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Pakistan Army is ready to fight big Army like India.

I dont disagree with that either, not sure why you continue to focus on why Kargil happened rather than what the tactical movement in Kargil entailed and its merits; which is what I am talking about.
Because war is all about stratigical goals..and tactical victories are like pawns. Even if it lost that doesnt mean you lost the war.

Strategical goals are much more important than tactical victories.

You go to war with stratigical goals in mind..not with tactical goals.
Because war is all about stratigical goals..and tactical victories are like pawns. Even if it lost that doesnt mean you lost the war.

Strategical goals are much more important then tactical victories.

You go to war with stratigical goals in mind..not with tactical goals.

Like I said before, you are stuck on a one track view of looking at it from the 99 conflict instead of seeing how this may have had better uses in a different conflict.
Like I said before, you are stuck on a one track view of looking at it from the 99 conflict instead of seeing how this may have had better uses in a different conflict.
Those strategies cant be employed furthur in india pak conflicts.

Because again Pak become agressor. And diplomacy would squeez you out.
Those strategies cant be employed furthur in india pak conflicts.

Because again Pak become agressor. And diplomacy would squeez you out.

I will reiterate this for the last time because I'm bored of going in circles. Get the Kargil conflict out of your head as if it NEVER happened, then take the idea behind it and apply it in another conflict where aggression has already occurred; perhaps then there is hope for you to understand what I am talking about.
I will reiterate this for the last time because I'm bored of going in circles. Get the Kargil conflict out of your head as if it NEVER happened, then take the idea behind it and apply it in another conflict where aggression has already occurred; perhaps then there is hope for you to understand what I am talking about.
Ok enlighten me with example.
Indian aggression in Siachen for e.g.
Kargil as a offensive-defence move rather than the first blow.
Again you going way wrong.

The main purpose was not to sit on negotiation table with India to discuss if you retreat from Siachen,, then we retreat from Kargil.

But actual purpose was NH 1,, which almost cut Kashmir from mainland India. And then Pak can force IA to retreat from K.
Again you going way wrong.

The main purpose was not to sit on negotiation table with India to discuss if you retreat from Siachen,, then we retreat from Kargil.

But actual purpose was NH 1,, which almost cut Kashmir from mainland India. And then Pak can force IA to retreat from K.

Nope, you are going wrong in reading it from a pinhole. The purpose of Kargil was "The target was a vulnerable section of Dras-Kargil Road, whose blocking would virtually cut off the crucial life-line which carried the bulk of supplies needed for daily consumption as well as annual winter-stocking in Leh-Siachen Sector".

Essentially to create e stranglehold that could have relieved pressure in other areas in case of a conflict. Not create a conflict based on that pressure hold.
I never mentioned Pakistani channels by the way, so make whatever sense you want to.

Okay I thought they said they wanted OBL. And have they killed Afghan Taliban?

Did you know America itself declared head of TTP as terrorist recently and on the other hand tried to tell the world that Afghan Taliban are not terrorists but insurgents? Do you see a difference?

Did you ever see a body, just answer me this and I will agree to rest of your post.

probably a thousand time saying this..

The US did not say Afghan Taliban were not terrorist, infact they were and still in the Terrorist watch list by DOT .

The speech you refer to as dor American declaring Taliban does not exist is the White house press chief getting grilled by the press about Jordian hostage exchange. In that conference, the press scretary did not explicitly say taliban is not terrorist. He said, Taliban is an insurgency group, but he never say Taliban is not a terrorist organisation, as far as i know, an insurgency group can also be a terrorist organisation.
Most people on this thread are clueless and have no idea what they are talking about. Pervez saying what he said does not mean we will go and attack India, America or some other superpower. If that is what you made out from this video then I suggest you yourself checked for Asperger's syndrome or autism.
The war on terror has made sure our Army is bedt ready and equipped to hunt down enemiex
The Pakistanis cannot fight an organised army, never mind "big army like India". The reason Pakistan invested so heavily in "non-state actors" like Taliban, LeT, JuD etc. is because the army needed scapegoats to bind India in one place while they plan strategic moves. Unfortunately Pakistan did never calculate about a certain OBL and the effects of 9/11. The Taliban felt betrayed by Pakistan siding with US and now you have a civil war in Pakistan which is unlikely to end because the rebels have emotional and ideological support from conservative Pakistani society.

The Pakistani army has been a flop show in their zarb e azb, yes the Pakistanis are pounding furiously at rebel cities with bombardment and air power. But the Pakistanis forgot what they had been shouting to USA all along, indiscriminate bombing only adds numbers to rebel cause. To kill 10 militants Pakistan bombards an entire village killing 10 militants and 100 civilians with them. 10 years has passed but the end of Pakistani civil war is still not in sight. One commander dies, another one comes up to take his place. More and more ground has been lost by Pakistan in the war and the casualties simply keep mounting.

A "professional" army that cannot defeat taliban in their own backyard cannot make such lofty claims.

TTP is not Taliban first. So Pakistan didn't created them, its India and raw who open up 6 consulates when USA came to Afghanistan, all were breading some paid criminals to use them against Pakistan.

Also, your claims about civilians dead is also absurd. When this operation started they moved all civilians out and ensured only unarmed people joined IDP camps. So your knowledge lacks shows how ignorant and illiterate u r.

Last, the army which can beat gorilla warfare, can easily take the any thing like a India army, who can run away once time comes. And Pakistani gorilla warfare tactics will ensure Pakistan will always have the last laugh.
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