I also don’t understand why after 9 posts of praising something when I write one post to also mention the flaws of something, I become anti-Pakistan or anti-China, it’s hilarious to me how unwilling many from both nations are to even hear a shred of criticism even after you ensure them you’re on their side.
OK respected member, You are no anti Pakistan or china you are stating your opinion with facts that you know with resource you are provided with. I am saying what I know. You are also not providing any facts from resource but I am not going to say you are wrong your way of looking at things is different then mine.
Can you state with references only once ? whatever you have said has no backing by references. Explain properly once this time I request humbly. Dont mean no disrespect if you are right then it will become clear.
All of the things I’ve said have several references already posted by me and other members in the AK information pool threads.
But if you’re not convinced, tell me what exactly you need a source for?
The Autolaoder in both the VT4 and AK is of the exact same carousel design as in T90 and T72, that is a well known fact.
The Ammo in VT4 and AK is stored in armored ammo bins at the rear and gunner side of the hull, it is also lined with Kevlar and has its own explosion and fire suppression system, but it is not covered or isolated, it is still within the crew compartment and does not have any blast panels, that means that while it is less likely for there to be a catastrophic explosion of this ammo in these tanks, it is not impossible, and if said explosion does occur, the tank will pop its turret much like a T90S. And if a round hits the carousel owing to its poor side armor, then the same thing happens as well, because the carousel has no additional protection in AK over T72 or T90S, might be some extra armor in AK1 and VT4, but definitely not in AK, and what about the UD, who’s interior is identical to Russian T80Us that suffer from similar problems? And what about Al Zarrar, which has its ammo all around the cabin like any Russian tank?
I don’t know what sources you want me to provide for things that are well known and well established facts, but I still suggest you to check in the information pool threads as all of this is already present there.
Now for the Design issues with the Al Khalid platform (this applies to every tank of the ZTZ 80, 96 and Type 90 family, including VT4 and Al-Khalid), all of their frontal armor arcs are less less than 30 degrees. This means that the thickest part of their armor is concentrated at a very small area in the front, and even a threat which is present at the front of the tank, can hit its weak sides, because the armor does not extend around the sides, meanwhile in ZTZ99, or T90, the frontal armor arc extends around to nearly 45 degrees on either side, which means the thickest part of the armor is the only part that can be engaged from the front of the tank. Again, what source do you want me to provide for this other than the fact that it is clearly visible in every single photo of these tanks? Like have you actually looked at the armor layouts of the two tanks side by side?
Now for your Al-Zarrar queries. How do you think spaced armor works?
The steel plates on the Al-Zarrar turret are thin reshaping plates meant to allow installation of ERA, they are not spaced armor, they are too thin to act as such and do not have enough space between the actual turret behind them to act as armor. Even HIT calls them only as “Reshaping plates” as evident by several pictures from HIT, again, have you ever looked at those?
The story about the AL-Zarrar being hit by multiple RPGs is false, you can find the original story on this very forum in the Al-Zarrar thread, half the crew died in that engagement and there are photos of the tank with its turret-back blown open. I’ll post those here;
I hope the giant hole in the turret is clear enough. And so is the thickness of the nonexistent “spaced armor”
Now if you want me to prove every little detail from the ground up I can do that too, but I’d have to explain to you the basics of tank armor and design and that’s not my job. I suggest you do your own research, there’s more than enough available online to draw correct conclusions.
And I’d once again like to clarify that none of this means I’m calling PAs armor bad or weaker than it’s adversaries, I’ve always claimed the contrary, what we have is better, but that doesn’t mean I won’t point out its flaws or correct wrong information.
For those interested in the AZ story, from what I’ve been able to gather, Two separate AZs were attacked, one with multiple IEDs and grenades, that’s the one we often hear about that survived the attacks and so did it’s crew, because it was not attacked with piercing explosives. The one we often see in pictures however was hit by an SPG7 and penetrated, with half its crew being martyred.