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How many Mohafiz series or protected vehicles made by HIT have been destroyed so far ?

I think the way the world works is every 15 years you have to modernize your capabilities

Mohafiz era was in late 70's , the world has become different place

I feel the Equipment used by Turkish forces or Saudi Arabia looks much more modern

But I think it is Pakistan Army's turn to be modernized after the Navy goes thru the upgrade

Navy got their 20 Ship Target
Airforce got their J10 Craft & JF17 Block III

It is really the time or Army to see a major Modernization Push

> Transport planes
> Troops transport

Easiest approach is to Move Dong Feng Assembly line in Pakistan with Large order and get the new generation trained on that Assembly line

10,000 Vehicle Order , over 5 years

Just phase out the rest or sell it to Africa
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Why installing unguided Rocket launchers on many different vehicles? Or this a special missile carrier system ? What’s the purpose of this system on this specific vehicle ?
The PLA Army has three distinct types of combined arms brigades: light (motorized), medium (mechanized), and heavy (armored).

And it is for a light combined arms brigade.
PLA Army heavy (armored) combined arms brigades

The PLA Army has three distinct types of combined arms brigades: light (motorized), medium (mechanized), and heavy (armored).

And it is for a light combined arms brigade.

How strong is PLA Marine Corps ? I mean the landing force, how many troops total are ready to invade Taiwan, how man landing ships are in service? How will PLA protect the amphibious fleet while landing on the beach from eben Artillery and air attacks?
I have a feeling the army doesn’t use the Mohafiz in hot areas on purpose, maybe it’s underpowered and not well armored, maybe they don’t have enough of them and hence there’s a poor logistical chain. Same goes with armored hiluxs and other vehicles​
I have Mohafiz or a similar vehicle under use of FC in videos. It did survive enemy firing. Army not going for Mohafiz could be Army wanting FC to cater for COIN Ops primarily, which is why FC was upgraded and CTD Police was brought into action. As for under powered or armored, MP maintains that military vehs stay in stock condition unless an upgrade is sanctioned throughout.

The threat of IED's needs to be analysed. IED attacks occur on dismounted troops also, where as the general concept (thanks to US/NATO in Afghanistan/Iraq) is that an MRAP is needed against IED attacks such as attacks on convoys or patrolling

Which Army formation will deploy the new armored vehicle ? XI Corps, LID's, the units which under COIN/CT training before being deployed in affected region. Would this vehicle get seconded to FC eventually.
Pak army must phase out all older vehicles and get dong Feng as a standard issue vehicle as a humvee was in us army and get new transport aircraft replacing C 130 and go for new IFV AFV and lower the number of force so we get qualitive advantage better equiped troops and do t go for BW 20 get new assault rifle

Pak army must phase out all older vehicles and get dong Feng as a standard issue vehicle as a humvee was in us army and get new transport aircraft replacing C 130 and go for new IFV AFV and lower the number of force so we get qualitive advantage better equiped troops and do t go for BW 20 get new assault rifle
If HIT can't produce similar assets locally, about time it should be shut down for good.
No, HIT cannot "produce" these assets locally because we don't have this type of metallurgy/techonology within our industrial grasp. This is why these and other MRAPs have to be imported. HIT cannot just "produce" items out of thin air. The nation has to have an industrial base and the technology to be able to build something without relying on importing 70% of the vehicle. If the latter is the case, which it is, then it makes little sense to produce in-house.
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No, HIT cannot "produce" these assets locally because we don't have this type of metallurgy/techonology within our industrial grasp. This is why these and other MRAPs have to be imported. HIT cannot just "produce" items out of thin air. The nation has to have an industrial base and the technology to be able to build something without relying on importing 70% of the vehicle. If the latter is the case, which it is, then it makes little sense to produce in-house.
What metallurgy? No one is demanding that they build an APC from scratch. Are they incapable of armouring a platform like the Ford F550? Why not buy the bare platform from Dongfeng and armour it locally? The economy of scales can be attained through exports.
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