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Pakistan army has no achievement: Pakistani Defence Minister

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Tell me you dont really want to discuss seriously. :lol:
Poking nose and playing mercenaries in other's war is never an achievement.

Do tell explicitly , if you people want to have your customized definition of " achievements " and want to get it accepted too . Poking nose and playing mercenary in other's war might or might not be an achievement , securing this country's interest by ensuring that the Soviets didn't stay in Afghanistan for long , sure is . What happened in the long term , is another lengthy debate . The whole operation and the ' withdrawal effects ' could have been managed in a much better stay , to avoid the circumstances and decisions leading up to the events of today . Nonetheless , what needed to be done then , was done . Islamabad couldn't afford the U.S.S.R. so close to its borders , we already had the hostile Afghans fomenting trouble for Pakistan with whatever they could , since the independence .

Nope. Azad Kashmirs fought alone.

Nope ? I know this country's history . Read up until the front's stabilization before the eventual ceasefire . But then of course , there's no extent of human ability to rationalize the truth .

Its actually mutual. Whenever military of pakistan gets chance, they stand against pakistan( only if I can assume a democratic government to be a representative of pakistan).

Mutual ? Its not even remotely comparable . The problem here with your argument is that , the political leadership has at times itself stood against the ' state of Pakistan ' by looting/plundering it to no end , taking the country to the point of near-no-returns and ensuring that its paralyzed for years after they are gone , forget the far fetched technicality of ' democratic Govt being a representative ' , it doesn't hold true here . I do not even have to base this on an assumption . Blunder , after blunder after blunder sums up the political rule except for a few exceptional cases . There's no argument of army's infallibility , they have their fair share of that as well , though the fact is that they have been able to deliver far better , than anything the politicians can possibly show . After all , the military would have a reason and sufficient guarantee of support for the coup from the people of Pakistan before attempting one ?
Stay f..ing ignorant. This is how Pakistan Army and its supporters get a bad name. They never learned 71
IF You Still Think that 71 was Army's Fault .. then you are a Bigger Idiot then I Thought .. Go Read your History To Find the Root Causes for 71 .. and see whether Army was Trying to Correct the Mess of Politicians ( Like they Always Do ) or the other way around .. until then don't enlighten us with your wasted Knowledge .. No one here is listening to your rants .
What do u mean by

Military stood firm?

They ruled u guys for decades after coups of elected govt each time,wasted money on expensive wars.
Its not something to boast about.

Sure it is...because they kept the enemy at bay - removed liabilities/crooks who plundered the nation high and dry and left it in a compromised position; not to mention that out from their own pockets they've done what the civvies should have/should be doing and they continue to do so

and thats why the nation is behind them

quite frankly i think it's indian like you who spend more time thinking about our military and our internal affairs than our own ministers do :laugh:

p.s. Parliament decides the defence budget....or next you'll say they are Army/ISI controlled as well :laugh:
I'm not a Mirpuri but i will say one thing. They had more balls than Pakstan Army.

Keep making everything political. This is what i always expect from MQMers

Yeah yeah. From what I have heard from different Pakistanis in UK they have some really bad stuff to say about MIrpuris. Talking about balls I think army should vacate AJK and let you guys face IA in a conflict. Lets see how many hours you guys would survive? My best bet is 1:30 hours. :D

GB people are far better than you guys anyways. No wonder they don't want themselves to be associated with you.
IF You Still Think that 71 was Army's Fault .. then you are a Bigger Idiot then I Thought .. Go Read your History To Find the Root Causes for 71 .. and see whether Army was Trying to Correct the Mess of Politicians ( Like they Always Do ) or the other way around .. until then don't enlighten us with your wasted Knowledge .. No one here is listening to your rants .

If you think the Army didn't Rape, Torture, and Kill Bengalis, you are full of sh!t.
Its better to support a corrupt party than a dictatorship anyday.

Zia-ul-haq did more harm to pakistan in 10 years than nawaz sharif can do in 100 years

In theory may be. Not in practical.

It was zia again who brought Nawaz to politics.
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