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COAS attends 239th Corps Commanders’ Conference at GHQ

February 9, 202


COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa. Photo: Geo.tv

RAWALPINDI: The Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Tuesday chaired the 239th Corps Commanders’ Conference held at the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the military's media wing said in a statement.

According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), during the conference, the COAS undertook a comprehensive review of the country's regional and domestic security environment, with special focus on the situation along the borders, internal security, and other professional matters of the Army.

Against the backdrop of the Kashmir Solidarity Day, the forum noted the increasing realisation at international forums about the worsening humanitarian and security crises in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K).

According to the statement, the forum reaffirmed Pakistan's unwavering support to the resilient Kashmiri people in their struggle for the right to self-determination in accordance with the relevant UNSC resolutions.

Dilating upon the Afghan Peace Process, the participants expressed hope for peaceful and stable Afghanistan for regional peace and stability.

The commanders noted that the enormity of the security challenges warrants a holistic national response, keeping national interest above everything else. Participants underscored the need to ensure continuous operational preparedness to thwart any possible misadventure from adversaries.

The forum also deliberated upon the improved security situation in erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in detail and concluded the requirement for an early implementation of reforms in the newly-merged tribal districts, especially towards enabling the law enforcement agencies' (LEAs) apparatus to achieve sustainable peace in the area.

The forum also expressed satisfaction over countering hostile intelligence agencies’ design to disrupt peace and progress, particularly in Balochistan and Gilgit Baltistan, which lay exposed to the entire world, thus vindicating Pakistan’s stance on the role of hostile agencies in training and funding of terrorists, the statement said.

"Dividends of improved security situation including the return of international cricket in the country is a result of numerous sacrifices rendered and challenges overcome to eliminate extremism and terrorism from Pakistan. We will stay the course, InshaAllah," the COAS concluded.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (JCSC) Meeting was held at Joint Staff Headquarters, Rawalpindi.
Rawalpindi - February 11, 2021
No PR-25/2021-ISPR

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (JCSC) Meeting was held at Joint Staff Headquarters, Rawalpindi. General Nadeem Raza, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee presided over the meeting which was attended by General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff, Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi, Chief of Naval Staff, Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan, Chief of Air Staff and senior officers from Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Defence Production and tri-services.
The forum discussed the emerging regional geo-strategic environment including the fast-paced developments in the realm of strategic and conventional policies / doctrines and operational preparedness of the Armed Forces. The participants also dilated upon latest situation of COVID-19 and lauded services of ‘National Command and Operation Centre’ (NCOC) which was established to synergize and articulate unified national effort for containment of COVID-19.
The participants discussed the situation of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ & K) and reiterated that Pakistan will continue to provide all out diplomatic, moral and political support to the brave people of IOJ & K in their indigenous struggle to get justice and their right to self-determination in line with United Nations Security Council resolutions.
The forum reaffirmed the resolve of Armed Forces to respond to entire spectrum of threat in the most befitting manner in line with comprehensive security strategy. The participants lauded the sacrifices of security agencies in fight against terrorism.
At the end, Chairman JCSC lauded the jointness of the Pakistan Armed Forces in meeting all defence and security challenges.

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General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff ( COAS) visited PAF Air War College Institute at Karachi. AWCI is the highest learning pedestal of PAF. Addressing the participants of 34th Air War Course, COAS appreciated thorough professionalism of PAF and its enviable achievements. COAS urged the officers to make consistent efforts to keep abreast with modern developments and maintain cutting edge advantage. Superiority in modern day battlefield can only be maintained if we remain alive to contemporary challenges and are prepared to tackle them in line with emerging modern concepts, COAS reiterated. We must remain vigilant to respond befittingly to any misadventure by the adversary,COAS emphasised .
Earlier, COAS visited Central Ordnance Depot Karachi. COAS was briefed about upgradation of existing century old infrastructure of the depot on modern lines for provision of smooth logistics support . COAS appreciated the efforts of Ordnance Corps for its commitment in the field of logistics to enhance operational efficiency . On arrival at COD Karachi, COAS was received by Lieutenant General Azhar Saleh Abbasi, Chief of Logistics Staff & Corps Commander Lieutenant General Nadeem Ahmed Anjum.

H.E. Mr Zamir Kabulov, Russian Presidential Envoy to Afghanistan called on General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) at GHQ, today.

Rawalpindi - February 19, 2021
No PR-32/2021-ISPR

H.E. Mr Zamir Kabulov, Russian Presidential Envoy to Afghanistan called on General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) at GHQ, today.
During the meeting matters of mutual interest, regional security situation particularly developments in Afghan Peace Process were discussed. COAS said that peace in both countries is in greater interest of the region. The visiting dignitary appreciated the positive role being played by Pakistan for Afghan Peace Process and expressed that, Pak-Russia relations will continue to prosper manifolds. Both sides reiterated the commitment to enhance bilateral relationship.


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RAWALPINDI: A view of group photo on the closing ceremony of the Pakistan-Turkey joint military exercise “ATATURK-XI 2021” held at Terbela. Troops from Turkish Special forces and Pakistan’s Special Service Group (SSG) participated in the exercise. INP

Pakistan-Turkey joint military exercise concludes

The Frontier Post /
February 20, 2021

RAWALPINDI: On Saturday, the closing ceremony of the Pakistan-Turkey joint military exercise “ATATURK-XI 2021” held at Tarbela, ISPR press release confirmed.

According to the official press release, the troops from Turkish Special forces and Pakistan’s Special Service Group participated in the exercise. It also added that three weeks long exercise focused on Counter Terrorism operations including Cordon and Search techniques, Built-up Area clearance drills with Combat Aviation support, Hostage Rescue.

Free Fall by Paratroopers and Martial arts were also practiced during the training, the ISPR press release mentioned.

Regarding the chief guests, ISPR press release stated that Inspector General Training and Evaluation Lieutenant General Syed Muhammad Adnan witnessed the closing ceremony as chief guest.

A delegation from Turkey headed by Major General Emre Tayanc also attended the ceremony.
Pakistan recounts 'Radd-ul-Fasaad' counter-terrorism operation achievements:

• 353 terrorists killed, hundreds arrested
• 78 terror networks dismantled
• 375,000 IBOs. Major terror attacks foiled
• 48,000 mines cleared
• 1200 extremists surrendered
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