent of Egyptian Armed Forces.

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General Nadeem Raza, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), who is on official visit to Egypt, called on, General Abdel Fattah Elsisi (Retd), President of #Egypt
Two days long 78th Formation Commanders’ Conference was held at GHQ - ISPR
Two days long 78th Formation Commanders’ Conference was held at GHQ. General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) presided the conference which was attended by Corps Commanders, Principal Staff Officers and all Formation Commanders of Pakistan Army. Participants were briefed on prevalent geo-strategic environment, challenges to national security and own strategy in response to evolving threat. Participants held detailed discussion on a host of professional matters. Forum was also briefed on the cutting edge technologies being harnessed to modernise Army’s outfits besides up-gradation of logistics infrastructure corresponding to emerging operational imperatives. COAS expressed satisfaction over progress of the stabilization operations across Pakistan following the successes of Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad. Forum paid rich tribute to the resilient nation particularly the people of tribal areas for their supreme sacrifices in the war against terrorism. Forum also reviewed progress on transition and uplift of the Newly Merged Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and socio-economic development in Balochistan as a dividend of hard-earned peace and stability.
Reviewing the prevailing situation on Eastern Border and latest developments in IIOJ&K, forum expressed complete solidarity with Kashmiri people in their just struggle for the inalienable right to self-determination as enshrined in UNSC Resolutions. Forum was also apprised on Pakistan’s meaningful support to Afghan Peace Process and stringent measures being taken for enhancing border security. COAS laid special emphasis on maintaining high standards of operational preparedness along the LOC / Working Boundary and Pak-Afghan International Border in the wake of evolving geo-strategic milieu.
COAS appreciated high standard of training displayed by formations during various exercises besides excellent performance of officers and troops participating in international training events and competitions. COAS commended the formations for their constant focus on training and high state of morale which augments their operational readiness.
COAS appreciated formations for their all-out support to national response for tackling COVID-19 pandemic, Locust and eradication of Polio. Pakistan Army shall continue defending and serving the nation in every possible way, COAS concluded. COAS also awarded trophies to Mangla and Multan Corps for their overall best performance in Sports and Training respectively.

British High Commissioner to Pakistan Dr Christian Turner acknowledged Pakistan's efforts for peace and stability in the region in a meeting with Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Friday, according to a statement from the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

During the meeting, Turner "acknowledged Pakistan’s continuous efforts for peace and stability in the region and pledged to further enhance bilateral relations between both the countries," said the statement from the military's media wing.

COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa, visited Artillery Centre،
COAS installed, Lt General Muhammad Abdul Aziz, Commander 4 Corps as Colonel Commandant of Artillery Corps Lt Gen Asif Ghafoor, who is also from Regiment of Artillery was present during the ceremony۔


I think artillery is considered supporting arms vs fighting or primary like infantry and armor. It it’s folks like tikka khan made it to the top [emoji6]

Other supporting arms like engineers or supply etc no one made it to the [emoji772]

It’s just number game till one star and then it’s becomes a filtration process
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