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Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

Well theres the whole trade off of numbers vs quality.
Oplot dont seem to bring anything new to the table.
You can get 2 of these for the price of 1 altay, in anycase the selected tank will be highly modified from the baseline version.
General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) visited Line of Control and Working Boundary in Khuiratta / Ratta Arayan sectors. Local commanders briefed COAS about Indian cease fire violations specifically targeting civil population across Line of Control / Working Boundary.

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General Bajwa visited CMH Sialkot to meet injured citizens due to recent Indian shelling.

If that many bodies came daily for US. Every American would have fuked shit up for the President and all his men. The sacrifices our men are making have to make a difference. They have to result in a change or else the ghazis who fought for freedom and saw their friends die will become disgruntled and may take things in their own hands.
Nobody cares anymore
Noon league and democracy brigade has brainwashed Pakistani youth to hate own army. To them they die for wages and it's fair game.
Rawalpindi - January 23, 2018
Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa inaugurated working of Army Institute of Military History (AIMH) today in a ceremony at the Army Auditorium, GHQ.

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