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Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

If the military tries to pave a path for Jadav to be released thrn I will stop supporting Pak mil. There is a reason why we make dua for God to allow us to see falsehood for what it is and allow us to see truth as it is in Friday prayers.
PM Imran hails Pakistan Army's efforts for defending borders, ensuring internal stability
November 15, 2019


Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa meets Prime Minister Imran Khan at PM House on Friday. — PID
Chief of Army Staff Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa called on Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday to discuss the country's security situation and other matters.

During the meeting, held in Prime Minister House, the prevailing situation in Indian-occupied Kashmir and at the western border, and internal security issues were discussed.

The prime minister "hailed continued efforts of Pak Army in defending the borders while also ensuring internal security [and] stability facilitating ongoing socio-economic development," a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office said.

While the statement provided no specifics, the meeting comes in the backdrop of the JUI-F-led anti-government agitation and demand for resignation of Prime Minister Imran and holding of fresh elections in the country. Under its protest's 'Plan-B', JUI-F workers have partially or fully blocked major highways and road links across the country.

The army had earlier this month said that it stood ready to assist ‘national institutions’ in accordance with the Constitution while Gen Bajwa had vowed that the security and stability achieved through national efforts in the country will not be allowed to be reversed "to suit any vested agenda".

It also comes two days after occupied Kashmir marked 100 days since India stripped the valley of its autonomy and imposed a strict communications blackout.

Tensions between Pakistan and India have been high since August 5 when the Indian government moved to bring the restive Himalayan region under direct rule, cut telecommunications and detained thousands to quell any unrest.

On the western front, three soldiers of the Pakistan Army were martyred in an improvised explosive device (IED) blast in North Waziristan tribal district on Tuesday.



  • COAS met Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Admiral Ali Shamkhani and Army Chief Major General Abdul Rahim Mousavi.
    Regional security environment and bilateral defence cooperation discussed.

Risalpur - November 22, 2019
No PR-196/2019-ISPR

General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) visited Engineers Centre Risalpur today. Lieutenant General Moazzam Ejaz installed as colonel commandant Corps of Engineers. Outgoing Colonel Commandant Lieutenant General Javed Mahmood Bukhari (retired) large number of serving and retired officers, soldiers and families of shaheeds attended the event.
Speaking at the occasion COAS acknowledged role and performance of Corps of Engineers in operations, during natural calamities and for nation building projects.

Two major generals promoted to lieutenant general rank
November 25, 2019


Major generals Ali Amir Awan (R) and Muhammad Saeed were promoted to lieutenant general as IG C&IT and president of NDU respectively. — Photo courtesy Radio Pak
Major generals Ali Amir Awan and Muhammad Saeed were promoted to the rank of lieutenant general and were posted as the inspector general of Communications and Information Technology and president of National Defence University respectively, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) announced on Monday.

The ISPR press release also announced a few other new postings including:


Lt Gen Sahir Shamshad Mirza — Dawn/File

  • Lt Gen Sahir Shamshad Mirza as the chief of general staff

Lt Gen Nadeem Zaki Manj — Photo courtesy ISPR webiste

  • Lt Gen Nadeem Zaki Manj as the director general of Strategic Plans Division Force

Lt Gen Nauman Mahmood — Dawn/File

  • Lt Gen Nauman Mahmood appointed the commander of Peshawar Corps

  • Lt Gen Muhammad Amir as adjutant general

  • Lt Gen Shaheen Mazhar Mehmood as the commander of Mangla Corps
Rawalpindi - November 25, 2019
No PR-198/2019-ISPR

Major General Hazza bin Khalil Muhammad Al-Shahwani, Commander Qatar Emiri Guard called on General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) at GHQ, today.
During the meeting matters of mutual / professional interest and regional security situation were discussed. The visiting dignitary appreciated professionalism of Pakistan Army and expressed his desire for increased Pakistan-Qatar defence collaboration.

Jhelum - December 4, 2019
No PR-203/2019-ISPR

President Islamic Republic of Pakistan Dr. Airf Alvi today visited Army marksmanship Firing Ranges near Jhelum to witness closing ceremony of 39th Pakistan Army Rifle Association (PARA) Central Meet, the mega shooting competition of the country.
President was received by Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa.
A total of 953 firers from three services, Civil Armed Forces, Team Ex Punjab, KPK, Islamabad Police, Airport Security Force, Lahore Garrison Shooting Gallery and Federal Rifle Association participated in 25 events during the four weeks long PARA meet. War Wounded officers and soldiers who had overcome various levels of combat disabilities also participated in the event. Pakistan Army scored maximum points to become champion in Inter Services Firing Competition.
Dr. Arif Alvi awarded the trophies and medals to the winners and runners up in each shooting category. Biggest Military Shooting honour "The Master at Arms Trophy was awarded to Sepoy Muhammad Nadeem of Mangla Corps. The President’s Cup National Challenge Match Trophy was awarded to Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Idress Rasheed of Army team. The Prime Minister “Skills at Arms” big bore National Challenge Match was won by Pakistan Navy. COAS Rifle and Pistol Match was won by Pakistan Army. Chief of Naval Staff rifle match and Chief of Air Staff pistol match both were won by Pak Army. The “Best Shot Match Trophy” Group - 2 was awarded to Sepoy Clerk Saqib Ali Khan.
While interacting with participants, President appreciated the shooters on their excellent standard of marksmanship. He said that shooting is one of the basic soldiering skills and mastery in this is a proud achievement. The best way to pay homage to our Shuhada is through our contributions to the national strength in pursuit of national objectives, President concluded.

From soldiers to generals': Pakistan Army ready to take on any challenge, says COAS
December 5, 2019

General Qamar visited strike corps during its winter collective training near Bahawalpur. PHOTO: ISPR

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Bajwa has said that Pakistan Army is a well-trained force ready to deal with any challenge threatening the country defence.

The remarks were made during his visit to Strike Corps during its winter collective training near Bahawalpur, where he witnessed training exercise for conduct of “transfrontier offensive operations.”

“Strike Corps of Pakistan Army has decisive role during the war. Such exercises enhance confidence for exploiting their optimal combat potential,” the army chief was quoted as saying by ISPR, the military’s media wing.

“Pakistan Army from soldiers to generals is a well trained and battle hardened cohesive force ready to take on any challenge confronting defence and security of Pakistan.”

The COAS appreciated high standards of training displayed by all participants including PAF and “especially hailed participation and display of high standard of training by the contingent of Royal Saudi Land Forces (RSLF)”.

Senior corps commanders, IG Training and Evaluation, commander Army Air Defence Command, senior PAF officers and Deputy Commander Royal Saudi Land Forces (RSLF) Major General Ahmed Bin Abdullah Al Moqrin were also present on the occasion.

1951: Pak-Afghan Border Checkpost, Torkham.

How peaceful were the days!!!!

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