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April 11, 2013
April 11, 2013
The 70th Formation Commanders’ Conference chaired by General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), concluded at General Headquarters today, the half yearly conference was attended by Corps Commanders, Principal Staff Officers and all Formation Commanders. The forum was given comprehensive briefings on external and internal security environment and professional matters. Plans to provide security during May elections as asked by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) were also discussed and deliberated.

@fatman17 @nuclearpak @Aeronaut : Are these Corp Commander Meetings/Conferences really a constructive, insightful & most of all critically evaluative value-added exercise or do they all sip their teas & say 'yes' to everything that the Boss says, as is the case with most of our other meetings in the Public Sector ?
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@fatman17 @nuclearpak @Aeronaut : Are these Corp Commander Meetings/Conferences really a constructive, insightful & most of all critically evaluative value-added exercise or do they all sip their teas & say 'yes' to everything that the Boss says, as is the case with most of our other meetings in the Public Sector ?

Depends...generally people it's a mix, CC's do provide insight of the situation as after all, they are the ones heading the corp doing the op. For example the Peshawar Corp Commander (Lt Gen Khalid Rabbani) would give the briefing on the WoT...Quetta would give his own assessment etc.

If COAS wants to make some changes, there will be deliberation and all.

There is a reason that Corp Commanders conferences are held on a moments notice and in unit messes!!! So that means that COAS does take the advice seriously!
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As far as I know, the Corps Commander's Conf. always takes place at the GHQ. There is a ton of security protocol involved in getting the entire senior leadership of the Army there and given the Chief, VCoAS and all of the PSOs are posted at the GHQ, its usually a matter of the Corps Commanders coming into Pindi.

Formation Commanders Conferences may have happened at different locations, but even these as of recent have been conducted at the GHQ.

As far as I know, the Corps Commander's Conf. always takes place at the GHQ. There is a ton of security protocol involved in getting the entire senior leadership of the Army there and given the Chief, VCoAS and all of the PSOs are posted at the GHQ, its usually a matter of the Corps Commanders coming into Pindi.

Formation Commanders Conferences may have happened at different locations, but even these as of recent have been conducted at the GHQ.

Scheduled ones...yes in GHQ.

Un-scheduled...nah..they take place in practically every secret nook and cranny. Mangla airfield gets alot of traffic sometimes!;)...they are usually for just quick snap decisions, especially when a exercise is going on in some place and the chief is already there so are some other officers and the chief gets a novel idea, he calls a brainstorming session!


No PR56/2013-ISPR Dated: April 16, 2013
Rawalpindi - April 15, 2013:
A delegation of Afghan army officials, headed by Director General Military Operations (DGMO) Afghan National Army Major General Afzal Aman, visited General Headquarters (GHQ) and met Major General Ashfaq Nadeem Ahmed, Director General Military Operations Pakistan Army for talks over Border coordination with Pakistani officers here today.
Meeting was held in a cordial environment. All ongoing Cross Border Coordination issues including Border Post construction in Mohmand Agency were discussed and amicably resolved. Both sides agreed on continuation of such bilateral interactions to enhance bilateral border coordination and reduce space for detractors.
Salute to the brave sons. As a civilized society, what do we civilians do to show our gratitude for their sacrifices? Is there any welfare fund we can contribute to show our appreciation for their efforts and sacrifices?

Albeit, posted elsewhere, You can see the video of the wonderful work done by the AFIRM, and how the wounded soldiers are training for a normal life.

Salute to the brave sons. As a civilized society, what do we civilians do to show our gratitude for their sacrifices? Is there any welfare fund we can contribute to show our appreciation for their efforts and sacrifices?

Now that you mention this, a while back some of us decided to start a campaign under the banner of "Where's our yellow ribbon".....I spoke to the then DG ISPR, he flatly declined the offer and insisted the Army Welfare Fund is in place which takes care of all their needs and requirements.
We salute the armed forces for their spirit of self sacrifice and should teach our next generation to do the same. !!
Unlike Russia, Ukraine continues arms supplies to Pakistan

February 25, 2013

Dadan Upadhyay, specially for RIR

While in the past years, Moscow has made it clear that it will never supply arms to India’s enemies, Kiev has always been ambivalent on this issue.

Ukraine has once again decided to deliver a big party of 110 main battle tank (MBT) engines and related parts to Pakistan under a $50 million contract.

Committing an obvious breach of mutual trust and diplomatic understanding with India, the former Soviet Republic of Ukraine, has once again decided to deliver a big party of 110 main battle tank (MBT) engines and related parts to Pakistan under a $50 million contract.

Ukraine’s government-controlled weapons exports agency, Ukrspetsstroi, announced last Monday that the MBT engines and parts will be manufactured at Malyshev Plant in Kharkov, under a four-year agreement signed recently. The plant specialises in producing armoured vehicles and their components.

Earlier, in 1997-99, Ukraine supplied 320 T-80UD MBT engines to Pakistan for its al-Khalid main battle tank under a $650 contract. Pakistan procured the T-80s to counter the T-90 main battle tanks which were to be supplied by Russia to India under a contract which the two countries had been negotiating for several years. Russia's state arms exporter, Rosoboronexport, finally signed the contract with India to supply 347 T-90S tanks worth $1.24 billion, in December 2007. T-90S tanks were scheduled to gradually replace the outdated T-55 and earlier T-72 versions.

In addition to the supply of T-80s, Ukraine also decided to manufacture medium-size guns for the Pakistani tanks within three to four years in collaboration with China. In June 2002, the two countries signed a contract for delivery of motor-transmission part for al-Khalid tank estimated at $100 million.

With its infrared night-vision optics, antiaircraft machine guns and desert-storming diesel engine, the T-80 tank is a formidable assault weapon. It was Ukraine’s biggest arms sale to date. However, Pakistan's first major purchase of land weapons from a former Soviet Republic raised hackles in Russia, whose factories produce many of the parts that Ukraine's factories assemble into T-80s. Soon after the first 15 tanks arrived in Pakistan, Russia announced that it would not license export of any more T-80 parts to Ukraine, saying that it "strictly refrains" from selling arms to Pakistan.

According to the media reports, Ukraine is participating in the implementation of over a dozen projects in the military-industrial sphere in Pakistan. Contracts have been signed for establishing two repair test bases for T-80s in Pakistan. Kiev may also avail an opportunity to export new air defence units which were recently tested in Pakistan, which are elements of weapons of high precision. Ukraine may also reportedly participate in a major programme on setting up production facilities for Pakistani frigates. Ukrainian organizations and enterprises may get orders for the development of combat ships exterior and supply of gas turbines, acoustic systems and radiolocation units for them, they said.
Kiev may also avail an opportunity to export new air defence units which were recently tested in Pakistan, which are elements of weapons of high precision.

What AD systems can Ukraine provide?
I don't see how and why the Ukrainians would be beholden to the Indians when it comes to defence deals! The Ukrainians can sell to whom ever they like. I know that several years ago the Kolchuga passive sensor was tested and intent of purchase expressed but the deal never materialised due to US pressure. Pure speculation on my part but if we can get our hands on it........
What AD systems can Ukraine provide?

radars and SAM systems.

I don't see how and why the Ukrainians would be beholden to the Indians when it comes to defence deals! The Ukrainians can sell to whom ever they like. I know that several years ago the Kolchuga passive sensor was tested and intent of purchase expressed but the deal never materialised due to US pressure. Pure speculation on my part but if we can get our hands on it........

please elaborate....
radars and SAM systems.

please elaborate....

Apparently the Kolchuga is sufficiently sensitive to detect US stealth aircraft from unconventional sources of RF emissions, including radiation from exhaust trails and electromagnetic interference from the engine and or radio and radar emissions (however the latter bit is debatable). The US do not want this technology to get into the hands of other states or so the story goes.
Earthquake Relief Efforts

•As of Thursday, the Pakistan Army and Frontier Corps have deployed 550 soldiers and a number of helicopters to support the relief effort in Mashkel area, Balochisan, after tens of thousands of people were affected by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake there on Tuesday.[10]

My question was what kind of SAM systems?

I am not aware of any note worthy SAM system that Ukraine makes.

Ukrainian Anti-aircraft Missile System S-125-2D PECHORA-2D

SAM system S-125-2D is intended for fighting modern and future means of air attack in conditions of heavy jamming and interference. Modernized SAM System S-1...
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